:juggle:Some questions are nagging me for a long time.
Are the Tamil brahmins live and lead their activities scientifically in oneness or sync with the society at large?
Are you just landed from moon or what ?
Literature, art, music, dance , village architecture, temple architecture almost all the aspects of the Tamil culture is influenced by Vedas still to a large extent remain today after the onslaughts of foreign rule for 200 or more years and the neo-self-respect government after 50 or more years.
Do you still want me to explain the role of brahmins in bringing the vedas to practice.
Have brahmins added to the economic value addition and capital formation of the world in totality?
The education breeds culture with wrong education we get all sorts of wrong ideas.
More than economic value we valued love for others, mutual -respect , in Dharma knowledge etc.. Do you know only in Vedic culture there is this concept of feeding and accomodating guests where the guest could be anybody who doesn't belong to your village.
Could you imagine to sell food is scorned and hotels are entirey alien concept till the advent of foreign culture.
We regarded food as godesses "ANNA-LAKSHMI" . We encouraged people to give food and cloths freely. We built choultries and ghats. We regarded everthing is divine. We actively encouraged people to pursue a order of living which develops maturity in people. Entirely different culture.
Have they dominated the caste ladder by siding with poweful because they had the skill of the gab and not hand?
What non-sense - wrong understanding, My grand-mother used to live in only one saree. She is called one saree patti. At that time they even don't know who rules. In village they all lived in peaceful co-existence. Who says we don't have skill of hand. Haven't you see kolams, the culinary art and a whole lot hand made items from our community. My grand-pa can make cups out of leaves, he can spun coir ropes from coconut all by himself he can do whole lot of other things like weaving pandal etc... Many of the Brahmins still endure great poverty and hardships . One just have to visit any famous temples in Tanjore district with no brahmins left in the village. The temple priest endure many hardships to continue with daily rituals for the temple (I would say extra-ordinary)
We don't side with any powerful, . Only they side with us for power for they rightly know without the knowledge and blessing of Vedas power is nothing. We side only with God and Truth.
We didn't seek any power or domination of caste ladder. These are all Western Ideas and this self- respect movements got influenced by them.
Our discipline , intelligence , spirit of love inspired people and most importantly we defined our labour strictly as per VEDIC rules so we didn't pose as a competitor to any other section of society that gave the respect.
Is "adversity's sweet milk is philosophy" in tamil brahmins's life in the context of the society and its well being? - I really don't understand this.
can the thinkers and historical experts advise me on these ideas?
Your views are very negative, There may be transgressions by some brahmins here and there to the VEDIC spirit. But that doesn't mean as a whole we didn't strive for the well-being of others. Seeing all the cultures and civilisation only confirmed my views that we have done much better than others in preserving the Vedic spirit.
Additions: Brahmins by genetics are separate entities as any individual human being or groups.They lived by "meme".I mean to some extent by maya instead of nijam. While entire society was pusuing practical goals and existence,Brahmins neglected hard work anf found solace in esoterics ,philosophy and rituals.While kings conducted any function are ceremony brahmins were agents between the king and the titualr deities.Is it a mature activity in the circumstances?
Brahmins also pursued practical goals, which is artha (artha shastra) , kama (kama sutra) and they told the folks how to pursue those in line with the universal order (dharma- neeti shastra) .They also actively pursued knowledge.
The contents of Veda are not in the grasp of ordinary intelligence. It needs extra ordinary intelligence to grasp the result of ritual by intelligence. Kings are nothing but God personification and the rituals are meant for the good of the people. It is of course a mature activity to help king in rituals as brahmins are well versed with VEDAS to effect the ritual. I don't see any conflict.
Further thoughts thrived in the idle brains but no action followed.
They exercised the authority of vedic knowledge(?) if at all they possessed(not all). Amongst the brahmins there was no unity except in bajans and sharing of the alms from the kings.This economic sharing resulted because of physical existence. Please clarify these root questions.
In idle minds, only devils thrive. The CARNATIC music who developed ? Even though it is revealed to three divinities? It is propogated by brahmins only. Without which there is no Illayaraja or MSV music we could enjoy.