There are a lot eligible Tamil Brahmin Boys seeking suitable Brides from the same community. Some are well educated and well earning, some are well educated but may not be earning good, some are non-graduates but earning well and a very few are less educated and earning much less as per today's standards. Four decades before girls and their parents were treated with contempt for one reason or the other. But in those days,too, well educated and also wealthy boys/parents accepted in marriage girls less fortunate in any respect. Whichever way the girls married to become Dharmapatnis, In life happy childhood, access to proper education, prowess to score better there, landing in well paying vocation/business, getting married to blissful life thereafter and so on are each different and independent of the other. We have seen stunning paradoxes in the life of people. Each one is endowed with that kind of life that he deserves or his Karma entails him. If it is the duty of Brahmin boy to uphold this tradition so it is of the girls of the community. Money rules over everything and that includes US too. I have come across a lot of girls having very weak horoscope and they insist on their own choice in Matrimony, but brush aside the astrological points. The may have a match, or may not, of their choice. But whether a boy or a girl better please listen to voice of the heavens through the media our rishis and munis handed to us. Today's parents of girls are better placed than those of yesteryears. The latter would not have imagined that the table would be turned against them like this. God has his own ways of ironing out, but has he not blessed us with intelligence! So to say, the Tamil Brahmin community girls have responsibility too to preserve it, unless they think they are not obliged to. In doing so you will only equalling man. The whole exercise by me is not to blindfold them but appealing to them to distinguish all things. All birds were flocking to America, and now Americas slide seems to have started what with their science, technology, money power and military power. Once again I appeal to them to see the writing on the wall and preserve yourself.