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Talibanisation of Kerala

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The Pioneer > Online Edition : >> Talibanising Kerala

quite chilling if it is true. I normally visit India at least once a year and the last few years traveled a bit in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and surprisingly found increasing number of Muslim women with a full face veil except the eyes (niqab) and the traditional Arab black dress (abaya). I have always wondered what the heck is happening as in my school, college days have never come across such a huge number of Muslim women in traditional Arab dress. This article indicates some kind of fatwa from the Muslim clergy to wear the traditional Arab dress for women. Strangely I have not come across the menfolk wearing the Khandurah (arab dress for men) in equal numbers. Are these women wearing them because of pressure from the clergy or their own free will?

I work in Dubai (the most liberal place in the Gulf) and can say that a majority of the national women don't wear the niqab though the abaya is still worn so it is even more strange that Muslim women in India are taking to the niqab in increasing numbers. Has anyone else noticed this or am I imagining?
Dear Anand,

I live in Trivandrum. Prof. Joseph, in my opinion, had either a mischievous intent or was not fit for a Malayalam Professor's job, when he set the question paper with an unwarranted inclusion of the name Mohammad in it. As a Malayali he could have chosen from hundreds, if not thousands of Muslim names to suit the imaginary character ( a mad man) he wanted to name. For example if someone were to include the name of any of our Acharyas, we will also feel hurt but, as we are, by nature, not given to extremes, we may just petition, approach the courts, etc., for redressal. But among Muslims there seems to be an increase in the aggressive mentality of late. What are the causative factors, are they purely internal, etc., have not been clear so far.

Coming to purdah, it is just like many of our members yearning for the lost golden era of madisaar, kudumi, panchakachcham + angavastram, and so on, IMO. The Muslim women also seem to want that they assert their "Muslimness" to the society at large.
Shri. Joseph,

I don't support Prof. Joseph if he indeed made fun of the Prophet though he says he has been totally misinterpreted. Either way, we don't know so we cannot actually comment on it. Of course, it is no reason to cut off one's hand. But if you read the entire link, there are more disturbing elements of it like Taliban style courts and pamphlets proclaiming the Islamization of India. This is what I am worried about. And anyone in their right sense should be worried about given the history of Islamic radicals. Please read here Islamic radicals. I am not talking here about the moderates. I believe that a majority of Muslims want peace. But the agenda of the radicals is well known. There has been enough evidence unearthed even in USA about their wanting to establish a Islamic Caliphate.

If a country is not vigilant enough and caught napping you can be overrun by these elements in no time because funds and arms are not an issue for them. You said exactly the right thing. That we would petition the courts if our saints are maligned. But this is not happening in the radicals case. And that is worrying because apart from being a law and order problem it is religious fanaticism at its worst. Imagine a scenario like this. Today the Muslims are 25% of the population. Tomorrow this becomes 75%. The radicals can declare themselves an Islamic state and introduce the Sharia Law. Taliban style courts can make a comeback. I am actually not against the 25% becoming 75% if the means of achieving it is fair. But I don't want God's Own Country becoming a haven for Islamist radicals. Do you agree?

As you rightly said, a minority of the members of our community probably yearn for the golden era but it is still in the yearning stage but I am taken aback at this sudden spurt of asserting the Muslimness within a short time period. They have actually been able to implement it. Good for them. I am not against it but I want to know the real reasons behind it.
Shri. Joseph,

I don't support Prof. Joseph if he indeed made fun of the Prophet though he says he has been totally misinterpreted. Either way, we don't know so we cannot actually comment on it. Of course, it is no reason to cut off one's hand.
Dear Anand,

You seem to have been concentrating too much on Joseph! I have read the entire episode relating to the QP and can say that no prof. would have done it in the ordinary course. I could have given the complete picture but that paper has been destroyed possibly, in the usual course. Based on my judgement J appears to me to be an aggressive proselytizer which fact will now be covered up skilfully by the powerful Church and the secular media.

But if you read the entire link, there are more disturbing elements of it like Taliban style courts and pamphlets proclaiming the Islamization of India. This is what I am worried about. And anyone in their right sense should be worried about given the history of Islamic radicals. Please read here Islamic radicals. I am not talking here about the moderates. I believe that a majority of Muslims want peace. But the agenda of the radicals is well known. There has been enough evidence unearthed even in USA about their wanting to establish a Islamic Caliphate.

If a country is not vigilant enough and caught napping you can be overrun by these elements in no time because funds and arms are not an issue for them. You said exactly the right thing. That we would petition the courts if our saints are maligned. But this is not happening in the radicals case. And that is worrying because apart from being a law and order problem it is religious fanaticism at its worst. Imagine a scenario like this. Today the Muslims are 25% of the population. Tomorrow this becomes 75%. The radicals can declare themselves an Islamic state and introduce the Sharia Law. Taliban style courts can make a comeback. I am actually not against the 25% becoming 75% if the means of achieving it is fair. But I don't want God's Own Country becoming a haven for Islamist radicals. Do you agree?
All these symptoms have been known for a long time - at least 10 years - to ordinary people like me; so the CID, CBI, etc., must have known from much earlier and in much more detail. Still if GOI does not feel it is a serious problem, what can you and I do? The BJP bungled the only chance they ever got because they were as more interested in power and pelf and sticking to the chair, than "hindutva" on which they came to power. That way hindus have lost all political chance. What else can be done now? I don't know. But I fully agree that the portent is not at all reassuring.

As you rightly said, a minority of the members of our community probably yearn for the golden era but it is still in the yearning stage but I am taken aback at this sudden spurt of asserting the Muslimness within a short time period. They have actually been able to implement it. Good for them. I am not against it but I want to know the real reasons behind it.[/QUOTE]
Shri. Joseph,

I don't support Prof. Joseph if he indeed made fun of the Prophet though he says he has been totally misinterpreted. Either way, we don't know so we cannot actually comment on it. Of course, it is no reason to cut off one's hand.
Dear Anand,

You seem to have been concentrating too much on Joseph! I have read the entire episode relating to the QP and can say that no prof. would have done it in the ordinary course. I could have given the complete picture but that paper has been destroyed possibly, in the usual course. Based on my judgement J appears to me to be an aggressive proselytizer which fact will now be covered up skilfully by the powerful Church and the secular media.

But if you read the entire link, there are more disturbing elements of it like Taliban style courts and pamphlets proclaiming the Islamization of India. This is what I am worried about. And anyone in their right sense should be worried about given the history of Islamic radicals. Please read here Islamic radicals. I am not talking here about the moderates. I believe that a majority of Muslims want peace. But the agenda of the radicals is well known. There has been enough evidence unearthed even in USA about their wanting to establish a Islamic Caliphate.

If a country is not vigilant enough and caught napping you can be overrun by these elements in no time because funds and arms are not an issue for them. You said exactly the right thing. That we would petition the courts if our saints are maligned. But this is not happening in the radicals case. And that is worrying because apart from being a law and order problem it is religious fanaticism at its worst. Imagine a scenario like this. Today the Muslims are 25% of the population. Tomorrow this becomes 75%. The radicals can declare themselves an Islamic state and introduce the Sharia Law. Taliban style courts can make a comeback. I am actually not against the 25% becoming 75% if the means of achieving it is fair. But I don't want God's Own Country becoming a haven for Islamist radicals. Do you agree?
All these symptoms have been known for a long time - at least 10 years - to ordinary people like me; so the CID, CBI, etc., must have known from much earlier and in much more detail. Still if GOI does not feel it is a serious problem, what can you and I do? The BJP bungled the only chance they ever got because they were as more interested in power and pelf and sticking to the chair, than "hindutva" on which they came to power. That way hindus have lost all political chance. What else can be done now? I don't know. But I fully agree that the portent is not at all reassuring.

As you rightly said, a minority of the members of our community probably yearn for the golden era but it is still in the yearning stage but I am taken aback at this sudden spurt of asserting the Muslimness within a short time period. They have actually been able to implement it. Good for them. I am not against it but I want to know the real reasons behind it.[/QUOTE]
in kerala there is a ? whois next in between xtin and muslim. both wants to show of there strength in politics and want to polarise the vote bank. will any political party will elect the other from there strong hold! then only we can say kerala is god own country. is it going to happen! not at all in near future.... in between our main stream political parties will fish what ever is possible by them.

in the case of prof. j `s case . he should not ventured to use the name. Actually the book is written by P.T.KunjuMohammed .even though it is the extrat form the book.

but to say, this is not the way to show the anger on some body. to cut the hand and legs. in any civilised society... Mad people will be there in all sides..
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Dear Anand,

You seem to have been concentrating too much on Joseph! I have read the entire episode relating to the QP and can say that no prof. would have done it in the ordinary course. I could have given the complete picture but that paper has been destroyed possibly, in the usual course. Based on my judgement J appears to me to be an aggressive proselytizer which fact will now be covered up skilfully by the powerful Church and the secular media.

I did not find anything in my reply indicating that I am concentrating on Joseph. Even if Joseph is a proselytizer, I don't approve of his hand cutting. My only concern is bringing Taliban style governance in India.

All these symptoms have been known for a long time - at least 10 years - to ordinary people like me; so the CID, CBI, etc., must have known from much earlier and in much more detail. Still if GOI does not feel it is a serious problem, what can you and I do? The BJP bungled the only chance they ever got because they were as more interested in power and pelf and sticking to the chair, than "hindutva" on which they came to power. That way hindus have lost all political chance. What else can be done now? I don't know. But I fully agree that the portent is not at all reassuring.

IMO, it is good not to rely on any political parties. We know they exist only for profiteering. I think the solution lies in trying to imbibe the Hindu culture within and to our children. It is not a small task in the present scenario but still it has to be done. Unless, the cancer is arrested from within there is no point in even blaming other religions. They will do what they think they have to do. It is we who have to strengthen our religion and make the future generations appreciate it.
Is not the media to be blamed for such a situation? Media had full week celebration of arrest of one MUslim leader in Kerala last week. National main events were kept aside and undue importance given to such incidents. Because of media we are carried away from the main point. It is high time they control themselves for social harmony.
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