...here the meats come packaged and sometimes even cut. you ask the average canadian wife to clean a fish and she would blink.
K, I have a different take on this, sorry in advance, I hate to disagree with you!
These Canadian wives, or Canadian husbands, or wives and husbands from any other country, who are too squeamish (from where does this squeamishness come from, one ought to pause and think about that for a moment) about twisting that little neck of a chicken, or bringing down that blade upon the neck of that bewildered goat/sheep -- let me not mention the much revered cow to spare the sensitivities of devout Hindus -- but only too glad to have all the dirty work already done for them so that they can enjoy cooking and eating a little cordon bleu or tender mutton Kashmiri, or whatever else, is, I daresay, a hypocrite.
The ones who are strict vegetarians are not squeamish about plucking some okra (வெண்டைக்காய்) or spinach (கீரை), cleaning them, cutting them to pieces, putting them in boiling water or hot oil. On the other hand, the otherwise good and happy people who enjoy the taste of the flesh of animals, why are they so squeamish about plucking the little head off that chicken or cutting that goat's head?
Well, the modern food industrial complex has made it all so easy, nobody needs to worry about all the gory details, they have conveniently saved the connoisseur of exquisite meat preparations from any mental compunctions, like the tiny spaces in which chicken are raised making them so psychotic that they have to be debeaked to prevent them from hurting each other; like the tonnes of artificial feeds laced with slaughter waste -- thus making them cannibals and resulting in deadly mad-cow decease -- and the heavy dose of antibiotics added to their feed to keep them from developing a myriad of deceases due to the fact the cattle are left to spend their entire miserable lives wallowing in their own excrement, not to mention the enormous environmental cost.
Of course, may veg and non veg and all that in between flourish, just as long as the grisly details are kept hidden from the dainty Canadian wives, and husband, and the wives and husbands from all other countries as well.
Sorry to go against you my friend, but this is where I stand, like it or not.