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I received a marriage invitation some months back. On going through, I found that before the name of the bride, the word 'Sow' was mentioned. What was new in this expression? To convey the meaning 'Sowbhagyavathi', the expression should have been 'Sow.' What does it matter if there is a full stop there or not. A sea of difference.

Today, all are worried about 'swine flu'. This word 'swine' means 'male pig'. What is the word for female pig. Yes, it is 'SOW'. Only a small point change the entire meaning. Is it fair our 'gruhalakshmis' are called female pigs?

Better a fullstop is put at least during proofing!

:flypig: G. Soundara Rajan
many a times this type of blunder is committed owing to lack of informations. What to do?. No one would have done it if they are knowing the seriousness of the lapse.
Again nowadays most of the marriage receptions take place previous to the actual marriage day. The greetings are directed " blessings/wishes/Congratulations on your married life" where as the marriage has not taken place yet and the occassion is only a reception on account of impending marriage next day. Such wishes are more appropriate and valid should they be offered after tying mangalasutra.
Dear Sir,
Your Definition for ,"Sow" is quite amazing.Swine Flue is latest invention and that too it is influenced only on European Countries.
The traces of Swine Flue in India too are just imported from there.
Sowbagyavathy means,the one (Sumangali) blessed by Mahalakshmi.
In short our ancestors adress as Sow.This regular practice was followed for a very long time by our ancestors.
Christians used to call our Gods as Sathans.In fact they are the real Sathans in India.
Meanings will always differ in all languages.
May be European Ladies may be reffered as Pigs according to your quote.
In english meaning should be only taken according to the context.Comparing an Hindu word with english is foolish
I received a marriage invitation some months back. On going through, I found that before the name of the bride, the word 'Sow' was mentioned. What was new in this expression? To convey the meaning 'Sowbhagyavathi', the expression should have been 'Sow.' What does it matter if there is a full stop there or not. A sea of difference.

Today, all are worried about 'swine flu'. This word 'swine' means 'male pig'. What is the word for female pig. Yes, it is 'SOW'. Only a small point change the entire meaning. Is it fair our 'gruhalakshmis' are called female pigs?

Better a fullstop is put at least during proofing!

:flypig: G. Soundara Rajan

In our family we normally spell it as "Sou"
Dear Sri T.S. Sankara Narayanan Sir,

Swine Flu was not 'invented' by the European country. It originated in Mexico.

By the way, I thought this whole thread must have been posted under the 'Jokes' category. Most of us know the meaning of Sowbhagyavathi and most of us made this joke under one context or other.

What however I don't understand is your unnecessary slam on 'European' countries and particularly the 'European Ladies'. Is this the way, our culture teach us to be offensive towards other innocents?

Defending our religion's rights is one thing. But these types of heaping abuse on others who have not done anything to us is becoming the trade mark of our right.

Am I wrong in pointing this out? This is something important for our youngsters to understand.


Dear Sir,
Your Definition for ,"Sow" is quite amazing.Swine Flue is latest invention and that too it is influenced only on European Countries.
The traces of Swine Flue in India too are just imported from there.
Sowbagyavathy means,the one (Sumangali) blessed by Mahalakshmi.
In short our ancestors adress as Sow.This regular practice was followed for a very long time by our ancestors.
Christians used to call our Gods as Sathans.In fact they are the real Sathans in India.
Meanings will always differ in all languages.
May be European Ladies may be reffered as Pigs according to your quote.
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krs is right.

i have been waiting for some time, to give my wee bit on the persistent content, tone and irrational prejudices of your posts.

sankar, we are aware of your political and organization bias. that is a personal matter with you, and it is ok with us, as long as you don't bring it into this forum.

keep your affiliations to bjp and rss and vhp away from this forum. that is your personal matter. it only becomes our business when you use this forum as an instrument for propagating their values.

believe me. you are not the first person to do that here. in that context, unfortunately, we have lost several gems of members, through these insensitive and inane posts.

sankar, what is alarming, is that in many posts there is a clear indication of your biases and pleas based on the basest of human appeals ie emotional appeal based on religion.

i have told you before that this is not good for you, your progeny or your soul.

in another post just yesterday, you had appealed for business offers as a bjp. that sir is a no no.

in this thread, you have heaped abuse on other cultures, based on your ignorance.

if we as TBs behave like this, what is the difference between us and the riff raffs of this world? show some maturity.

also, from my view as a moderator, this is the only and last warning you will get. next time your moniker will be banned.

take me seriously here. watch out the content of your posts - no more appeals based on your affiliation to rss, bjp or vhp.

thank you.

ps.. you will note that inspite of your objectionable cohorts, i had no problem doing the needful for your daughter. i did not tell the KIT folks about your affiliations. i believe your daughter should not suffer because of your prejudices. perhaps KIT would have judged you differently then. don't keep company of dhushtans. it will come back to haunt your family and progeny.

pps..fyi, i have met too many people bent on violence, only to regret it bitterly, after being participants to such and regretting the consequences; and converted to other religions out of disgust of their own behaviour. do not put yourself to such situations. violence begets only evil. there are no victors.

i wish to reiterate, violence is not our tradition. ours is one of erudition, peace and goodwill. do not contribute to marring this glorious inheritance.
Without the threat of extreme step of expulsion, disciplining is possible, particularly in initial stages.

Management scientists and Social psychologists the world over have discarded the 'carrot and stick' policy as an effective tool of reward and punishment. Moreover, this tool cannot function in isolation, without being accompanied by many other tools of the reward and punishment mechanism.

My appeal is not to threaten the errant/deviant at the first instance. Let him be given a few more chances to mend his ways.
I wonder how this turn to such a boiling issue. certainly am not claiming something against soundarrajan sir. The meaning is like that only. But think of it. "Sow" is a beejam of mahalakshmi. the other two "AIM" is for saraswathi and "Gleem" is for durgaparameswari. It is in this context, we use "Sow". Sow certainly means sowbhagyavathi only. Because, we enlighten our english knowledge with so many things, we see everything in english only. Is it fair to replace my original name "sureendar" to replace as "lord of devas". Similarly, swobhagyavathi has also been like that. One thing is possible. You can better put it as a whole as sowbhagyavathi in invitations.

But remember, "Sow" is a bheejam which pleases lakshmi other than any sloka.
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Durgadasan ji,

Thank you for the idea of supporting me, pls. But the basic issue is between Shri Sankaranarayanan ji and Moderator ji. Kindly go through the postings in the thread once again.

I am sad over the fact that my scribbling has resulted in this kind of expulsion of one person, but this thread and the discussions are only instrumental and it is a result of the accumulated charges against the person. The matter has had back details, which had worked this way pls.

Coming to your point, your explanation is excellent. Being persons with some English knowledge, this is some kind of expression over the anomoly in the meaning in the language. Sanskrit words should be meant with Sanskrit meaning only. Looking for meaning in a different language is an exercise in absurdity. Your embelishment that Sow is the beejam of Godess Lakshmi is highly informative.

The idea of your quoting from one of the dhyana slokams of Devi Mahtmium in praise of Godess as a signature slogam ibn all your postings is quite excellent. Kindly keep it up.

Thanks & Kind of you,

"அவரவர் இச்சையில் எவை எவை உற்றவை அவை தருவித்தருள் பெருமாளே!"
_ திருவக்கரை திருப்புகழ்
Dear Kunjuppu ji and KRS ji,
I am exclaimed in what way I am to be blamed or Charged.
"Your Children and My children are playing with Our Children" is not our style of living.
Our Prestiguous Tradition is Eternal.I am very proud of our Tradition.
I doesnt mean all Eurorean Ladies to Pigs.
I quoted ,"May be" prior to my quote.May be means an indirect acceptance for May not be also.
I think that both of you are very particular in sending me out of this forum,If so I wont wait for you to involve in such attitude,because you always find fault in all my writings. I am ready to quit if you want,that to immediately.
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Dear Kunjuppu ji and KRS ji,
I am exclaimed in what way I am to be blamed or Charged.
"Your Children and My children are playing with Our Children" is not our style of living.
Our Prestiguous Tradition is Eternal.I am very proud of our Tradition.
I doesnt mean all Eurorean Ladies to Pigs.
I quoted ,"May be" prior to my quote.May be means an indirect acceptance for May not be also.
I think that both of you are very particular in sending me out of this forum,If so I wont wait for you to involve in such attitude,because you always find fault in all my writings. I am ready to quit if you want,that to immediately.
Swaminatha Sharma, Did you forget about the Good Slap already given to you in Sow. Lavanya case.?
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Durgadasan ji,

Thank you for the idea of supporting me, pls. But the basic issue is between Shri Sankaranarayanan ji and Moderator ji. Kindly go through the postings in the thread once again.

I am sad over the fact that my scribbling has resulted in this kind of expulsion of one person, but this thread and the discussions are only instrumental and it is a result of the accumulated charges against the person. The matter has had back details, which had worked this way pls.

Coming to your point, your explanation is excellent. Being persons with some English knowledge, this is some kind of expression over the anomoly in the meaning in the language. Sanskrit words should be meant with Sanskrit meaning only. Looking for meaning in a different language is an exercise in absurdity. Your embelishment that Sow is the beejam of Godess Lakshmi is highly informative.

The idea of your quoting from one of the dhyana slokams of Devi Mahtmium in praise of Godess as a signature slogam ibn all your postings is quite excellent. Kindly keep it up.

Thanks & Kind of you,

"அவரவர் இச்சையில் எவை எவை உற்றவை அவை தருவித்தருள் பெருமாளே!"
_ திருவக்கரை திருப்புகழ்

Dear Soundara Rajan,
Namaste.I have more and more ambitions that this Forum must bring unity among our Prestiguous Community.
But Fatelly misfortunes are also happening.
Any way I have no anger or any thing even if I am expelled from this Forum.I send private messages to Kunjuppuji and krs ji regarding this.
I am a Rly Pensioner (I am a VRS Rly employee came out of railways even when I was just 36 yrs during 1995).Now I am 50.
More over I am a member in Lions Club of Madurai Armour.
Besides I am always busy in Sree Neela Travels.
Above all I am a Dist Ex Comitee Member of BJP and always strong and against Bribe and anti social activities.
For the past 3 days I am very busy with the CTTO/Madurai Corpn Kid nap case.
I send private mails to Comissinor of police ,corpn,Vigilance and anti corruption and so on and I am very busy in that.
It is my nature and in born character that I never see or think abt my opponent who ever he may be.
I will be the least bothered even if I am sent out of this Forum and even then I wont stop my activities even after my expulsion.
I will have Fear only to God and Dharma and never fear about any men in particular,Power,or any thing.
If we respect Dharma,and God we need not bother abt any thing.
The word "Sow" in the invitation is an abbreviation of Sanskrit word "Sowbagyavathi" is just a Transliteration in English. The meaning should be that of the original Sanskrit word and not of English.

Dear Kunjuppu ji and KRS ji,

I think that both of you are very particular in sending me out of this forum,If so I wont wait for you to involve in such attitude,because you always find fault in all my writings. I am ready to quit if you want,that to immediately....

T.S.Sankara Narayanan,

as dirty harry would have said, 'GO AHEAD AND MAKE MY DAY'.

except in your case, sankar, you have not heeded to even one call of warning.

whenever your presentations here have been cautioned, you have put on the convenient role of a supposed martyr to patriotic causes, forgetting there are others in this forum, who may have an even stronger claim than yours.

modesty is a virtue, which once self proclaimed, is like the emperor's proverbial clothes - it ceases to exist anymore.

so too is patriotism, whose mirror reflection is hypocracy. i see more of the latter in your posts.

in the same vein of arguement as yours, may i point out, that through this forum, you have profited not only for your daughter's education but also contacts for your business.

yet, in no way you have returned this courtesy to the myriads of honest and innocent folks, whose mind you have attempted to poison with what i consider warped anti indian views.

let me take up your offer. please keep up your word this time, and stay away from here for good.

for once, you will be extending some courtesy and manners to this forum, from which you have gained so much.

rules of the road are meant for two way streets and traffic. you sir, have a ton of traffic tickets in your favour.
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