Castor oil: it belongs to the family of Plumbago Zeylinica Linn , it is identified as son of Naga (Snake) C[SUB]11[/SUB]H[SUB]8[/SUB]O[SUB]3[/SUB] Mole wt 188.18
(The antioxidant activity of medicinal plants was at par with the commercial antioxidant butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT), LAscorbic acid and α-tocopherol)
When applied on skin combines with skin wax and produces Hydrogen per oxide, and when reacts with bile forms Ascorbic Acid (antioxidant butylatedhydroxytoluene.) and arrests the growth of cancer cells.
In Sanskrit There are four kinds of elephants,bhadra, mandra, mriga, misra Thick Lips,Thick Hips, Thick Fingers and Large breasts (with five naphthoquinones (plumbagin, chitranone, maritinone, elliptinone and isoshinanolone), and five coumarins (seselin, 5-methoxyseselin, suberosin, xanthyletin and xanthoxyletin)
This will fight against the Elephant like leopard, a tiger.
Skin Cancer: Hasti karna the elephant ear (The cell of skin Cancer will look like an elephant ear)
According to Ayurveda the skin comes under vadha character, which means it transmits the energy from the atmosphere and send the same in to the body. The epidermis of the skin ignited by the atmosphere activates the nerves system in the body. It is identified as 1) Prana in Heart; 2) Abhana in Hip; 3) Samana in Abdomen; 4) Udhana in throat; and as 5) Vyaana on entire surface of the skin. The temperature of the body is maintained by the skin which reacts with surrounding atmosphere.
Ut-tundita is a head of a kind of thorn is a virus.
Sveta kantakaari[1], is the Sanskrit name which has red spots and pain.
Preparation of Herbal Mix:
Strychnos nux-vomica Linn. Is a herb, The seeds 200 gms, in this add paddy grain 2 lits, boil for an hour cool, remove the seeds alone,
In separate container take juice of Amaranthus Campestris,
Now put the boiled seeds in this juice for 24 hrs, remove and remove the skin of the seeds. Take milk and water equal parts put the seeds in this, again boil for 2 hrs, and wash with cold water. Repeat this for 3 times. Take the seeds dry and powder them
Take lemon leaves, calotropis gigenta flower and petal of red lotus powder each of 50 gms, banana stem 100 gms powder them.
Now mix Nux vomica with the second one and put in a copper container before the holy lamp that has already prepared as base.
The Light rays produced by the prime/ Base herbal oil will penetrate through the copper vessel, take the quality of herbal and reach bile in liver and produce as Vyaana.
These rays will kill the germ called ut-tundita.(A kind of rose fungus)
Prime/ Base Oil:
Bryonia epigoea powder (Fine) 550 Gms
Dissolve in 5 lits of Water and boil for 3 hrs with constant stirring --------A
Take Lemon leaves 10 gms
Sun flower seed 5 gms
Pepper 5 gms
Piper longum 5 gms
Dried jinger 5 gms
Cuminum cyminum 5 gms ------B
Boil B for 2 hrs, cool and filter
Add B to A
Rest for 3 full days
On 4[SUP]th[/SUP] day, filter take one lit, boil and reduce to 70 ml. in this add 150 ml castor oil
(C[SUB]18[/SUB]H[SUB]34[/SUB]O[SUB]3 [/SUB] Mole wt. 298.46 ) boil for 10 mts. Cool.
Light the lamp with this base oil keep the herbal powder prepared for skin cancer, meditate for 30 mts.
asteracantha longifolia: (In Tamil it is called Neermully) also belongs to the family of Castor oil. The oil when applied on skin will penetrate through hair follicles and reach liver combine with bile and mix with blood and destroys the unnatural foreign objects and send through motion. (These castor oil plants comes under Sun / Agni Plants)
This will work as supportive therapy to cure skin cancer.
Please register whatever you do.
Apply your research mind here!
[1] ) Monier williams p-566
(The antioxidant activity of medicinal plants was at par with the commercial antioxidant butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT), LAscorbic acid and α-tocopherol)
When applied on skin combines with skin wax and produces Hydrogen per oxide, and when reacts with bile forms Ascorbic Acid (antioxidant butylatedhydroxytoluene.) and arrests the growth of cancer cells.
In Sanskrit There are four kinds of elephants,bhadra, mandra, mriga, misra Thick Lips,Thick Hips, Thick Fingers and Large breasts (with five naphthoquinones (plumbagin, chitranone, maritinone, elliptinone and isoshinanolone), and five coumarins (seselin, 5-methoxyseselin, suberosin, xanthyletin and xanthoxyletin)
This will fight against the Elephant like leopard, a tiger.
Skin Cancer: Hasti karna the elephant ear (The cell of skin Cancer will look like an elephant ear)
According to Ayurveda the skin comes under vadha character, which means it transmits the energy from the atmosphere and send the same in to the body. The epidermis of the skin ignited by the atmosphere activates the nerves system in the body. It is identified as 1) Prana in Heart; 2) Abhana in Hip; 3) Samana in Abdomen; 4) Udhana in throat; and as 5) Vyaana on entire surface of the skin. The temperature of the body is maintained by the skin which reacts with surrounding atmosphere.
Ut-tundita is a head of a kind of thorn is a virus.
Sveta kantakaari[1], is the Sanskrit name which has red spots and pain.
Preparation of Herbal Mix:
Strychnos nux-vomica Linn. Is a herb, The seeds 200 gms, in this add paddy grain 2 lits, boil for an hour cool, remove the seeds alone,
In separate container take juice of Amaranthus Campestris,
Now put the boiled seeds in this juice for 24 hrs, remove and remove the skin of the seeds. Take milk and water equal parts put the seeds in this, again boil for 2 hrs, and wash with cold water. Repeat this for 3 times. Take the seeds dry and powder them
Take lemon leaves, calotropis gigenta flower and petal of red lotus powder each of 50 gms, banana stem 100 gms powder them.
Now mix Nux vomica with the second one and put in a copper container before the holy lamp that has already prepared as base.
The Light rays produced by the prime/ Base herbal oil will penetrate through the copper vessel, take the quality of herbal and reach bile in liver and produce as Vyaana.
These rays will kill the germ called ut-tundita.(A kind of rose fungus)
Prime/ Base Oil:
Bryonia epigoea powder (Fine) 550 Gms
Dissolve in 5 lits of Water and boil for 3 hrs with constant stirring --------A
Take Lemon leaves 10 gms
Sun flower seed 5 gms
Pepper 5 gms
Piper longum 5 gms
Dried jinger 5 gms
Cuminum cyminum 5 gms ------B
Boil B for 2 hrs, cool and filter
Add B to A
Rest for 3 full days
On 4[SUP]th[/SUP] day, filter take one lit, boil and reduce to 70 ml. in this add 150 ml castor oil
(C[SUB]18[/SUB]H[SUB]34[/SUB]O[SUB]3 [/SUB] Mole wt. 298.46 ) boil for 10 mts. Cool.
Light the lamp with this base oil keep the herbal powder prepared for skin cancer, meditate for 30 mts.
asteracantha longifolia: (In Tamil it is called Neermully) also belongs to the family of Castor oil. The oil when applied on skin will penetrate through hair follicles and reach liver combine with bile and mix with blood and destroys the unnatural foreign objects and send through motion. (These castor oil plants comes under Sun / Agni Plants)
This will work as supportive therapy to cure skin cancer.
Please register whatever you do.
Apply your research mind here!
[1] ) Monier williams p-566