Disclaimer for my Translated Materials
These selective English translations done by me from the Tamil book Deivatthin Kural (7 volumes), compiled from the upanyAsams--lectures, of KAnchi ParamAchArya by his mahAbhakta shrI RA.GaNapati and published by the VAnati Padhippakam, Chennai, are posted here with the sole intention of carrying the divine messages of the AchAryALs of the Shankara MaThams established by Sri Adi Shankara BhagavadpAda, so that we the members and readers of this Forum can understand and practice the directions contained in the messages.
As a translator, I have no commercial interests or financial considerations in spreading the messages of our Gurus, and have no claims of copyright for the translations.
I have duly quoted the source of these translations, and I hereby acknowledge the credits to the publications, authors, devotees and any other people concerned.
If anyone involved with these publications has any reservations on the implicit consents and permissions assumed in these translations for the spiritual benefit of Hindus and the mankind, the same may be brought to the notice of the Forum Administrator, for necessary changes or removal of the material presented.
'saidevo', as translator of the materials presented.
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An amazing accomplishment of KAnchi ParamAchArya's upanyAsams--lecturers, is his elaborate teaching of the tough, difficult and lofty philosophy of the Vedas and UpaniShads of SanAtana Dharma, in a way that the common man can understand and be inspired by it, and at the same time, enlightening and motivating those who have a deeper knowledge. With his sama-dRShTi--impartial outlook, ParamAchArya reconciles all the sectoral siddhAnta of our religion, explains the nature of the final goal of ultimate liberation of our Vedas and UpaniShads, and indicates to what extent the different siddhAnta define the path towards its accomplisthment.
ParamAchArya's upanyAsam on the life and works of shrI Adi Shankara BhagavadpAda, explaining the background and all the relevant circumstances that necessitated the advent of the avatAra of God DakShiNamUrti in human form, runs to over 800 pages in printed form, under the section titled 'shrI Shankara Charitam' in volume 5 of the book 'Deivatthin Kural'. Those who not possess the printed volumes, can read it online at the Website of KAnchi Shankara MaTham at Tamil Content : kamakoti.org: . Details of an English translation of the seven volumes of the book brought out by 'Sri Kanchi Mahaswami Peetarohana Shatabdi Mahotsav Trust' are published their Website at srikanchimahaswami100.org .
My attempt at this English translation of 'shrI Shankara Charitam' is meant mainly to express my lifelong gratitude towards our Jagadgurus of Shankara MaThams, besides my desire to share the drops of blissful experiences obtained from reading it. Although I know that I can do only selective translation, I pray to BhagavAn and the Gurus to give me their anugraham for strength and efficacy to be able to do it completely, and to the satisfaction of its readers who have read/not read the original.
These selective English translations done by me from the Tamil book Deivatthin Kural (7 volumes), compiled from the upanyAsams--lectures, of KAnchi ParamAchArya by his mahAbhakta shrI RA.GaNapati and published by the VAnati Padhippakam, Chennai, are posted here with the sole intention of carrying the divine messages of the AchAryALs of the Shankara MaThams established by Sri Adi Shankara BhagavadpAda, so that we the members and readers of this Forum can understand and practice the directions contained in the messages.
As a translator, I have no commercial interests or financial considerations in spreading the messages of our Gurus, and have no claims of copyright for the translations.
I have duly quoted the source of these translations, and I hereby acknowledge the credits to the publications, authors, devotees and any other people concerned.
If anyone involved with these publications has any reservations on the implicit consents and permissions assumed in these translations for the spiritual benefit of Hindus and the mankind, the same may be brought to the notice of the Forum Administrator, for necessary changes or removal of the material presented.
'saidevo', as translator of the materials presented.
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An amazing accomplishment of KAnchi ParamAchArya's upanyAsams--lecturers, is his elaborate teaching of the tough, difficult and lofty philosophy of the Vedas and UpaniShads of SanAtana Dharma, in a way that the common man can understand and be inspired by it, and at the same time, enlightening and motivating those who have a deeper knowledge. With his sama-dRShTi--impartial outlook, ParamAchArya reconciles all the sectoral siddhAnta of our religion, explains the nature of the final goal of ultimate liberation of our Vedas and UpaniShads, and indicates to what extent the different siddhAnta define the path towards its accomplisthment.
ParamAchArya's upanyAsam on the life and works of shrI Adi Shankara BhagavadpAda, explaining the background and all the relevant circumstances that necessitated the advent of the avatAra of God DakShiNamUrti in human form, runs to over 800 pages in printed form, under the section titled 'shrI Shankara Charitam' in volume 5 of the book 'Deivatthin Kural'. Those who not possess the printed volumes, can read it online at the Website of KAnchi Shankara MaTham at Tamil Content : kamakoti.org: . Details of an English translation of the seven volumes of the book brought out by 'Sri Kanchi Mahaswami Peetarohana Shatabdi Mahotsav Trust' are published their Website at srikanchimahaswami100.org .
My attempt at this English translation of 'shrI Shankara Charitam' is meant mainly to express my lifelong gratitude towards our Jagadgurus of Shankara MaThams, besides my desire to share the drops of blissful experiences obtained from reading it. Although I know that I can do only selective translation, I pray to BhagavAn and the Gurus to give me their anugraham for strength and efficacy to be able to do it completely, and to the satisfaction of its readers who have read/not read the original.
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