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Should we have a political face...?

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welcome to the club. :)

you have posed a very relevant, open ended question, the likes of which has been discussed rather obliquely here and elsewhere ie wherever and whenever tamil brahmins congregate.

i think, it may be advantageous to set some ground rules?

please may i take a stab at this?

- for the sake of focus and simplicity maybe we should confine the focus to tamil brahmins and their well wishers (ie kerala pattars and such who have settled in tamil nadu and very much adapted here, which is indeed the land of their grand grand grand parents)

- very important we include well wishers of our community, for God Knows, we need more of such than ever before !!

- we should specifically exclude brahmins from the north of the vindhyas in our domain of interests - not because i have anything against them. just that their history and experiences and status in their respective communities are much much different from ours in tamil nadu

- we should keep this to achieiving political goals for the uplift of the soft underbelly of our community. our leadership needs to study the works of chanakya or macchiavelli, to understand how to wade in the deep cesspool waters of our politics and come out clean ie in short be adroit in the dark arts while maintaining what is termed as the 'teflon effect' !

- there should be no dipping of religious or religious coated stuff. for in this we are as different as there are number of stars in the sky

- no mention of mutts and right wing organizations, which are mushrooming so quickly, that i will run out of space, if i should start naming them

- the conduct of this organization should be such, that no matter who occupies the CM gaddi, we pay our respects, are heard, and our interests are taken care. our tamil christian and muslim brethren have mastered this strategy such that no matter who rules fort st. george, THEIR interests are heeded.

- this requires a radical change in tamil brahmin mindset, i feel, in their inherent anathema to dravidian politics

- we should also take into consideration, while we are inconvenienced by quotas in educational, it should be expected that quotas will remain in the political spectrum during our lifetime.

- to have a realistic chance of success, i think, we should focus more on extending quotas to the poorer members of our community, with the clarion call that 'the mind is a terrible thing to waste'

- we need a discussion here to identify what else do we really seek from the tamil nadu government - taking into account that by and large we are a middle to upper class community, with almost 100% education and blessed with a sense of (nowadays) entrepreneurship and (definitely) mobility

- the leadership should take great care not to hit those dead snakes over and over again & take great care to conduct their behaviour in such a manner that egos are swallowed, and perhaps paying obeisance to whomsoever is the elected leader, irrespective of their political adherence

- we should shun high profile polarized figures like cho, hindu ram or swamy as these tend to be individual 'heros' whose stand may be detrimental to the common cause

- the caveat, i feel, taking into account, our penchance for arguement, logic, rhetoric and above all himalayan sized egos, i am somewhat forlorn at the thought that this type of a progress and community oriented organization has as much chance of conception, let alone gestation as a zebra mating with an ant.

sesh, i pen this with no malice.

these are just a few random thoughts, that were always floating over me, like summer clouds, all brought together, by a gust of refreshing wind that is your open ended query.

thank you.

over to you. :)
Dear Sri Kunjuppu,

Thanks for the welcome.

"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within." -W. Durant

It would be good for us to remember the above - always.

All along these years, I have been wondering about the strange character of our community – "Disorder and non-cohesiveness". Every one is aware of the poison being spread by the anti-hindu or anti-brahmin groups (more often, it is the govt.), inspite of which we have not learnt.

Yes, survived we have, but not yet united.

Is it that we are too much engrossed in "self" affairs that we forget our community?

Is it that we are really cowards, that we have been (and continue to do so) avoiding even self-defence? (I think we should take a honest look at this aspect)

Is it that we are so egoistic that we do not see the benefits of unity?

Is it asking too much for the welfare of the community, for the survival of the self?

A community which has a high IQ, has set high standards in every aspect has degenerated due to vicious infighting, mistrust, jealousy and maniacal ego.

On the other hand, by asking these questions, I do not want to put a perception in one’s mind that our community is on the brink of disaster (but it may soon be), rather initiate the spark of courage and selflessness that is the mark of unity. Again, this does not mean that we take to the streets and shout slogans like other political outfits. I always believe that anything (dharma, karma etc) starts from the self – one should do justice to the self (physical and mental) then extend it to the family and then to the society.

Right, having said that it is essential that we take care of the details – coz, it is easy to raise a call for "unity", but a rather slow, tedious process to actually implement it. I want us to overcome this shortage and go ahead with conviction and courage.

It is here that I find Sri kunjuppu’s post relevant and very much contributing. Am especially drawn towards these two paras:

- we should shun high profile polarized figures like cho, hindu ram or swamy as these tend to be individual 'heros' whose stand may be detrimental to the common cause

- the caveat, i feel, taking into account, our penchance for arguement, logic, rhetoric and above all himalayan sized egos, i am somewhat forlorn at the thought that this type of a progress and community oriented organization has as much chance of conception, let alone gestation as a zebra mating with an ant.


I cannot agree more with you Shriman.

I am in general agreement with your points, but would like to highlight a few of my thoughts (have replied in blue italics):

- very important we include well wishers of our community, for God Knows, we need more of such than ever before !!

May be a good idea, but I am sceptical (no offence meant towards the other)

there should be no dipping of religious or religious coated stuff. for in this we are as different as there are number of stars in the sky

This aspect is very important if we have to work for political gain.

There is one more point worth mentioning – most of the brahmin families are worried if a member joins a political outfit – for their safety and for their sustenance (which is a fair expectation). Can we do away with this mental block? Is it not possible for a person to work for the community and still earn...?

Let us stop being "dead" spectators and transform into "dymanic" participants…

The suggestion is good. But do we have the "guts" to face the consequences and ready to sacrifice our family responsibilities? Unfortunately, we are not brought up like that as our society is basically security-conscious and duty-bound - either be it home or office! Even for making a trial in the ensuing public elections, the present politics needs mainly money and muscle power. Of course, the "money power" can be collected from people but then how many of us are willing to use "muscle power"? It is highly doubtful! I request the admin. to go for a vote if it is possible!
Hi veegopalji, it is high time that we realize what is happening around us and respond... this website is a good means to communicate, and it is up to us to participate for our mutual benefit.

To All Brahmins (Tamil in particular):

Knowledge is priceless; but what use is knowledge without life? What use is life without honour?

Please can we answer to the call of unity? Is it so troublesome to unite for our own good...???

Let us just not be paper tigers…
Maybe, the idea seems impractical to you; maybe you feel that it is just not that significant; maybe it is too ambitious; maybe this, maybe that…

But I persist on to add some more of my ideas on the subject; just wanted to float some ground rules if you people are so sceptic about the structure of a political identity…. Would request all to think along these lines and give a feedback (?)
  • Structure the hierarchy as area => zone => state. The area should be decided based on the number of wards; the zone to be decided as per the MLA seats available. At the state – well that could be decided based on a voting by the zonal members.
  • Only willing members from the age group 30 – 55 years to be eligible for political posts.
  • It is preferable to have list of members’ details along with current place of residence (in short a database)
  • Form committees from among the age group 55 and above. Can be grouped as Education, Health, Legal, and Shastric…to name a few. These committees can give their expert advice on matters thus serving as an advisory council.
  • We must identify active members who are physically present in TN and are willing to carry out the party’s decisions.
  • Of course, it is to be registered as a political party (just adding this… as a matter of fact)
  • Monthly (or yearly) subscription to be collected from registered members; party to be founded based on donations from willing pockets.
  • Exclusive party workers to be paid (if feasible).
  • We can have an online portal! Maybe, even a separate channel in future?
The list can go on, but I put a halt here.

With our intellect and capability, we have the potential to become a highly efficient and effective body … but only if we are united and structured.

What say you...?

From the deluge of enthusiastic posts on this subject, it seems that brahmins (the majority) are "scorpions without a sting" as regards politics...

Nothing to offend anybody, just the apparent truth.

No offence meant, but this is what i feel (like everything else, this too is subject to change):

a) Better to go for an all-inclusive party. Am not for voting based on caste - we have had enuf of this domino effect. Wud suggest reading this to everyone (if suggestions in such matters are permitted): http://www.youthforequality.com/affirmative-actions/south india 1.doc

b) Better to go for a party that is not overtly hindu, but protects the interests of hindus while at the same time focussing full scale on development rather than on caste or changing names from madras to chennai and bombay to mumbai (and this "patriotic" feeling for names are actaully supposed to part of the manifesto ? Sigh. How easy it is to fool us - we are supposed to be content with pot-holed roads or no roads but satisfied that the govt changed some damn name to feed our "patriotism").
No offence meant, but this is what i feel (like everything else, this too is subject to change):

a) Better to go for an all-inclusive party. Am not for voting based on caste - we have had enuf of this domino effect. Wud suggest reading this to everyone (if suggestions in such matters are permitted): http://www.youthforequality.com/affirmative-actions/south india 1.doc

b) Better to go for a party that is not overtly hindu, but protects the interests of hindus while at the same time focussing full scale on development rather than on caste or changing names from madras to chennai and bombay to mumbai (and this "patriotic" feeling for names are actaully supposed to part of the manifesto ? Sigh. How easy it is to fool us - we are supposed to be content with pot-holed roads or no roads but satisfied that the govt changed some damn name to feed our "patriotism").

It is because that Raja Dharma is not observed by the state that groups have formed; yes, i too wish for a really secular/justice-minded/people-minded party, but it is to remain an utopian dream for now...
Jamaat plans to float Muslim party in near future




"New Delhi, November 6 : Limited to the realm of religion so far, India’s largest Muslim outfit, the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, has decided to chart out a new course by launching a political party. However, as forming a party is a lengthy process, its strategy for the upcoming Assembly and Lok Sabha elections is to back non-Congress secular parties where the Congress has little or no presence. “We have decided to launch a party, but the details have not been worked out yet. One thing is clear — the party will take up issues of the Muslim community and other backward and weaker sections,” Jamaat-e-Islami Hind president Syed Jalaluddin Umari told The Indian Express. Jamaat leaders added Muslims are in a majority in at least eight Lok Sabha seats, while they are a deciding factor in around 80 constituencies.

Umari said his advice to Muslims for the coming elections is to vote for the Congress where it is engaged in a direct fight with the BJP and to choose other secular parties where Congress is weak. “It could be the BSP, SP or the Left parties,” he said.

“I don’t think the plans to float a Muslim party can materialise before the coming Lok Sabha elections.”

He said while the BJP is implicitly anti-Muslim, the Congress has also failed to address the concerns of the community adequately. According to Umari, other parties have also paid only lip service to the community, using it as a vote bank. “It’s time to change,” he added.

The way the rise of Mayawati empowered Dalits and the Mulayam Singh Yadav rule in Uttar Pradesh proved to be beneficial for the Yadavs, “a Muslim party is needed to effectively raise the issues faced by the community,” said Umari, although he insisted that the party would not be “communal” as it would address “the concerns of Dalits and other marginalised sections of society”.

He added that Jamaat is discussing the matter with the Jamiat-Ulema-e-Hind, the Majlis-e-Mushawarat and the All-India Milli Council to seek their participation. Umari said the outfit will also get in touch with Muslim MPs and parties like the Muslim League and All Indian Majlis-e-Ittihad-al-Muslim.

Something to learn...?

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Hi Seshadri subramaniam,
The tamil nadu brahmins started political party long go here is name.
The Makkal Desiya Jananayaka Katchi (MDJK), which it contested with BJP in last T.N state election(2006).
Even the kashmir brahmins launched a political party in 2007, the party called Jammu and Kashmir National United Front (JKNUF).which has recently been granted registration by the Election Commission of India.
Dear friends,
Here is the detalies of tha party.It contest in 2006 T.N sate election.

The Makkal Desiya Jananayaka Katchi (MDJK), a constituent of the Bharatiya Janata Party-led front, will put up its candidates in T. Nagar and Thiruvidaimarudhur constituencies.
Muktha V. Srinivasan will contest in T. Nagar and Sowrirajan, a Dalit, in Thiruvidaimarudhur, according to a press release issued by N. Narayanan, founder-president of the MDJK.
I was unaware of the political wing of *******... thanks to whisper for this piece of info.

Here is the article from the hindu dt. Mar 26, 2006 about the party (google search):

"MDJK to contest polls
NEW DELHI: The Thamizhnadu Brahmin Association which has launched a new political party under the name "Makkal Desiya Jananayaka Katchi (MDJK)" filed an application before the Election Commission here on Friday seeking registration of the party. It will contest in the elections. Party president N. Narayanan said the new outfit would work for the upliftment of the people cutting across religion, caste, creed language or region. He said it would fight for major reforms in all walks of life including for a transparent public administration and people-oriented policies with revolutionary ideas. — Legal Correspondent "

However, does anybody know how they are progressing and whether they have offices in other districts as well? I dont think there is a website as it would have thrown up in the google search.

Really strange to have started a political party and then go down the drain...!!!

If there is a coimbatore office, I would like to know the address...

Thanks & Regards,
I have been browsing through other posts which deal with brahmins entering the political arena... and I guess my post is but another page to the chapter.

I guess, we all get tired after voicing our concerns to the "empty quarter"... the mass is not stirred, only small bands of individuals unite (which too fades away over time...)

Think our community is too scared to do any group work over an extended period of time because of in-house criticism... too much criticism and nothing but criticism... as a result we are all islands of knowledge and ego, but cowards in society and useless as a group...

What is there that needs to be done? To unite? Are we all so engrossed in the self that we do not see the other? We do need the other for the self; why dont we see that?

My father was the treasurer of a ******* branch in coimbatore (some 15 years back) and he left ******* because there was too much infighting and rotten politics!!! (who says we are afraid of politics, eh?). The common goal was forgotten and we became ready to sacrifice our community for petty self-interests.

"Varattu Gowravam", as it is called goes to dizzying heights in a brahmin... Let us not be too ideal in our outlook and compromise on the simple elements of life.

Just wanted to add a link... (musings on *******) which is worth a read

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Think our community is too scared to do any group work over an extended period of time because of in-house criticism... too much criticism and nothing but criticism... as a result we are all islands of knowledge and ego, but cowards in society and useless as a group...

What is there that needs to be done? To unite? Are we all so engrossed in the self that we do not see the other? We do need the other for the self; why dont we see that?

Dear friend,
I think the term unity is still a dream for our community but i think some day we will get it. Because the change will come to our community also.
I was unaware of the political wing of *******... thanks to whisper for this piece of info.

Here is the article from the hindu dt. Mar 26, 2006 about the party (google search):

"MDJK to contest polls
NEW DELHI: The Thamizhnadu Brahmin Association which has launched a new political party under the name "Makkal Desiya Jananayaka Katchi (MDJK)" filed an application before the Election Commission here on Friday seeking registration of the party. It will contest in the elections. Party president N. Narayanan said the new outfit would work for the upliftment of the people cutting across religion, caste, creed language or region. He said it would fight for major reforms in all walks of life including for a transparent public administration and people-oriented policies with revolutionary ideas. — Legal Correspondent "

However, does anybody know how they are progressing and whether they have offices in other districts as well? I dont think there is a website as it would have thrown up in the google search.

Really strange to have started a political party and then go down the drain...!!!

If there is a coimbatore office, I would like to know the address...

Thanks & Regards,

I think you can contact the THAMBRAAS OFFICE abt the political party. And as for as i know that political party dont have any website( I myself looking for it. if any one know please tell us also)
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