it is all a question of numbers. with numbers, you have more clout.
this is simple mathematics. in a democracy a committed few can have more clout than their numbers demand.
a good example is the jews of u.s.a. they are about 3% of the population. with votes being divided 50/50, their clout increases from 3% to 6 %, it being the case that they all vote as a bloc.
then, while the rest of the u.s., the percentage of electorate going to vote, let us say 50%, but the jews as a committed voting block have 100%, their influence goes from 6 to 12%, which suddenly is a significant group.
add to it, the monetary contributions, media ownership and intellectual bankage. before you know, the u.s. jews have a power to influence, 20 times or over what their population numbers warranty.
all astute thinking and a sense of unity. all a consequence of the holocaust and the need to let israel survive.
we, as hindus cannot do that. because fundamentally, as is well evident in this forum, there is a significant section of brahmins, who feel, they are the chosen ones. in this age of egalitarianism, where islam propagates with its abosolute sense of egalitarianism, we have very weak arguements to counter it. same goes with christianity.
we can coat our weakness in exotic verbology of brahman, vedas, dwaita, advaita, and any number of terms, which to a layman like me, does not mean much as i do not understand. and i come from this community.
to get a future view of india, look at kerala. 25% muslim, 30% christian, balance a hodge podge of hindus suspicious with each other, and the communists claiming their votes.
above statements are based on facts. not on brahmanathuvesham.
i do not have solutions. i have highlighted our situation as hindus, tamils and brahmins, not necessarily in that order, as i view it. i agree, that i may be totally out of base and wrong.
thank you.