shashty abdhapoorthy:
According to our culture and tradition,, every man bound by the duties as the head of the family, is supposed to complete his duties towards the family, like education and marriage to his children before reaching the age of sixty. He then hands over his duties and properties to his children for further managament and diverts his attention towards pilgrimage to holy places etc; From now on , he performs the role of advisor only. However he imparts an adequate training to his children , to independently manage the family responsibilities so that his absence may not be felt
After a few years, the old couple is no more capable of long and arduous spiritual pilgrimages and time is spent on listening and contemplating on higher spiritual pursuits at home itself. They seek's the Lord's Grace to keep them healthy and fit to face the remaining period of life, without troubling others much. The remaing duties ,if at all any,left over is supposed to be completed by the time the individual reaches 70 years.
His 70th birth day is celebrated by his children and grand children,as Bheema ratha santhy.with all the rituals similar to shastyabdha poorthy . Both these functions are not only the celebrations of his successful achievement of the relevent duties of that particular stage, of life, and also an opprtunity for the children to pay their gratitude to the head of the family.
Sathabhishekam is then celebrated at the conclusion of 81 years, This 81 year old man is fortunate to interact with nearly three generations,and performance of sathabishekam with observance of all rituals, is supposed to releive the couple of all sins and reach the heaven.This punyah is equated to darshanam of all holy places, and a dip holy ganges. It is mandatory on the part of the children, as per our dharma sastra, to show their gratitude by looking after them in their old age.
While everyone in this world worship the Almighty, The Lord Himself adores and worships the following six classes of people:They are
(1) One who does annadhanam daily for the needy.
(2) One who has performed Soma Yagam at a young age and continuing with Agnihothram.through out his life.
(3) One who adhears to Massopavaasam =a praayaschitha karma - to ward off the commissions and omissions .Massopavasam means: Fasting on full monn and new moon nights; Fasting on day times on Sundays, ashtami and chathurdasi, and fasting through out the day on Ekadasi.
(4) A woman selflessly serving her husband without minding the hardships if any.
(5) One who has stidied the vedas and upanishaths with meaning and lives a Dharmic life as laid down in the sastras.
(6) One who has seen 1000 full moon.
Saint vaikanasa feels 80 years and eight months are sufficient enough for the celebration of sathabhishekam.
It is said that on the occassion of sathabishekam, all the gods and pithrus visit the performer's house, rejoice and bless the couple and everyone assembled there. Hence it is considered as a rare and significant event.
The text Shanthiraqtnakaram proclaims that Rudra Ekadasini must be performed.Rudra Ekadashini is an act of atonement for our commissionsa nad omissions. Individuals Who perform Rudra japam get freed from bondage of ignorance. According to Suta Samhita, there is no other japa equivalent to thisfound in vdas and smruthis. It is customary to perform various Shanthi Homas and Yagnaas with the help of learned Vedic Pandits-to ward off all eils that may affect the couple and their children, Grand children in the continuing years.
1. Anuggai, 2 Vigneswara pooja. 3. Graha preethy, Navagraha pooja Krichraacharanam( all purification ceremonies).4. Naandhi to invoke the blessings of fore fathers.5. Punyahavachanam. 6. Kalasa sthaapanam ( invoking Devathas in pots)7. sathabisheka japams. 8. Sathabisheka Shanthy Homams. ( Homams for comissions and omissions)including one for Praayaschitham.9. Pouring purified water over the the couple.10. Wearing of new clothes.
11.Seeing face in ghee. 12. Maangalya Dhaaranam. 13.Obeisance to Lord. ( Perumal Mariadhai).14. Blessing by elders. 15. Blessings by relatives with Gifts. 16. Perumaal, Guru, Achaaryas sambaavanai Paying respect to mutts, or to temples and for teachers by sending money to them. 17. Gifts to relatives and Sambandhi mariyathai.18. Dhaanam to sastrigals vasthram, kalasam, prathimai etc; 19. Paying respect to Guru. 20. Mangal Haarathy.
Devathas invoked in kalasam.5 kalasams. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Prajapathy, Parameshti, chathurmuka and Hiranya garbar. your kula deivam, ista deivam, grama devatha, etc. Navagrahas, seven chiranjeevis namely: Aswathaama, Mahabala, Veda vyasa, hanuman, Vibhishnan, Krupaacharya, and Parasurama. 6 Ayur devathas, 10 dik paalakaas.Kubhera lakshmi, sudarsanar, Dhanvanthri, Bhaagya devatha, etc.
The chanting of japam includes sukthas like Purusha, narayana, vishnu, Sri, Bhoo, Neela, Pavamaana, Varunan, Rudhra, durga, Gayathri, Dhik Paalaka, Sri Rudhram and Chamakam, Nakshathra sooktham Grutha sooktham, Pancha Shaanthy and Ghosha shanthy and anuvakas from Yajur veda samhitha. A Homam or Havan is also there.The smoke that arises from a homam contains a powerful healing energy. It purifies the atmosphere , both physically and subtly,Due to Divine Grace, every kind of negetive Karma can be purified by the sacred homam fire.
Normally , the items used for abhishekam (Snaanam) from kalasam include 11 Dravyas. Gorochanam to be applied on the head. Curd to be applied on the forehead. Ghee to be applied on the eyelids. Blades og Arugan Grass to be placed on the head. Cow's milk to be sprinkled on the head. Fruits. Touch the fruits with the Hands. Place Flowers on the head. .Mirror. View the Mirror. Deepam- See the light of the Deepam. Touch the earth; preferably mud from beneath the thulasi plant. Gold Place a coin or gold article on the head.
Dasa Dhaanam: Offering of cow, praying for peace and Prosperity. Offering of land for cultivation/ dwelling Praying for Comfortable living. Black ellu Gingilly sseds in an iron vessal praying for removal of sins. Offerin of Gold , Praying for removal of acquired sins. Offering of Ghee in a bronze vessal for pleasing all devathas, and praying for removal of all aarjitha sins. Nava Dhanyam - Grains; Offering of grain , Praying for removal of Dhrusti. with navagraha vasthras and dhakshinai. All dhanams must be done along with dakshinai.
9x5 cotton Dhoty offering, Praying for good health and prosperity. Offering of jaggary to please Goddess Lakshmi ,seeking all prosperity. with container. Offering of silver to please Pithrus and Maha Vishnu seeking their blessings. Offering of salt with container to please Sri Rudhra, seeking good health.
PANCHA DHAANAMS> Deepam. Book, Bell; dhoty, Brass vessel ( one litre capacity) with water.
SHAD DHAANAS; Deepam, Jala pathram, vibhoothi, Rudhraksham, Siva lingam, Salagramam.
In Sankalpitha Dhanam: Wooden plank seat; umbrella., chappal, walking stick, visiri, will also be given.
Bhoori dakshina to scholors and phala dhaanam is to be given to one and all who attended the function. AArathy and meals to all.