I found this write up in a yahoo group for iyers.
Your comments please.
Tapping Iyer Consumer Power
1. Suppose 1000 retired Iyers in a village or town spend Rs.10,000 each per year buying groceries from non-Brahmin businesses, that's 1 crore (10 million) rupees Brahmin consumer power given to non-Brahmin communities. Suppose the average profit in this business (grocery) is 20%, the non-Brahmin community has earned 20 lacs (2 million) using Iyer community money. The non-Brahmin businesses are
so selfish and cunning that they will not hire even one Iyer in their business for a small wage. These 1000 Iyers end up supporting several grocery store owner families who end up making a decent living.
2. If these 1000 Iyers put their money in a non-Brahmin bank for an interest of 4% and the bank invests or loans the money to businesses and make 20% profit, the non-Brahmin community has made 16 lacs in one year on Iyer money. Yet you will probably not find one Iyer employee in that bank.
3. Suppose 1000 Iyers run an average credit card balance of Rs.1000 and pay 19% interest, that is Rs. 190 each or Rs. 1.9 lacs total per year. If they formed a group and had an Iyer fund to borrow this money from at 5% interest, this group would save Rs. 1.4 lacs in one year!
4. Take 1000 Iyers from USA who visit India every year. If they
spend $1250 each, that is $1.25 million business. If the profit in
this business is even as low as 5%, that comes to $62,500 for the
travel agent. One Iyer could do this and has to sell only 1000
tickets in a whole year. It is a good family income for very little
Multiply the Iyer community number by 100, which is a sizable
population of 1 lac Iyers in a city area. The Iyers are now
generating close to 20 crores (200 million) rupees and giving it away
to the non-Brahmin communities. This is no small amount to sneeze at.
In example one, they will support many thousand non-Brahmin families.
In example two, they will support thousands of non-Brahmin jobs in
the banks.
How do the non-Brahmins spend their money? They channel their
consumer power back into their own communities. This is a double hit
for the Iyers. On the one hand, they make money off the Iyer money,
which also they channel into their own communities. They do it
consciously because they are organized. That is why they become rich
while the Iyer keeps losing ground until he becomes destitute and
wears rags. Many Indian communities follow this pattern, the Patels,
the Sindhis, the Jains, the Nadars, the Moothans, the Muslims, the
Christians, and so on. Only the Brahmin in India is left holding the
Is it impossible to make a list of 1000 Iyers in a
town or city in Kerala, get them together and make them contribute
Rs. 50 per month for one year to create an initial fund for their
community? That will be Rs. 6 lacs. Use this fund for various
projects for the uplift of their own Iyer community without employing
one single non-Brahmin.
The non-Brahmins of India have taken over the whole country while the
Brahmins are denied education and jobs everywhere. The Tamil Nadu
Kazhagas have literally driven out all the Brahmins from any
meaningful economic participation in the society. Even the temples
are run by these Kazhagas and they employ a handful of poor Brahmins
in the temples and treat them like beggars. I have personally
observed temples at Rameswaram, Madurai Meenakshi, Pazhani, many
other places. Similarly, the Kazhagas of Andhra have taken over
Tirupati and they control thousands of crores generated out of Hindu
religion. This vast money is used by the Congress government to
destroy Hindu religion and promote Christianity and Islam. Kerala
also has fallen into the hands of the Kerala Kazhagas. Go to
Guruvayoor and check it yourself.
If the Iyers do not wake up and learn how to play the economics and
politics of the land, their children are doomed in a few more years.
No use running to the Middle East, America, Canada, or Australia. The
way the Iyers are going about I am afraid their personal security is
endangered everywhere in addition to economic security. Iyers could
start by learning how to tap into their own community's economic
power for the uplift of their own community."
I found this write up in a yahoo group for iyers.
Your comments please.
Tapping Iyer Consumer Power
1. Suppose 1000 retired Iyers in a village or town spend Rs.10,000 each per year buying groceries from non-Brahmin businesses, that's 1 crore (10 million) rupees Brahmin consumer power given to non-Brahmin communities. Suppose the average profit in this business (grocery) is 20%, the non-Brahmin community has earned 20 lacs (2 million) using Iyer community money. The non-Brahmin businesses are
so selfish and cunning that they will not hire even one Iyer in their business for a small wage. These 1000 Iyers end up supporting several grocery store owner families who end up making a decent living.
2. If these 1000 Iyers put their money in a non-Brahmin bank for an interest of 4% and the bank invests or loans the money to businesses and make 20% profit, the non-Brahmin community has made 16 lacs in one year on Iyer money. Yet you will probably not find one Iyer employee in that bank.
3. Suppose 1000 Iyers run an average credit card balance of Rs.1000 and pay 19% interest, that is Rs. 190 each or Rs. 1.9 lacs total per year. If they formed a group and had an Iyer fund to borrow this money from at 5% interest, this group would save Rs. 1.4 lacs in one year!
4. Take 1000 Iyers from USA who visit India every year. If they
spend $1250 each, that is $1.25 million business. If the profit in
this business is even as low as 5%, that comes to $62,500 for the
travel agent. One Iyer could do this and has to sell only 1000
tickets in a whole year. It is a good family income for very little
Multiply the Iyer community number by 100, which is a sizable
population of 1 lac Iyers in a city area. The Iyers are now
generating close to 20 crores (200 million) rupees and giving it away
to the non-Brahmin communities. This is no small amount to sneeze at.
In example one, they will support many thousand non-Brahmin families.
In example two, they will support thousands of non-Brahmin jobs in
the banks.
How do the non-Brahmins spend their money? They channel their
consumer power back into their own communities. This is a double hit
for the Iyers. On the one hand, they make money off the Iyer money,
which also they channel into their own communities. They do it
consciously because they are organized. That is why they become rich
while the Iyer keeps losing ground until he becomes destitute and
wears rags. Many Indian communities follow this pattern, the Patels,
the Sindhis, the Jains, the Nadars, the Moothans, the Muslims, the
Christians, and so on. Only the Brahmin in India is left holding the
Is it impossible to make a list of 1000 Iyers in a
town or city in Kerala, get them together and make them contribute
Rs. 50 per month for one year to create an initial fund for their
community? That will be Rs. 6 lacs. Use this fund for various
projects for the uplift of their own Iyer community without employing
one single non-Brahmin.
The non-Brahmins of India have taken over the whole country while the
Brahmins are denied education and jobs everywhere. The Tamil Nadu
Kazhagas have literally driven out all the Brahmins from any
meaningful economic participation in the society. Even the temples
are run by these Kazhagas and they employ a handful of poor Brahmins
in the temples and treat them like beggars. I have personally
observed temples at Rameswaram, Madurai Meenakshi, Pazhani, many
other places. Similarly, the Kazhagas of Andhra have taken over
Tirupati and they control thousands of crores generated out of Hindu
religion. This vast money is used by the Congress government to
destroy Hindu religion and promote Christianity and Islam. Kerala
also has fallen into the hands of the Kerala Kazhagas. Go to
Guruvayoor and check it yourself.
If the Iyers do not wake up and learn how to play the economics and
politics of the land, their children are doomed in a few more years.
No use running to the Middle East, America, Canada, or Australia. The
way the Iyers are going about I am afraid their personal security is
endangered everywhere in addition to economic security. Iyers could
start by learning how to tap into their own community's economic
power for the uplift of their own community."