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Science and religion

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Our ancient texts are credited with dealing with many scientic facts. Can anyone give details about books that deal with such facts.As a diversion I have to say, when I was in America, one channel devoted to history and science rana programme to say that our Bhagavat Puranam talks about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the descriptins carried in it match those given by the observers who claim to have come acroos the UFO sightings. It is an exmple only. .
We will be surprised by the scientific facts stated as a matter of fact in

the Epics and Puranas. I too will give a few examples.

1. The birth of Paandavaas without involving a male partner is very much

like the test tube babies of today.

2. One egg gave birth to one hundred children as in the case of Kouravas.

It must have a scientific name. I am sure Dr. Renu will help us with the

correct word.

3. Every drop of blood of Rakthabeeja gave rise to a person like himself in

all respects. This is what we call as cloning in modern medicine.

4. Balram was transferred from the womb of Vasuki to that of Rohini.

Nothing but the Foster Mother concept of today!

5. The Pushpak which belonged to kubera and then to Ravana could fly in

any direction and hover over a spot like the modern helicopter. In fact the

illustration also resembles a modern helicopter with a propeller on the


6. The Agni Asthra which would burn everything in its path is nothing but

the Napalm bomb of the modern times.

The examples can go on. I am sure the people who have studied the

puranas and epics thoroughly can add more and more examples.

In fact I invite them to come forward and enlighten all of us with those

interesting examples.
We will be surprised by the scientific facts stated as a matter of fact in

the Epics and Puranas. I too will give a few examples.

1. The birth of Paandavaas without involving a male partner is very much

like the test tube babies of today.

2. One egg gave birth to one hundred children as in the case of Kouravas.

It must have a scientific name. I am sure Dr. Renu will help us with the

correct word.

3. Every drop of blood of Rakthabeeja gave rise to a person like himself in

all respects. This is what we call as cloning in modern medicine.

4. Balram was transferred from the womb of Vasuki to that of Rohini.

Nothing but the Foster Mother concept of today!

5. The Pushpak which belonged to kubera and then to Ravana could fly in

any direction and hover over a spot like the modern helicopter. In fact the

illustration also resembles a modern helicopter with a propeller on the


6. The Agni Asthra which would burn everything in its path is nothing but

the Napalm bomb of the modern times.

The examples can go on. I am sure the people who have studied the

puranas and epics thoroughly can add more and more examples.

In fact I invite them to come forward and enlighten all of us with those

interesting examples.

Dear VR..Ok since you mentioned my name..i will try to reply..

1)Pandavas..Just to inform, test tube babies do involve male partners,its just that insemination is not done in utero.

Ok coming to Pandavas(just my opinion) I was wondering if they can be considered Immaculate Conception and both Kunti and Madri being just the Uterus to carry them.

I dont really expect Yama,Surya,Indra and the Ashwini Twins to be engaging in Sexual Intercourse here but rather just injecting their DNA sequence into the Ova(dislodging the nucleus of it) and cells replication starts and embryogenesis kicks in and we get the Pandavas who are genetic clones of the 5 devas and not biologically related to their mothers.

Or the DNA sequence of the 5 devas concerned does not dislodge the nucleus of the Ova and the Pandavas are biologically related to their mothers and are sons of the 5 devas and not their clones.

I wonder if my second theory is correct becos in Mahabharat Yudhishthira does say to Kunti that he had often wondered why Karna's feet were very much like Kunti's feet.

2) One Zygote giving rise to 100 babies..that i really cant answer may be some stem cell technology.

3)Rakthabeeja..we all assume his forms from his blood were physical but may be his "Clones" are you rightly put were Subtle hence he didnt need a host for development and delivery and his cloning was instant.

4)Balram..yes Surrogate mother( Surrogate mother just plays carrier host)
Foster mum is a person who did not deliver the baby but looks after the baby..Yashoda for example.

5) Agni Shastra..may be Nuclear Fission hence the the famous Effulgence of a Thousand Suns line.

Anyway just for further discussion..what about birth of Draupadi and her brother ..right out of fire..How was it possible?
Materialization? or Combination of 5 elements in varying proportion ala Panchikarana( in a smaller scale) to form a human body?
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Dear Renu,

Thanks for responding! I might NOT have used the exact words as my

knowledge in Medicine is quite limited. Thanks for the corrections. But

whatever be the real causes of the things and events reported, isn't it

wonderful that our ancestors were able to think of such advanced

concepts thousands of years ago?
I am planning a blog on these

fascinating facts but it will involve deep studying almost

like doing a Thesis. Time permitting... perhaps in the near future!

useful links are welcomed from well wishers and friends!

with best wishes and regards,
V.R. :tea:
Our ancient texts are credited with dealing with many scientic facts. Can anyone give details about books that deal with such facts.As a diversion I have to say, when I was in America, one channel devoted to history and science rana programme to say that our Bhagavat Puranam talks about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the descriptins carried in it match those given by the observers who claim to have come acroos the UFO sightings. It is an exmple only. .

Sowbagyavathy Vasumathi, Greetings.

Not everything in our ancient texts can be termed as scientific 'facts'. There are few incidents mentioned that could not be explained with simple explanations. At the same time, such narrations are not completely rejected as figment of imaginations. An assertion can not become a 'fact' unless it can be proven objectively.

If I am not wrong, you may have watched the following programme in the History Channel. That programme only asks questions; looks at the ancient civilisations and ancient texts around the world with more possibilities. However, that programme did not say anything conclusively. Understandably, it is had to be conclusive about the things that can not be explained.

I am providing the link for all the members who wish to watch them... may be everyone may have already watched! Who knows!

YouTube - ‪Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 1(FULL)‬‏

(Kindly find episode 2 to 6 from the right side menu, please. These episodes are quite long... about 90 minutes each. In all, there is about 9 hours worth of programme!).

Sowbagyavathy Visalakshi Ramni, Sowbagyavathy Renuka,

Namaskarams to both ladies. Some civilisations well advanced must have visited during Ramayana and Mahabharata period. Exchange of genes, transfer of genes would have taken place. In Mahabarata story, 'Deva Vradhan' (later known as Bheeshma) was taken away from the world for 'education'; Ganga throw all the babies 'in the river' (but nobody saw the dead bodies of those babies). Quite a few things did not add up. It was quite possible, our ancestors recorded these events with their 'know how', in other words, they just recorded what they saw but had no clue what caused them.

Could there be such a gullible recording? Yes, it is quite possible. When a layperson watch a six axes moving machine in operation, that person may almost believe such machines are large beasts engaged in complecated operations.

Dear Mr. Raghy,

The Ashta Vasus were to be punished by being born on the earth. But

actually one one of them was really responsible for the wrong action.

So the other seven prayed for deliverance the moment they were born on

earth. Ganga devi obliged them. Deva Vrathan had to live long as he had

to live his 'life sentence on earth'.

Like Leonardo da Vinci, these people in Epics and Puranas did and said

things far ahead of their times. It is worth investigating with the

seriousness it deserves.

with warm regards,
Visalakshi Ramani.
I think this thread is better titled Science and Hindu Mythology. That said, I also find it fascinating to wonder whether Hanuman had a glider when he jumped over the ocean to Lanka.
Jai Guru Hanuman
This happened in Kalika Mata temple in Ratlam,M.P., last month.
Pictures tell the true story. The Saint was telling the story of Ramayana and "Hanumanji" appeared in the form of langur !! The langur first went and sat near the singers and listened to the kirtan, held the mic of the mahantji, got blessed by him,then "blessed" the saints and then sat in front of Shri Ramji's photo and took some of the flowers (note similar position to Shri Hanumanji in the framed picture) and left quietly.

Bolo Siyavar Ramchandra ki Jai. PavanasutaHanuman ki Jai.

Kindly open these links 1 by 1 to see this pics




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A very good article to be read by one and all.

Yoga and Science are inseparable.
Science and Religion are inseparable. Science is part of Religion. Science and Religion are necessary correlatives. Scientists are also monists in one sense.They also emphatically declare that there is only one thing viz., Matter or Energy.

A Yogi tries to control the mental forces,a scientist the physical forces. This is all the difference between a Yogi and a scientist. A scientist is also an unconscious Raja-Yogi, but his mind works in external grooves.

Before the invention of watch, Yogius used to calculate time by measuring the shadow in day and by the study of the movement of the stars in the heavens at night. They were perfectly exact in their calculations. Astronomy and medicine received their first impulse from the exigencies of religious worship. Yogins have a sound practical knowledge of Ayurveda. One who endeavours to qualify himself as his own doctor can become a Yogi.

He has to live sometimes in the jungles and has to treathimself first, whenever diseases manifest. Otherwise his Sadhana will suffer and he cannot have rapid progress in Yoga. You will find in the books on Ayurveda: "A healthy body is a good instrument for doing virtuous actions and practising Yoga." Those who wrote these Ayurvedic books were great Rishis and Yogins.

Science is partially unified knowledge. A scientist observes the laws of Nature,experiements in his laboratory, investigates, infers and draws exact conclusions from his observations. He understands Nature. But he knows nothing of the origin or destiny of Nature! Who made the sun and gave power to its rays?

Who combined four parts of nitrogen with one part of oxygen? Who gave power to electrons? Who gave power to atoms to combine into molecules? Who or what made and bestowed upon the ultimate particles of matter their marvellous power of varied interaction? Science does not know this great mystery. On the contrary, Yoga is completely unified knowledge. A Yogi gets inner divine realisation.

He clearly sees with his inner Yogic eyes the subtle rudiments of matter. He identifies himself with the Supreme Being who is the Lord of the Prakriti (matter). He gets control over the five elements. He clearly understands the whole mystery
of creation through direct intuitional knowledge. The scientist lacks this sort of knowledge. He has only experimental knowledge.

The business of science is generalisation of phenomena; it is the function of philosophy and Yoga to explain. Religion is the practical aspect of philosophy. Philosophy is the rational aspect of religion.The scientist tries to answer the "How” of the problem; the philosopher and the Yogi the "Why" of it. It is a mistake to say that such and such an event occurs because of certain laws of Nature.

The laws of Nature do not give any real explanation of the phenomena. It is simply a
statement in terms as general as possible of what happens under given circumstances in his expression of an observed order or uniformity in a natural phenomena. Science is concerned only with the phenomena. It shows a marvellous harmony of Nature.

But it is the problem of philosophy and Yoga to solve the "Why" of Nature"s harmony. Scientists possess partial knowledge of the universe.
They have not understood the whole code of Nature"s laws. They have no knowledge of the occult side of things. They have no knowledge of the astral, mental and higher planes such as Brahma-Loka (world of Brahma). The unseen world is of far greater importance than the sense-universe which is visible to the naked eye.

A fully developed Yogi can function in all the planes and so he has full knowledge of the manifested and unmanifested Nature. The senses by which you get knowledge of the external objects are not fully developed. Therefore the knowledge obtained is partial. The external senses are exact counterparts of the internal astral senses. Scientists have no knowledge of the subtle rudiments of matter. Life will become fuller and richer, when one develops this inner eye-sight by the practice of Yoga.

Just as blood, when seen under the microscope, reveals many mysterious things such as leucocytes, lymphocytes, nuclei, pigment,germs, bacilli, etc., so also the inner Yogic eye reveals many mysteries of the hidden side of things.The knowledge of the scientists is only fragmentary or partial whereas the knowledge of the Yogi is
full and perfect.

Scientists have to learn many things from the Seers of the East. Who gave power to the electrons to revolve? Who gave life to the cell or the protoplasm? What is that power that unites atoms to form molecules? Who gave intelligence to the cells to secrete milk or bile or gastric juice from the blood? Scientists are still observing and experimenting.

They are still groping in darkness.What is the cause of the origin of an impulse? Who is the director of the mind? What is the cause of the origin of thought? Even if all the living scientists were to put their heads together to solve these questions, they cannot give definite conclusive answers.

But I do not mean to condemn the wonderful discoveries and inventions that modern
science has contributed to the vast store of knowledge and happiness which the present generation enjoys today. The radio, the aeroplane, the microphone and other marvels of science are bound to baffle human intelligence. Scientists have found ways to fertilize an ovum with chemicals, without the help of semen. It is stupendous success. Some children are also born.

They inject the semen that is obtained from renowned and cultured men of the world in order to improve the race. They are attempting to fix a radio in a match-stick. They are trying to get the necessary nutrition to the body by pressing an electric button, so that eating and defecation may be entirely abandoned.

They are endeavouring to make the streets move so that there will be no necessity for motor-cars and carriages. They are trying to establish means of communication with the planet Mars. They may succeed in all their attempts.

May God bless them with roaring success in all their undertakings! But the question is: Can all these comforts and scientific discoveries and inventions give immortality,eternal satisfaction and everlasting peace? Have these material comforts enhanced human happiness? Is not man more restless today than ever before? Is he not more dissatisfied and discontented despite all these comforts? Life has become more complex and intricate. Luxuries are increasing day by day. Even a rich man finds it difficult to make both ends meet.

There is only one remedy for all these ills. You will have to abandon all luxuries and go back to simple natural living,if you want to enjoy real and lasting happiness. Immortality can be attained by realising the Self through simple living, practice of Yoga, self-control, mental discipline and meditation.

Matter exists in different conditions or states viz., solid, liquid and gaseous. The conditions may be made to change by variation of pressure and temperature. Water is turned into ice at a low temperature and steam at a higher temperature.

Every solid may become a liquid or gas under suitable conditions; every liquid may be rendered solid or gaseous; every gas may be made liquid or solid. One form of energy can be also transmuted into another form of energy. Heat can be transmuted into light and light into electricity. Even so, seminal energy or muscular energy, anger,
etc., can be transmuted into spiritual energy (Ojas-Shakti).

There is life in the mineral kingdom. This has been conclusively proved by the experiments of Prof. Von Schron at Naples. Even the elements manifest distinct preference.One element has a strong liking for the company of another. One element may even give up the company of one substance in order to join another element.

This is chemical affinity. Every chemist fully knows this well. Hydrogen likes the company of oxygen. Two molecules of hydrogen combine with one molecule of oxygen. Water is formed. If you place sodium in the water, you will notice that oxygen
likes sodium better than hydrogen and immediately abandons the company of hydrogen and joins sodium.

Likes and dislikes are more markedly present in the vegetable kingdom,than in the mineral.Many plants exhibit a remarkable degree of ingenuity in accomplishing their ends.

It is impossible humanly to imagine how the earth, for instance, can move along the same track which it was following for aeons up to this time, as if thers is a set of rails laid down on its path in space.

Upanishads - Ancient Treasures

"The Upanishads talk about ultimate wisdom, Osho tells you how to live it"
R.E. Gussner, Dept of Religion, University of Vermont, USA

´There is no difference in the ancient upanishad, in this upanishad, or in the future upanishads.
An upanishad is a phenomenon which is beyond time, beyond space. Don't call upanishads `ancient' because that word `ancient' makes them related to time.

Don't call this upanishad `modern' because time has no place as far as the phenomenon of upanishad is concerned. There is no ancient love, there is no modern love.

And neither is it confined to space: it can happen anywhere, any time;
the only necessity is that somebody is overflowing with blissfulness and somebody else has the guts to be available to this overflowing bliss, is not afraid.

People are always afraid of unknown things, and this is the most unknown.

People are always afraid of the strange, and this is the strangest experience possible.

People are always afraid of the mysterious, and this is the last word in the world of mysteries.´
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