Bhajans on Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba are usually nAmAvalis (string of a god's attributes) sung by Sai devotees at home and community worship, with the conviction that Bhagavan Baba as an avatar is sarva deva rUpa (form of all gods). So, most bhajans will identify him as Sai Shiva, Sai VishNu, Sai BrahmA, Sai GaNesha, Sai VaishNavi and so on. However, there are a good number of bhajans which are 'namAvalis' without the 'Sai' attribute or with that attribute in just one or two places. This thread is a collection of such bhajans.
Some distinguishing feature of Sai Bhajans are:
• they are very melodious--set to Hindu divine music that makes us forget our problems for the time being;
• they are very short, usually four or five lines;
• the lines are sung slowly at first and repeated at a much faster pace, and the bhajan ends with repeating slowly part of the first line;
• a lone singer leads the bhajan and a chorus repeats after him/her, often clapping hands for 'tAla';
• most words in a bhajan are Sanskrit/Sanskrit derived, although the bhajan itself might be in a vernacular language like Hindi;
• a collection of bhajan recorded in a cassette or audio CD typically starts with a bhajan to GaNesha, then to Guru and then to other gods.
The bhajans are presented here in DevanAgari (for only some bhajans), their Baraha transliteration scheme and with their meaning; audio links are provided where they can be found. Hindus who are not Sai devotees might mentally replace the 'Sai' attribute, if any, with the name of their 'iShTa devata' (preferred deity) and sing the bhajans.
Here are some Websites that host the bhajans:
Sai Bhajans Network:
Sai Bhajan Network - Sai Bhajans
(membership required--free--to download bhajans)
Prasanthi Mandir Bhajans
Prasanthi Mandir Bhajans
Bhajans for Sathya Sai Baba - Switzerland
Vighna Vinashaka Devadhi Deva
(with the western musical notations for texts)
Sai Darshan
SAI DARSHAN - Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Sai Baba of India
Sai Baba of India -Bhajans-Mp3-Midi-videoclip-audio-mantra-prayers-discourses- download Sai Baba- Audio & Text
Sai Baba Links
Sai Baba Links & News
Sathya Sai Baba bhajans : sumanth krishna : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
In the namAvali texts, a comma (,) indicates a pause and a | mark indicates a longer pause in singing.
Let us start with a bhajan to GaNesha (my favourite)!
vighna vinAshaka, devAdhi devA |
Adi sanAtana devA |
prathama pUjya gaNa nAthA | prathama pUjya, gaNa nAthA |
bhava bhaya bha~jana nitya nira~jana, siddhi vinAyaka devA |
mangala nAyaka, shambhu manohara,
prathama pUjya gaNa nAthA |
Audio link:
Prasanthi Mandir Bhajans
"O DevA, who is above all Devas, and removes hurdles (vighna vinAshaka)!
DevA who exists from the beginning!
The leader of Shiva-GaNas (ShivA's army) with the honour of primary worship! (2)
Siddhi VinAyaka, the fulfiller of wishes, who dispels fear in our worldly existence!
The Lord of prosperity, the 'heart-stealer' of Shiva the Shambhu (god of bliss)!
The leader of Shiva-GaNas (ShivA's army) with the honour of primary worship!..."
विघ्न विनाशक देवाधि देवा ।
आदि सनातन देवा ।
प्रथम पूज्य गण नाथा । प्रथम पूज्य गण नाथा ।
भव भय भञन नित्य निरञन, सिद्धि विनायक देवा!
मन्गल नायक, शम्भु मनोहर,
प्रथम पूज्य गण नाथा ।
KRShNa MurAri
shyAmala komala kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala komala kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala, komala, kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala, komala, kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala, ghanshyAmala, meghashyAmala, komala kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala, ghanshyAmala, meghashyAmala, komala kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala komala kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala komala kRShNA murAri | (2)
shrIdhara, yaduvara, kRShNA murAri | (2)
shrIdhara, yaduvara, kRShNA murAri | (2)
shrIdhara, nanda yaduvara, bhava bhayahara, giridhara, kRShNA murAri | (2)
shrIdhara yaduvara kRShNA murAri | (2)
shrIdhara yaduvara kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala komala kRShNA murAri |
Meanings of the names:
shyAmala--dark-colored; komala--soft, sweet and charming;
murAri--enemy of the Daitya Mura who was slain by KRShNa;
ghanshyAmala--auspicious and dark-colored;
meghasyAmala--dark-colored as the rain clouds;
shrIdhara--one who has shrI--LakshmI on his chest;
yaduvara--born in the YAdava kulam;
nanda--son, happiness;
bhava bhayahara--dispels fear in our worldly existence;
giridhara--one who held the Govardhana hill as an umbrella;
Audio links:
Usha Sethuraman: Bhajan Sandhya Vol 08
Sai Bhajan Network - Sai Bhajans
PS: I urge members to download and listen to the KRShNA MurAri song. You would find it drilling into your mind and heart! What rAgam is it--punnAgavarALi?
Some distinguishing feature of Sai Bhajans are:
• they are very melodious--set to Hindu divine music that makes us forget our problems for the time being;
• they are very short, usually four or five lines;
• the lines are sung slowly at first and repeated at a much faster pace, and the bhajan ends with repeating slowly part of the first line;
• a lone singer leads the bhajan and a chorus repeats after him/her, often clapping hands for 'tAla';
• most words in a bhajan are Sanskrit/Sanskrit derived, although the bhajan itself might be in a vernacular language like Hindi;
• a collection of bhajan recorded in a cassette or audio CD typically starts with a bhajan to GaNesha, then to Guru and then to other gods.
The bhajans are presented here in DevanAgari (for only some bhajans), their Baraha transliteration scheme and with their meaning; audio links are provided where they can be found. Hindus who are not Sai devotees might mentally replace the 'Sai' attribute, if any, with the name of their 'iShTa devata' (preferred deity) and sing the bhajans.
Here are some Websites that host the bhajans:
Sai Bhajans Network:
Sai Bhajan Network - Sai Bhajans
(membership required--free--to download bhajans)
Prasanthi Mandir Bhajans
Prasanthi Mandir Bhajans
Bhajans for Sathya Sai Baba - Switzerland
Vighna Vinashaka Devadhi Deva
(with the western musical notations for texts)
Sai Darshan
SAI DARSHAN - Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Sai Baba of India
Sai Baba of India -Bhajans-Mp3-Midi-videoclip-audio-mantra-prayers-discourses- download Sai Baba- Audio & Text
Sai Baba Links
Sai Baba Links & News
Sathya Sai Baba bhajans : sumanth krishna : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
In the namAvali texts, a comma (,) indicates a pause and a | mark indicates a longer pause in singing.
Let us start with a bhajan to GaNesha (my favourite)!
vighna vinAshaka, devAdhi devA |
Adi sanAtana devA |
prathama pUjya gaNa nAthA | prathama pUjya, gaNa nAthA |
bhava bhaya bha~jana nitya nira~jana, siddhi vinAyaka devA |
mangala nAyaka, shambhu manohara,
prathama pUjya gaNa nAthA |
Audio link:
Prasanthi Mandir Bhajans
"O DevA, who is above all Devas, and removes hurdles (vighna vinAshaka)!
DevA who exists from the beginning!
The leader of Shiva-GaNas (ShivA's army) with the honour of primary worship! (2)
Siddhi VinAyaka, the fulfiller of wishes, who dispels fear in our worldly existence!
The Lord of prosperity, the 'heart-stealer' of Shiva the Shambhu (god of bliss)!
The leader of Shiva-GaNas (ShivA's army) with the honour of primary worship!..."
विघ्न विनाशक देवाधि देवा ।
आदि सनातन देवा ।
प्रथम पूज्य गण नाथा । प्रथम पूज्य गण नाथा ।
भव भय भञन नित्य निरञन, सिद्धि विनायक देवा!
मन्गल नायक, शम्भु मनोहर,
प्रथम पूज्य गण नाथा ।
KRShNa MurAri
shyAmala komala kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala komala kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala, komala, kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala, komala, kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala, ghanshyAmala, meghashyAmala, komala kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala, ghanshyAmala, meghashyAmala, komala kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala komala kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala komala kRShNA murAri | (2)
shrIdhara, yaduvara, kRShNA murAri | (2)
shrIdhara, yaduvara, kRShNA murAri | (2)
shrIdhara, nanda yaduvara, bhava bhayahara, giridhara, kRShNA murAri | (2)
shrIdhara yaduvara kRShNA murAri | (2)
shrIdhara yaduvara kRShNA murAri | (2)
shyAmala komala kRShNA murAri |
Meanings of the names:
shyAmala--dark-colored; komala--soft, sweet and charming;
murAri--enemy of the Daitya Mura who was slain by KRShNa;
ghanshyAmala--auspicious and dark-colored;
meghasyAmala--dark-colored as the rain clouds;
shrIdhara--one who has shrI--LakshmI on his chest;
yaduvara--born in the YAdava kulam;
nanda--son, happiness;
bhava bhayahara--dispels fear in our worldly existence;
giridhara--one who held the Govardhana hill as an umbrella;
Audio links:
Usha Sethuraman: Bhajan Sandhya Vol 08
Sai Bhajan Network - Sai Bhajans
PS: I urge members to download and listen to the KRShNA MurAri song. You would find it drilling into your mind and heart! What rAgam is it--punnAgavarALi?