sir, with due respects, you cant be more wrong.
sunil gavaskar was the first indian player who taught indians self-belief.
For that social message there have been very many great nonpoliticians, like Jaya Prakash Narain (I am avoiding citing politicians). I can only chuckle if you say that Gavaskar was the first person to teach us self-belief.
i normally dont like to compare cricketers of different generations because there is too much that has to be normalized but gavaskar's greatness has been acknowledged by the west indian players of the era, who were pretty much the benchmark for cricket excellence.
Unfortunately, certificates from "western players" do not render any extra credibility in my opinion. Those match-fixing, steroid using, manipulating "western cricketers" may want to learn a few good things from India.
if you cite his infamous innings of 36 not out in the '79 world cup to call him selfish, again you are wrong.
No, I don't even remember such trivial things. In the overall scheme of things, he was more selfish for his own score at the cost of matches.
you are entitled to your views on sachin & kapil dev or anyother being better than gavaskar but i would contest the charge that he was selfish. the calypso created in honor of gavaskar stands testimony to his greatness as a cricketer.
He has set lot of personal records, no doubt, which is why I call him selfish, since those records came at a cost to the team's performance. In fact, you used the word 'selfish', I called others more 'selfless'. There is a difference.
you should also know sir that this great embodiment of integrity, sachin, some years ago, wrote to the finance ministry to waive import duty on the ferrari gifted to him. (recently, he sold it to a surat businessman)
also this glittering example of integrity, filed a plea before the tax authorities that he should be considered as a "professional actor" enabling him to pay lower taxes on his endorsement incomes
Actually, I like him for doing that. You think the money is better off with Government than with the people? You got it wrong. Governments are always public enemy #1. And Sachin wasn't the first person to request waiver of gift duty. He followed past examples. I think it is even morally wrong to tax a gift. Do you want the beggar on the street to pay 20% Gift tax to Government if you give him Rs.2? Why not? Principles shouldn't change based on numbers. Gift tax is the most ridiculous thing on the planet. You gift a new TV to your mother and she has to pay Gift tax? That is silly. Where does that sillyness stop?
these incidents however dont make him a lesser cricketer, but he is not a beacon or a role model across the board. he is a great professional who has maintained his standard with great work ethic.
i think as a nation we are mixing up issues in suggesting him for pm / presidency or recommending him for bharat ratna.
He set a great example in front of millions of people. He didn't hesitate. That was a classic integrity test he passed to deserve all the special accolades given to him here. Gavaskar would have never walked. Actually, Gavaskar should be HAPPY that he is being compared to Sachin here. You can compare me to Einstein and call me an idiot, I will only be happy!
We have had rank politicians become Presidents. You think they were qualified? If Sachin doesn't qualify in your criteria, nobody else does. We had a Engineer-Scientist who became President and it only helped build our image. It is time we made a President out of a Sportsman or an Artist. A President is an image-builder. Sachin with his largest fanclub in the world, can only use his image to help India more.
You are welcome to suggest other candidates for Presidents and we will be glad to evaluate.