Dear Mr. Ranganathan,
I can imagine the thrill of listening to a group of 120 well trained chanters of
Rudram and Chamakam! It must be the experience of one's life time.
I like Chamakam better, may be because it sounds more musical and seeks to be
blessed with everything good in life.
I used to attend Vedic chanting classes (about 70 students and the majority of
them were ladies). We learnt all the Sukthams, Rudram, Chamakam, Manthra
Pushpam and all the Shanthi Mantras.
But there are contradicting opinions as to whether ladies, even those who are 55+
can chant Vedas, Sukthams etc. Can you throw some light on this? I used to read
Devi Maahaatmyam regularly until one pundit forbade me from doing so!
Awaiting your reply with more useful info,
with warm regards,
Dear Visalakshi ,
Thanks for quick response.To be informed I have mentioned the number as 120.At times
three buses are insufficient meaning the number swells even more than 200.I am happy
that you have learnt Rudram Chamakam etc.Rudram part is praising the almighty and
Chamakam is Begging our comforts.They both go hand in hand .and one should not
stop with rudram.I have a doubt how ladies were taught rudram a sastragnar.
Scriptures prohibit ladies from chanting Vedha mantram but no explanation is given.
Vedhic instructions are emphatic and no exemption is found anywhere. May be the
reason that the ladies are not suitable for adopting serious ordial of sparing their entire
time of the day.Secondly chanting vedham does not stop with a particular chapter and is
a cotinuous process.So they might have thought of excluding ladies who have to look after
the family and their concentration may get diverted So the restrictions might have been
imposed on ladies.But today the scenerio has changed But scriptures and sastras din't
allow any moderator to correct to suit the preset day. As long as we have faith in them we
should trust in full and expect any compromise .We should not go after the reasoning as
we have faith in Vedhas.Regarding devi mahatmiyam I will go after some learned
Ganapadigal or Jadavallabars and try to get details.
I am not aware where you reside but an useful information In Sankara TV one SRI
SESHADRI NATHA SASTRIGAL gives eloborated explanation about vedhic practices.
He is an eminent person and considered as an authority on Vedha sastras.The program
can be viewed @9.00pm on sundays and again on saturdays @11.30am.May our
discussion enlighten all the tamil brhmins forum members.With warm regards wrongan.