i second sangom's suggestion.
physical maturity is a natural progress of a human body development. particularly for a girl, it must be traumatic enough to experience outflow of blood and such, and the added responsibility of cleansing, maintaining the same for a set period every month from now on.
here in canada, the sri lankan tamils, celebrate it, as puppunitha neerattu vizha, which is big business for the vadhyars and the vendors.
personally i think it must be very embarassing for the young lass, to go through the spotlights for so private a functionality.
best is to equip the girl with knowledge re maintenance and assure her that this is a perfectly normal development as prescribed by mother nature.
the more important issues would be the accompanying mental and physical development, and the challenges of raising a sane and healthy teenager to adulthood.
best wishes for that, dear icf. otherwise, if you really feel like celebrating, give your daughter 5000 rupees and let her spend it on whatever she likes. she will love you for that, more than any functional circus.
ps 40 years ago, it was a non event in my parent's household. a few years ago, it was a non event in my household. enough said.