Now it is time to turn the tables and ask what this political diatribe against Obama has got to do with gay marriage?
Biswa, I wanted to comment on Obama's principle-free change of position on Gay marriage, that was the connection. But, I concede your point, the rest of my "diatribe", even though was meant to further buttress how unprincipled Obama has turned out to be, did not have a whole lot to do with Gay marriage itself. So, I am starting a new thread to respond to your points.
The point I was making is Obama had a very strong position in favor of Gay marriage, he not only said he was in favor, but he said he will fight for it, yet when he set his eyes on the White House, he shamelessly changed his position to "evolving" whatever that means.Would like to see what the so-called anti-Obama gay supporters will do if Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann becomes President. Be careful what you ask for, in case you just happen to get it!
Your rhetorical question about Palin and Bachmann is purely hypothetical. If either of them wins the Republican nomination, Obama will trounce them in the general. If one of the other more serious candidates wins the nomination, then it really does not matter much, there will not be a whole lot of difference between Obama and the Republican nominee.
I wonder whether Gates will make the announcement before he leaves this weekend....He also allowed Gays to serve openly in the Military.
Obama will face serious challenge only if the Republicans get their act together and do not nominate a certifiable nut-job. Then, I don't think it would be devastating if Obama looses, the Republican wouldn't be that much different from Obama. What difference does it make whether the Wall Street/MNC owned president has a D or an R after his/her name.If that happens, the Republican Nominee will win with 52% of the popular votes and Electoral Votes of +20...
That will be a devastating defeat for the in-fighting Democrats! Watch out!!
The idea that we have to choose the lesser evil has been sold to the progressive left by the Democratic party establishment. Readily buying this snake oil is the reason Rahm Emanuels of the Democratic party have so much contempt for the progressive left.
Let them earn our vote, do something to energize the base. So far he has done everything possible to discourage us, even Palin mocked "how is the hopey-changy thing workin out for ya". Obama screwed us in a wide range of issues, economy, security, foreign policy, etc. Where is the hope now? What does "Yes we can" mean any more?
This weekend Obama is going to get a chance to be bold and standup for the common Aam Admi. Congress is going to take the July 4th recess. Let us see whether Obama has the spine to make a recess appoint of Elizabeth Warren to run CFPB. Even if the Republicans run pro forma sessions, there are ways Obama can make the appointment if only he has some strong commitment to progressive values. That would be a start for Obama to regain the support of we lefties. Y, as you often say, I am going to wait and watch
