I am just starting this thread with some little bit knowledge I have on the so called raagas. Actually I do not know even abcds, anyways I will try see if I can share some little bit i have here.
Shankarabharanam: This beautiful raaga always comes to my mind through the famous movie shankarabharanam.
I performed some logical thinking on this and found my below answers.
What is shankarabharanam?
Shankar= Siva,
Abharanam= Ornament
the ornament of Shiva's Neck
It is the serpent. now what does this serpent represents?
it represents the Kundalini, which means kunda thil lini, kundam=universe
lini=agni/energy the energy of the universe,
which actually represents the whole universe.
now here comes another 2 lines which provides further description of the word,
Om Kaara Nadhaanu sandhanamo nadhame sankarabharanamu.
Om = A , U MA ,
which stands for creation, management and destruction, srishti, sthithi paripalanam,
nadam= stands for the universe, refer to nadabrahmam, brahmam= universe or the totality,
so basically,
if the whole nadabrhamam is analyzed using the Om Kara we get a nadham which is sankarabharanam, so when we sing this ragam, we arise to the same level as all the sages of India.
In India, there existed a tradition of self realization through music or naadopasana, naadam is 5 levels, para, pasyanthi, vaikari, madhyama and para pasyanthi, so nadam is actually the saguna brahman itself, and who with truth does nadopasana reaches the same bliss of god as through any other method.
Shankarabhranam reminds us that nadham is the ornament of Siva himself through that same raagam we can reach him................... to be continued with another raagaa......................
Shankarabharanam: This beautiful raaga always comes to my mind through the famous movie shankarabharanam.
I performed some logical thinking on this and found my below answers.
What is shankarabharanam?
Shankar= Siva,
Abharanam= Ornament
the ornament of Shiva's Neck
It is the serpent. now what does this serpent represents?
it represents the Kundalini, which means kunda thil lini, kundam=universe
lini=agni/energy the energy of the universe,
which actually represents the whole universe.
now here comes another 2 lines which provides further description of the word,
Om Kaara Nadhaanu sandhanamo nadhame sankarabharanamu.
Om = A , U MA ,
which stands for creation, management and destruction, srishti, sthithi paripalanam,
nadam= stands for the universe, refer to nadabrahmam, brahmam= universe or the totality,
so basically,
if the whole nadabrhamam is analyzed using the Om Kara we get a nadham which is sankarabharanam, so when we sing this ragam, we arise to the same level as all the sages of India.
In India, there existed a tradition of self realization through music or naadopasana, naadam is 5 levels, para, pasyanthi, vaikari, madhyama and para pasyanthi, so nadam is actually the saguna brahman itself, and who with truth does nadopasana reaches the same bliss of god as through any other method.
Shankarabhranam reminds us that nadham is the ornament of Siva himself through that same raagam we can reach him................... to be continued with another raagaa......................