I find that of late many serious discussions are being interrupted by posting cut and paste articles about GODMEN/WOMEN.
Most of the Yahoo groups and Hinduism forums have been flooded with this propaganda. The GODMEN and his followers have money and man power.
These kind of posts have compelled many of the Yahoo groups to switch over moderation.
I get a flood of such messages in my Yahoo groups.
I request the moderators/administrators to delete these posts and warn the members posting them.
They could start new threads.
This is not a discussion about Godmen. Everyone is entitled to his/her beliefs. But you can not thrust your beliefs on others.
Most of the Yahoo groups and Hinduism forums have been flooded with this propaganda. The GODMEN and his followers have money and man power.
These kind of posts have compelled many of the Yahoo groups to switch over moderation.
I get a flood of such messages in my Yahoo groups.
I request the moderators/administrators to delete these posts and warn the members posting them.
They could start new threads.
This is not a discussion about Godmen. Everyone is entitled to his/her beliefs. But you can not thrust your beliefs on others.