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Please don't go

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nara
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Folks, I hate to start a thread on a meta-discussion. But I was not able to think of a different option. This is about Saidevo and I would like to request him not to leave the forum.

On the one side we have a learned and valued member feeling slighted. On the other, we have the legitimate need of the moderator to keep order and make sure his/her authority is not eroded. In this tension, both, or either side, may act or perceive to act in ways that the other side feels crossing the line. These are difficult situations. We have to somehow manage to make sure the forum does not suffer in anyway.

Praveen is the owner, Shri KRS is the moderator, but the forum is we members. I may have difference of opinion with Saidevo, but I know he adds value to this forum. I know, no single member is bigger than the forum, but without him this forum will not be the same. So, I wish to put on record, I will miss him if he decides to remain silent. I request Saidevo to take a small break if he wishes, but come back ASAP, with renewed vigor.

It would be nice if other members who wish to see Saidevo not go, express your wish here, but please do NOT discuss moderation policy, or the recent incident, those are closed topics.

Dear Professor Nara Ji,

I also request Sri Saidevo Ji not to leave. I am very sorry to know that he feels slighted. My intentions were not to slight him or hurt his feelings but to do my job as a Moderator.

Dear Mr. Saidevo!

I DO NOT know what happened. I DO NOT want to know what happened either.

It is anybody's guess.

I just want to tell you two things.

Winner never quit.
Quitters never win!

You are one of the very few who are Frank and Fearless in this Forum.

So if you quit, you know who will be gaining and who will be losing a good

member like you!

The world is full of people "Who pinch the child and also rock the cradle".

When you are frank and fearless, you must also develop a duck-back to shake

off the ice cold water being poured on you and go on with your business.

I am sure many people feel the same way as I do, though they MAY

NOT come forward to say so.

You have many admirers in the Forum. I am proud I am one of them.

with warm regards,
Mrs. V.R.:pray2:
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namaste shrI Nara, shrI KRS, smt.VR and others.

I never knew that I will be missed here so much! In fact, I feel embarassed to have been the cause of this thread, which I request KRS to close forthwith.

In deference to your wishes, I shall continue to remain here and post as usual. I am sorry, KRS, if I you feel I had 'crossed the line'; I wish you all the best in your tough task of moderation.
Dear Shri Saidevo,

Nice to see your message above. Thankyou for staying on. I may differ with what you say on the forum, but in the heart of my heart i agree with so many things you say. I like your postings very much. Thanks again for staying on.

Best wishes.
Dear Sri Saidevo Ji,

It shows what kind of person you are! I was miserable yesterday, having to do things that I personally not relish doing, but had to do nonetheless as my duty.

I am sure you felt the same way.

I am the happiest today, seeing your post.


P.S. I will keep this thread open a little longer for any more comments from our members.
It is good to see Shri Saidevo ji change his decision to quit. He is with out doubt a very valuable contributor to this forum.
Dear Mr. Saidevo,

The world is full of people "Who pinch the child and also rock the cradle". :wacko:

I have not changed my views. Neither need you change yours

Some people need 'human-punching-balls' to remain in good shape like the

professional boxers. The only difference is that they are not confined to the

(square shaped ring) and are let loose among the unsuspecting


Take care.

with warm regards,
saidevo dont go
dont think what people say
just express our knowledge
fight for u right
express your truth
Dear Mr. Saidevo,

I have not been a member of this forum for long. I believe you provide a lot of information regarding the brahmin heritage and its customs. I have learned a lot of information about tamil brahimins from you postings. It provides a very good counter point to the arguments that are presented for a complete overhaul of the brahmin identity. I joined this forum to understand more about tamil brahmins' collective thinking. Your postings along with others have been a valuable resource in forming my opinions.
I am glad you have decided to continue posting and I am very thankful for that.

Best wishes and regards,
K. Kumar.
Glad that you are back.

I know all about it because in the words of Mark Twain "I have done it so often." He was talking about stopping smoking. I had even started a thread about my leaving. :)

The forum grows on you and becomes an addiction.
Dear Mr. Saidevo,

Some people need 'human-punching-balls' to remain in good shape like the

professional boxers. The only difference is that they are not confined to the

(square shaped ring) and are let loose among the unsuspecting


Take care.

with warm regards,

Dear Mrs Visalkshi Ramani,

You said it. It reminds me of the words of Swami Chinmayananda to me.
At that time I was just 23 years old, and was the joint secretary to the organising committee that had organized first "Upanishad Gnyana Yagnya" conducted by Swami Chinmayananda in 1954 at Coimbatore. Swamiji had just come down from Uttarakashi after his studies, not known much to the public. I had to look after many things at the same time including collections, printing, transport etc.. I was tired and panicky. One day Swamiji looked at me and asked me whether I had seen a crowbar. I answered in the affirmative. Then he continued and told how it was sharpened. He said by repeated hammering only the crowbar gets sharpened. Similarly by continuous hits only we get shaped for life. They were such great words that I always remember when things do not go in our line.

Warm Regards,
I am too happy to note that Shri.Saidevo has agreed to continue his postings in this forum.
I have a request to the Moderator.
I think it will be better the views of the Moderator is conveyed to the concerned member through a PM so that such incidents do not become public to other members.There will be only indication in the relevant post of a member that some words or sentences have been edited or deleted.The discussions/arguments between a member and the moderator can be through PRIVATE MESSAGES and by this method no member will feel slighted.
sh.saidevo, welcome. you are a man of just.

i quote Ayn Rand here, “The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.” Thats the spirit, to sit, fight and win the points.

with this, there will be noting to bother about any one saying, 'please go, let you go' .

there is an interesting and smart thing about sh.nara's recent call for quit. he made is so interesting while being appealing, by inserting two video clips, which conveyed some fine hidden messages. the song was not about quitting, but about "I'll surivive'.

like him, i dedicate this video for you.

YouTube - Welcome - Phil Collins

so come on
welcome to our family time
welcome to our brotherly time
we're happy for given an taken to the friends we're makin'
there is nothing we won't do
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P.S. I will keep this thread open a little longer for any more comments from our members.[/QUOTE]

Dear KRSji,

I think you should keep this thread open forever going by the trend in the forum. Luckily, Naraji has not put any name in the title of the thread so that it can be used as and when necessary. The necessity seems to be arising too often in this forum. I do not know about other forums. But it repeatedly happens in this forum that one person or the other offers to quit and is then persuaded by others to stay. While I do not know the reason (as VR has stated, I do not want to know the reason), I really wonder why such instances happen. We need to have some introspection. The irony is not even 10% of the registered members appear to be active in the forum.

Personally, I am glad that Saidevo would continue in this forum. He has been posting useful info in the forum and has been largely adding value to the forum.
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namaste shrI Nara, shrI KRS, smt.VR and others.

I never knew that I will be missed here so much! In fact, I feel embarassed to have been the cause of this thread, which I request KRS to close forthwith.

In deference to your wishes, I shall continue to remain here and post as usual. I am sorry, KRS, if I you feel I had 'crossed the line'; I wish you all the best in your tough task of moderation.

Dear Shri Saidevo,

I could view this thread only now, today, and am really happy that you are not quitting. As I had written in a pm to another member, your views (though different from mine on many topics) are expressed beautifully and serve as a touchstone for me to assess my own views. Further, IMO your greatest contribution to this forum is your library list and its viewership will vouch for what I say.

Welcome back, Saidevo!

I thank everyone for the amity shown towards me. I request KRS to close this thread, as my staying on is made known to the members and they are happy.
We need not change ourselves when we are on the side of

justice/Dharma/ Righteousness/

Difficulties are the touchstones of a man.

So be bold in what you stand for!

Life is grinding wheel. It grinds us only to add more facets and make us glitter

even more brilliantly! :thumb:

pray let me chime in, although at the end of the queue. my hours are dictated by the movement of the earth, but my mind echoes the sentiments here, initiated by our nara.

as one who had quit, and that too for something so flimsy, that i cringe whenever i think about it (not too often though :) ), i can only say that i derive joy and comfort, reading many many posts, by folks like yourself.

one thing, is that we are all, in our own way, trying to come to grips with the fast changing world, and how we can cope and also preserve our values. it is good that we have all strong feelings, and feathers flying every once in a while. for without passion, this too would be another bowl of sambhar - without salt.

welcome back :)

ps. i hope raghy reads this and comes back too :)
Dear Mr. Saidevo,

The world is full of people "Who pinch the child and also rock the cradle". :wacko:

I have not changed my views. Neither need you change yours

Some people need 'human-punching-balls' to remain in good shape like the

professional boxers. The only difference is that they are not confined to the

(square shaped ring) and are let loose among the unsuspecting


Take care.

with warm regards,


unless i am mistaken, you are talking about me. after all, many a time, my posts are nothing but vain examples of 'bashing up the child, and rock the cradle to lose consciousness' . i am not sure if you have told me this before, about some other posts, particularly ones that 'corrupt' the youth.

also, i am aware that i choose unsuspecting victims. maybe you have been one of those too, and which case, please accept my apologies.

i should admire your fortitude, for your present and thriving here, in this den of thieves and adharmas. atleast that is what i gather from the tone of your post here.

that is only because you have not named any names, and probably folks like sangom, brahmanyan, srvana, and even saidevo maybe scratching their head and wondering at whom such glorious innuendos are targetted against. i for one, am sure,that you have me in mind noting the content and tone of your note.

please come out, and point your fingers. at me. atleast, it would give me fair chance to reply.
namaste kunjuppu.

Since this Forum makes us friends cutting across our seniority and age, our fights make us indulgent children throwing pillows at one another, sometimes until the cotton rips off, rather than do a cockfight with feathers flying. Since we are all children at heart, we assemble back to talk, contest and then fight again!

I wonder why KRS hasn't yet closed this thread, putting an end to this sentimental talk, as we have had enough of it.
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