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Pl Read It Completely......!!!! Inspirational Indeed...!!!!

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Pls read it completely !!!!
There were about 70 scientists working on a very hectic project. All of them were really frustrated due to the pressure of work and the
demands of their boss but everyone was loyal to him and did not think of quitting
the job.
One day, one scientist came to his boss and told him - Sir, I
have promised to my children that I will take them to the exhibition going on
in our township. So I want to leave the office at 5:30 pm.
His boss replied 'OK, You're permitted to leave the office early
The Scientist started working. He continued his work after
As usual he got involved to such an extent that he looked at his watch
when he felt he was close to completion.The time was 8.30 PM. Suddenly he
remembered of the promise he had given to his children.
He looked for his boss,,He was not there. Having told him in the
morning itself, he closed everything and left for home.
Deep within himself, he was feeling guilty for having
disappointed his children.

He reached home. Children were not there.His wife alone
was sitting in the hall and reading magazines.
The situation was explosive, any talk would boomerang on him.
His wife asked him 'Would you like to have coffee or shall I straight away
serve dinner if you are hungry.
The man replied 'If you would like to have coffee, i too will
have but what about Children ??'

Wife replied 'You don't know ?? Your manager came here at 5.15
PM and has taken the children to the exhibition '
What had really happened was ... The boss who granted him
permission was observing him working seriously at 5.00 PM. He thought to
himself, this person will not leave the work, but if he has promised his
children they
should enjoy the visit to exhibition.
So he took the lead in taking them to exhibition
The boss does not have to do it everytime. But once it is done,
loyalty is established.
That is why all the scientists at Thumba continued to work under
their boss even
though the stress was tremendous.
By the way , can you guess as to who the boss was..?

He was none other than
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam......
Dear Dr. Anandi

It is quite inspirational indeed - no doubt about it! Thanks for sharing this with us!

If I remember correct you have already posted it under the thread
[h=2]Please read…A very motivating personality….[/h]But I think the more one reads it the more it inspires :) So, no worries :)

Kind regards
Good one.

APJ Abdul kalam's book "wings of fire" which mentions this is a must read for everyone.

Dear Anndi,

Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam is indeed a great personality. It's truly a pleasure to read and get to know the real life moral stories of such great personalities.

These real life moral stories inspires us to a great level. Thank you for sharing this with all of us here.

Yes Madam, by mistake I have posted it twice. The more I read the story, the more was my excitement and anxiety to share it with you all. on the process, I had forgotten completely that I have already posted this. Good observation Madam and your posts about songs are simply superb. Very vast knowledge about songs Madam. Really fantastic effort. I listen to all the songs you quote. Thank you so much Madam. Take care. Anandi
Dear Dr. Anandi

Please do me a big favour - please just call me Valli :)

I just saw the youtube documentary you had uploaded and I am just amazed at what you have achieved (and how humble you are)!!!

Thank you for your compliment about my posts about songs! There is really no great effort or knowledge except that I love a variety of songs :) It is really nice to hear that you listen to all the songs I quote, oh, thank you so much!

Keep up your great work at this website!

Kindest regards
Dear Anandi,
Dr. Kalam is one of the illustrious Presidents we have had after sir S.Radha-
krishnan, Dr. Zakhir Hussain and Babu Rajendra Prasad. He is a humanist
as well.

We really had as Presidents a world renowned philosopher, a great statesman,
a scholar and a scientist. The first Governor-General also was a man of great
stature - Rajaji.

We are lucky at least in this respect.
[FONT=&quot]Dear Valli[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Each work has its own credit. All credit goes to you and for your thought to start a thread like this. Full marks to you. One should have knowledge, interest, flavor and understanding in music; they only can write so authentically about songs and can start a thread like this. I really appreciate your effort. I listen to your songs; it is really a relaxation time for me to listen to your songs. All the best. Take care. Anandi [/FONT]
I jist share my experience with Dr.Kalam.He visited our company(Super Auto Forge,Chennai) some years after He moved out of the Office of President of India.After the plant visit He interacted with us Employees.His specific question to some of Mangers was about Training to shop floor employees.He asked us if the training in Local Language .This Shows How Practical a person He was.Normally companies offer training at Hotels with Great presentations etc.
But He wa concerned for the employyes at shop leve.We give traiing in tamil to our ShopFloor.He Highly appreciate us.
I jist share my experience with Dr.Kalam.He visited our company(Super Auto Forge,Chennai) some years after He moved out of the Office of President of India.After the plant visit He interacted with us Employees.His specific question to some of Mangers was about Training to shop floor employees.He asked us if the training in Local Language .This Shows How Practical a person He was.Normally companies offer training at Hotels with Great presentations etc.
But He wa concerned for the employyes at shop leve.We give traiing in tamil to our ShopFloor.He Highly appreciate us.
[FONT=&quot]You are very true Talwanji... He is really a great man indeed. It is very difficult to find a man like him in today's time. Very simple, humble, and very talented with the vision to make India a superpower. Actually, our brain tanks of the Centre ( whoever it may be, from which party they may be) they should make Dr.Kalam their adviser to make India a corruption free and work together to make India a super power country.. By 2020.. This was the real vision of Dr. Kalam. I feel proud to be an India and am living in his time.. I salute him with full heart. Anandi.[/FONT]
what a thought inspiring article and trust Dr. Kalam to help out the scientist by taking the children for exhibition. Wish there were many more like him.
what a thought inspiring article and trust Dr. Kalam to help out the scientist by taking the children for exhibition. Wish there were many more like him.
Dear Geetaji... India needs brains like Dr. Kalam as a leader, who is impartial and work for the betterment of the Nation, non bias and dedicated. What to do?? It is our ill fate that the people with brains and commitment are not coming up to the political field and there are many people with brains and leadership quality are there in the political arena at present, but they are not ready to change.. they work for their personal betterment rather than National. if they do 25% justice to their job that itself make wonders to the Nation. Let us hope in this Independence Day that May God Bless Our Nation to Prosper and become a peaceful and non corrupt Nation in the near future. Let us get a Good, Committed Leader, Who work for both, for personal growth as well as for the national prosperity. We won't mind. Thank you for your post. Keep posting. Regards Anandi
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