I am raising a question which would have arisen to many members
WHile performing shraddham to parents, what is the rule when there are 2 or more brothers?
Assuming the brothers are living in different households in the same city, what is the rule -whether brothers must do shraddham separately or is it permitted to do together in one of their houses?
If one of the brothers is unmarried, is there a separate rule for him also?
Again when giving the response, it will be helpful if it is also clarified whether it is a mandatory or only a preferred approach.
In case this question is already answered in any earlier discussion, please help me with the link to that discussion and accept my apologies for the repetition, in such a case.
WHile performing shraddham to parents, what is the rule when there are 2 or more brothers?
Assuming the brothers are living in different households in the same city, what is the rule -whether brothers must do shraddham separately or is it permitted to do together in one of their houses?
If one of the brothers is unmarried, is there a separate rule for him also?
Again when giving the response, it will be helpful if it is also clarified whether it is a mandatory or only a preferred approach.
In case this question is already answered in any earlier discussion, please help me with the link to that discussion and accept my apologies for the repetition, in such a case.