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Our cities cannot be called smart until women feel safe

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Active member
It doesn’t sound quite so appealing but probably what we need first is safe cities before smart cities. Or better still safety, especially for women, should be the top priority in smart cities. This should not be too tough given that technology is to be the bedrock of smart cities and it works well in promoting safety. But I am getting ahead of myself.
There is no Indian city which provides safe spaces for women in public places though many efforts have been made by both the government and NGOs to put in place steps for this. Let’s engage in a bit of what could have been – on that fateful night of December 16, had there been safe public transport, we may never have heard of the woman who was gang raped and murdered and brought a nation onto the streets in grief. Had there been proper street lighting, she might have spotted the fact that the bus she was about to enter was not a commercial bus at all but a private one with only five male passengers. And mind you, Delhi is one of the first five cities which the UN programme `Safe Cities and Safe Public Places’ chose because women were considered so unsafe in it.

There are a number of measures that have been talked about as being enablers of greater safety for women. Among these are CCTVs, panic buttons and GPS tracking. But despite the fact that all these have been implemented partially in some places, women still don’t feel safe. To just stick to Delhi, less than five percent of women feel that public spaces are safe. From actual molestation and rape to jostling and lewd remarks, going out is a nightmare for most women. The idea of a nice walk on a public promenade unaccompanied is not something any woman in Delhi can conceive of.

The Aam Aadmi Party, the aam aadmi also comprising women presumably, has been so busy tilting at windmills most of the time, that its 10-point plan for women’s safety seems to have fallen through the cracks. Emergency connectivity through Wi-Fi with the police was one measure I recall. I wonder what happened to it. I haven’t heard of any woman who managed to get help in time and has a positive story to report on this front.

Then there was Himmat, a safety app for smartphones launched by no less than the Union home minister himself. No much luck there either. Women don’t seem to use these perhaps convinced that it will not save them come the moment they face louts on the streets. The ministry of women and child had decreed at the beginning of last year that every smartphone would be fitted with a panic button. Excellent, but do all women have smartphones?

The main problem as I see it is that despite the presence of CCTVs and other gadgets for women’s safety, the criminals which ooze around on our streets simply don’t seem to fear that they will be caught. They seem quite complacent that they will either not be spotted or that f they are that they will get away with it.

Women are expected to be in public spaces only if there is a particular purpose by and large. They can go to work, study or execute domestic chores like shopping, and that too at designated hours. The concept of just being outdoors to enjoy a nice day or just wander about is not something that is available to the majority of women in urban areas. Women have to be responsible for their own safety at all times, even inside the home. All public spaces belong almost as if by birthright to men. Women are `allowed’ in them at designated times.

Technology certainly will help as I said but the certainty and severity of the law ought to be there as well. The attitude that women out on their own are legitimate targets is so ingrained in our society and by extension even in the police. We talk so much about a rights-based plan, an inclusive plan and making cities safe for women. But technology has to be paired with follow-up action by the law. If the very basics of even accepting FIRs in time and taking action against stalkers and harassers were prompt, then there is some hope of progress. But what we see today is young men wandering about harassing at will for which they most often get no more than a disapproving cluck.

I do hope that our technology-driven government will think about safe cities a little more forcefully and back it up with good old fashioned policing. There is nothing like the firm smack of the law to dampen the baser instincts in the semi-intelligent criminals whose primary source of enjoyment is harassing women.

This all talk about safety etc...its not worth the risk to take safety for granted for both males and females.

I dont want to sound conservative but one should stick to common sense and avoid being in risky situations.

I am quite surprised to read about the case in Blore where it was almost 3am on New year when a woman got molested.

Out here in Msia there are street parties too for
New Year..there would be dancing all night but with full police and auxiliary forces on guard.

This New Year cos of a Bomb threat even the Army was standing guard for new year street parties to ensure safety.

So no one dare molest anyone when police and army are standing fully armed and also even single females who party till late night usually bring a male friend for safety reasons..very rarely females are seen late night alone without a male escorting them.

So I am surprised to note that girls in India take the risk of being alone at 3 am..surely they can get the help of a male friend to make sure they reach home safely.

Also out here in Msia on normal days ..if a woman is seen alone at 3 am usually you would be stopped by police to ensure if you are safe and also would be asked..if you need an escort back home
... and if you are man and you can not explain why you are loitering around so late at night with no valid reason..be ready to be grilled by the police!LOL

But overall if we have no valid reason to be alone so late at night ..its better to stay indoors instead of putting ourselves at risk.

It has to be accepted into our brain that safety is finally only our responsibility...no use trying to prove a point when life might be at stake.
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....... But overall if we have no valid reason to be alone so late at night ..its better to stay indoors instead of putting ourselves at risk.

It has to be accepted into our brain that safety is finally only our responsibility...no use trying to prove a point when life might be at stake.
Very true, Renu. Our girls end up in troubles by taking unnecessary risks.

'Freedom' is not understood in the correct sense! :sad:
Going by this news, I think men also don’t enjoy safety in India..

Such news comes in handy for Modi-Baiters….

Of course in Karnataka it is Congress Government…

Spurned Bengaluru woman attacks boyfriend with acid, surrenders

The 26-year-old was reportedly in a relationship with the victim, and attacked him for refusing to marry her.

The Vijayanagar police in Bengaluru arrested a 26-year-old woman on Tuesday allegedly for attacking her boyfriend with acid.
According to the police, Lidiya - a nurse at a private hospital in the city - attacked 32-year-old Jayakumar after the latter refused to marry her. The residents of Srirampura were reportedly in a relationship for nearly four years, and despite her expressing her desire to get married, Jayakumar was planning to marry someone else.

Irked by this, Lidiya allegedly threw acid on Jayakumar’s face and slashed it using a surgical blade on Monday evening. Jayakumar, who is a cloth merchant, sustained injuries on the right side of his face and is currently undergoing treatment at a private hospital in the city.

To read more: http://www.thenewsminute.com/article/spurned-bengaluru-woman-attacks-boyfriend-acid-surrenders-55875
Now men are responsible for their own safety...

Acid attacks: Scorned lovers are not always men


You hear countless stories of men attacking women after being turned down by them, but police officials and lawyers in UP say that incidents of women acting as the aggressor are on the rise. We take a look at some of the recent cases in the state where women have been the vengeful lover.

Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...s-are-not-always-men/articleshow/50656354.cms
​Men start the evils and women follow! :flock:

I only remember Soorpanaka who started.......

And there are lot of evil women charaters in Hindu Paranas to establish that women are the cause for .....................

Want to know all this...?
​Men start the evils and women follow! :flock:

Dear RR ji,

We should never underestimate ourselves...we females can be more evil than males.

Males can be violent but females can be deceivingly gentle yet be a 666!LOL
I only remember Soorpanaka who started.......

And there are lot of evil women charaters in Hindu Paranas to establish that women are the cause for .....................

Want to know all this...?

True...we females can create and also destroy. Men can never match up with our evil plans.

Its our dual nature that makes even the most intelligent man unable to decipher a female's mind.
Women are evil only in tamil serials on TV.

Manipulative yes, but mostly when their interests are badly hurt.

Otherwise when one appeals to their good sense, they normally can be very helpful
True...we females can create and also destroy. Men can never match up with our evil plans.

Its our dual nature that makes even the most intelligent man unable to decipher a female's mind.

Doctor Mam,

You may write more about women who are good nurturers, mere breeders, gentle and with good heart, etc etc like Madam Jekylls and Madam Hydes…

And may refer lot as ‘Women wiles’ from puranas…

But all the same, they are termed as ‘Weaker sex’. Why…???
Doctor Mam,

You may write more about women who are good nurturers, mere breeders, gentle and with good heart, etc etc like Madam Jekylls and Madam Hydes…

And may refer lot as ‘Women wiles’ from puranas…

But all the same, they are termed as ‘Weaker sex’. Why…???

We are known as the weaker sex cos that is what males prefer to believe and we dont really mind that tag cos we can use our so called weakness to the maximum to get men to do work for us.

We can play damsel in distress just to get men to carry heavy objects and loads for us.

We also can act weak and cry ..like how Kaikeyi cried lying on the floor..then suddenly carry out our evil plans.

So..weakness is just an evil plan of strength..women can hit so hard till no one can get up again.
So..weakness is just an evil plan of strength..women can hit so hard till no one can get up again.

What was that Kaikeyi accomplished because of her wrath at last.... an ward of BEST EVIL PLANNER....?

Dasaratha breathed his last...!

Sent Rama into exile

Was Bharatha happy....?

So, it is for power, wealth, etc etc

But imho most go by this....

‘Karyeshu Dasi, Karaneshu Manthri;
Roopeshu lakshmi, Kshamayeshu Dharitri,
Bhojeshu Mata, Shayaneshu Rambha,
Shat dharmayukta, Kuladharma Pathni’
It doesn’t sound quite so appealing but probably what we need first is safe cities before smart cities.

Similarly we need better bullock carts and camel carts before we start on with faster modes of travel like cars, buses, trains or planes.

Or better still safety, especially for women, should be the top priority in smart cities.

Or better still, we should have more facilities like overhead shade to to have a bit more comfort and protection against sun, wind, rains etc.

This should not be too tough given that technology is to be the bedrock

Because we have adequate technology like wooden wheels, steel rims to cover the wooden wheels and we can further advance our technology and technical know-how to include rubber tyres and pneumatic tubes etc. That will make the journey more comfortable and fulfilling both for the passengers and the bulls or camels drawing the cart.

But I am getting ahead of myself.

Yes. It would be better to start off with taming of the bulls and camels all over again.

And so on and so forth. To every initiative by the Government we can provide a counter narrative and keep harping on that.
May I please know who terms women as "weaker sex"?

What is the strength of women in Indian Army....? and what is the strength of men in Indian Army...?

It was reported that the country has just 5.33% women in police forces despite growing demands for more representation in law enforcement agencies.

According to home ministry statistics, out of 15,85,117 personnel working in state police forces, only 84,479 or just 5.33% are women.

Besides, there are just 499 all-women police stations in the country out of a total 15,000 stations.

This poor strength speak volume.

We had woman PM and women CMs, but why the strength remains the same....? May be bcos they know their strength and weaknesses.

Situation song....Aaru athu aazham illa
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What was that Kaikeyi accomplished because of her wrath at last.... an ward of BEST EVIL PLANNER....?

Dasaratha breathed his last...!

Sent Rama into exile

Was Bharatha happy....?

So, it is for power, wealth, etc etc

But imho most go by this....

‘Karyeshu Dasi, Karaneshu Manthri;
Roopeshu lakshmi, Kshamayeshu Dharitri,
Bhojeshu Mata, Shayaneshu Rambha,
Shat dharmayukta, Kuladharma Pathni’

Well...its tru her "evil" plan that made the Rama Avtar fulfill His mission by liberating Ravana.
Dear Renu,

I can understand why our Ambis are unable to get a good match!

OMG, so many conditions to be satisfied!! :lol:
Karyeshu Dasa, Karaneshu Raja,
Roopeshu Narayana , Kshamayeshu Adisesha,
Bhojeshu Data, Shayaneshu Manmatha,
Shat dharmayukta, Kuladharma Purusha

Similarly we need better bullock carts and camel carts before we start on with faster modes of travel like cars, buses, trains or planes.

Or better still, we should have more facilities like overhead shade to to have a bit more comfort and protection against sun, wind, rains etc.

Because we have adequate technology like wooden wheels, steel rims to cover the wooden wheels and we can further advance our technology and technical know-how to include rubber tyres and pneumatic tubes etc. That will make the journey more comfortable and fulfilling both for the passengers and the bulls or camels drawing the cart.

Yes. It would be better to start off with taming of the bulls and camels all over again.

And so on and so forth. To every initiative by the Government we can provide a counter narrative and keep harping on that.

More appropriate Sir.
I think the thread is getting derailed.

Wll be back with more appripriate post.
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