Dear Sri Rajesh Raghavan Ji,
I moved this thread from the 'Introductions' topic to this one where it belongs, as you have started a discussion on 'Old age homes'.
I moved this thread from the 'Introductions' topic to this one where it belongs, as you have started a discussion on 'Old age homes'.
Let me introduce myself,
Me, a person of brahmin community from Trivandrum
Let me share my thoughts as a simple follower of the tamil brahmin community.
Now a days we see that even the Brahmin sabhas are in the process of running Old age homes. What are they going to achieve by running such Homes.? They say that in the community there are a lot of elderly persons who have no one to look after. This may be true. As far as such persons are concerns it is ok. But the number of such persons are very low. The very concept of Old age homes is in itself an invitation for those who are feeling burdened by their elderly parents and grand parents.
Lord Krishna in Bhagvat Gita says
Karmanye vaadi karaste maa phaleshu kadachana
Do your duty and not think about the results
The Brahmin organisations must tell the masses that it is the duty of every individual is to look after their elderly. Of course there are constraints. Just think if we can look after our children by spending time and money why not look after our elders. They are not going to live 100 years or so. Atmost they will live happier say up to a maximum 80 years or so. They will praise us and pray to the lord for our well being . The Brahmin organisations must come forward to educate our community members about the importance of having grand parents.
One must remember to age is an universal process. Every one will be come become aged.
In the Ramayana we know the story of Sravan kumar who use to carry his blind parents on his shoulders. But modern sravan kumars are carrying their parents to the Old age homes. This is a painful thing.
I feel angry and sorry for such homes being opened by our organisations with wide publicity.
Stop such homes and think positively about running Mantra classes, Classes on daily rituals and its importance.
Don't think that our parents and grand parents are a burden to us but believe that they are a boon to us. Elder people and Children have similar behaviours. So once we treat them as children and start to give them the deserving importance they will also help us in many ways.
These are all just a reproduction of my innerself.
Rajesh R
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