...Sri.Nara, where are you? Kindly come to this thread, please. I like to know your learned opinion on this please.
What? Learned opinion? You have high hopes Raghy
As for plain old opinions, no problem, I will give mine, after all, as Tip O'Neil used to say, we all have the right to our own opinions, but not to our own facts
First, thanks goes to Suryakasyapa for the link, a wonderful story. If it is technical problem, then they need to fix that problem in stead of forcing the couple to make a ridiculous choice.
It is funny that people of religion make fun of the hypocrisy of DK/DMK leaders. Their hypocrisy neither proves or disproves any positive or negative role religion or faith in prayers to a personal god may play in society. Further, their main fight is against caste system and because of that they focus their energies against Hinduism. Within the confines of their own religion, Muslims treat their umma as all brothers, and Christians are also at least supposed to -- they may not and that is for another time. So, asking DK/DMK to criticize non-Hindu religions is disingenuous.
Here, let me cite a personal story. There was some community project in Nangainallur for which government approval was need and was getting delayed. The Brahmins of Nangainallur wrote out an appeal to MK, who was CM at that time, and got an appointment to present the petition personally. It seems MK wrote on the petition, "அந்தணர்கள் வாழுமிடம், பார்த்து ஆவன செய்யவும்". I know MK is a scoundrel, so take this episode for what it is worth.
Here, criticizing EVR for hypocrisy is unfair. He has never been a hypocrite. He did not hesitate criticizing anything that he thought of as superstitions. He openly criticized the much ballyhooed Karpu of Tamil culture. He even called Tamil, காட்டு மிராண்டிகள் மொழி. Except for his visceral hatred for Brahmins, probably caused by personal slights against him, he was a revolutionary in the true sense of the word.
According to Richard Dawkins, the one who wrote the fantastic book "The Selfish Gene" (I recommend this book very highly to everyone), and the somewhat entertaining "God Delusion", one of the worst forms of child abuse is to label them as belonging to a particular religion. He advocates teaching them about religion, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and leave it up to them to decide when they grow up. It looks like this is exactly what this couple chose, and I salute them for it.