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The entire corpus of Yoga sutra is from Vedas.

We have Brahma Sutra, Yoga Sutra and Bhakti Sutra all have source in VEDAS .


ofcourse its vedas...who said its not...

but nobody owes it to any current 'brahmins'...you think baba ramdev is a brahmin? go find out more abt various monastic schools and yoga akhadas...
why you want me to exclude that?

anyway my parents practiced theetu - whenever they did poojas and vratas.

because dharmashastras and puranas were not written by vedic brahmins...they were written after the northern hordes came into india and absorbed themselves into existing vedic cultures..

so gimme verses from vedic texts only if untouchability is sanctioned by those texts or not..
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that's not what I read.

From Yangyavalkaya Smirti to Parahsara Smriti all are written by seers.

common who are the northern hordes u are talking about.
that's not what I read.

From Yangyavalkaya Smirti to Parahsara Smriti all are written by seers.

common who are the northern hordes u are talking about.

all those seers were local guys....please ask this to Sri N-ji...he can explain without his emotions coming in b/w....because in this topic these days i am not able to feel ok..

ppl look down upon some ppl like say toddy tapers as low class but forgot soma oblations in the vedas..its around the same 'type' of occupation...in the sangam times brahmins were doing all sorts of occupations, they were killing all sorts of animals and ofering bali, the brahmin class was fluid...then later things got rigid..and those old classes are tribes now...you yourself can read thru available literature...i have given sufficient leads, spoken brazenly in the other threads too and do not wish to talk on this topic anymore.
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as N... would write=whats the thread topic khe khe :)

monkey latching to its mom,is svadharma,a sense of secure feeling.that is why we love moms more becoz we all,remember our stay inside her womb,get fed and finally after 270-280 days umbilical cord is snipped and finally we feed on her milks produced from her body=bonding of nature.we are no different from apes or monkeys,in very many ways.like apes we dont have a tail but like monkeys we keep our mind jumping from one branch to another....now i am 'thaaving' to how to make money and loot for myself,so start axe-brand party in the guise of helping brahmins..khe khe:pound:

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why you want me to exclude that?

anyway my parents practiced theetu - whenever they did poojas and vratas.
they won't touch us (children) till the end of it.

my mum's parents and my dad's mother also did that (didn't touch until others until their prayers were complete)....my parents do not do that...and we are completely out of it.

am not talking abt wht you do inside home..am not talking abt what a priest living his life perfectly as a brahman priest does...am only talking abt the current industrialized society...like in your work place and the people you interact with..
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to palindrome,

smritis are the texts laid down by people who wanted to incorporate the aim of the vedas into the life of the common man...

and hence they contain the rules and regulations which are to be followed, and it depends on a combination of variables - situation, relativity, societal-setup, etc...

it neither demeans a person nor makes another superior just by practising a way... it is a path - that is all...

there are various dharmashasthras that lay down about "theetu", for those who follow a particular mode of life, it is necessary to adhere to it... there may be people who do not follow it and have probably remained enlightened, but that is not the point here...

consider, for example, if a school lays down rules, about uniforms, do we challenge it? saying that it discriminates or that it is not really necessary in the broader scope of things? or that education is the important thing, not a dress? definitely, a student from another school does not wear the same uniform, but does he not become educated?

so you see what you speak is not logic, rather a distorted vision of trying to huddle together everything under the umberella of so-called equality... by saying that "theetu" or "untouchability" is not warranted for... it simply doesn't make sense...
ss,this piece from pali...sorts of confusing for me.how is 'theetu' fundamentalistic?if you understood can you plz explain?mandaiyae vedichudum pola irukku!!!!

ss,tell me,when does ones society becomes new or old?isn't it old wine in new bottle(khe khe,i know you hate this example :))

i think m m has been unfairly understood here...all it is about hygeine..the methods deployed was prolly hurting communities...i still remember in our house in teynampet,in front of our house,the 'paal karans'used tie their cows,which used drop their dungs,pee,....etc emanating a wretched stench..i had the guts and go and tell the 'cheri' people,please give bath to cows and also dont allow children to shit in the rods,its un-hygeinex...promptly i was told=get real.

we are so poor,we dont even have a house,food,clothes,latrines...and you expect us to be hygeinic....'vayatha komattindu' warum to even walk on the road for us..but nobody listened,and told me 'muka' has told to have chris like this in every locality so that poor people will get jobs as maidservants=i could not beat the logic of muka.

sb, i think the social aspects of untouchability - restricting usage of wells, the two-tumbler system etc are the ones which palindrome seems to be talking about... she (oops, i think it is a she?) thinks that theetu is a concept which implicitly suggests a hierarchy based on birth... not bothering to know what are the circumstances under which these are being followed...

one can say that god too is a male chauvinist, since he chose labour and child birth to women only, why not make men too capable of this? her logic is also somewhat similar to this...

fundamentalism is when every interpretation of literals in our vedas is held to be the sacred truth... but then, it depends on our understanding as to what the message really is... the vedas do not speak about dress codes too, then how did the specifics come to appear? can we roam about naked? one can reply to the affirmative to this, but how may really practice this?

as i have said in my previous post, there are interpretations to help us integrate the essence of the vedas through our social life...

parasarar, (quoted from the skd) says,

"after menstruation, it is said that, a woman is said to contain the doshas of a chandali on the first day, that of a brahmna hatthi on the second day and that of a rajaki on the third day... the woman must remain secluded and intercourse is prohibited. she becomes clean of doshams only on the fifth day, after bath... he says, that it is good for "prajasamrakshanam'..."

now, one may question what these doshams are and how do they fix upon the woman? on the other hand, did such seers write something on such flimsy grounds that it is subject to being questioned on the drop of a hat? would they have not envisaged this during the latter ages?

or is it something that our minds have not yet fathomed?

so, judging a person as a fundamentalist is simply a way of this society, but let them keep on judging... we have to plod our way...

regarding mm's stance - i think there may be a determined individual/group of people here who take on mm simply for the sake of rebuking him and his ideas...

society is ever-changing, but only with regard to certain aspects... after having advanced to a level, one may find that certain practices as done in olden days, were actually the best practices... society takes the form of the more dominant personality that is evident - in collective individuals... it is materialistic and longing for pleasure now, and society has adapted to meet this demands - probably when it comes to be predominantly dharma based or spiritual based, we may see new light in our scriptures...

old wine? wine itself is a fermented product... the question then, merely, is one of palatability... :)

sb, i think the social aspects of untouchability - restricting usage of wells, the two-tumbler system etc are the ones which palindrome seems to be talking about... she (oops, i think it is a she?) thinks that theetu is a concept which implicitly suggests a hierarchy based on birth... not bothering to know what are the circumstances under which these are being followed...

one can say that god too is a male chauvinist, since he chose labour and child birth to women only, why not make men too capable of this? her logic is also somewhat similar to this...

fundamentalism is when every interpretation of literals in our vedas is held to be the sacred truth... but then, it depends on our understanding as to what the message really is... the vedas do not speak about dress codes too, then how did the specifics come to appear? can we roam about naked? one can reply to the affirmative to this, but how may really practice this?

as i have said in my previous post, there are interpretations to help us integrate the essence of the vedas through our social life...

parasarar, (quoted from the skd) says,

"after menstruation, it is said that, a woman is said to contain the doshas of a chandali on the first day, that of a brahmna hatthi on the second day and that of a rajaki on the third day... the woman must remain secluded and intercourse is prohibited. she becomes clean of doshams only on the fifth day, after bath... he says, that it is good for "prajasamrakshanam'..."

now, one may question what these doshams are and how do they fix upon the woman? on the other hand, did such seers write something on such flimsy grounds that it is subject to being questioned on the drop of a hat? would they have not envisaged this during the latter ages?

or is it something that our minds have not yet fathomed?

so, judging a person as a fundamentalist is simply a way of this society, but let them keep on judging... we have to plod our way...

regarding mm's stance - i think there may be a determined individual/group of people here who take on mm simply for the sake of rebuking him and his ideas...

society is ever-changing, but only with regard to certain aspects... after having advanced to a level, one may find that certain practices as done in olden days, were actually the best practices... society takes the form of the more dominant personality that is evident - in collective individuals... it is materialistic and longing for pleasure now, and society has adapted to meet this demands - probably when it comes to be predominantly dharma based or spiritual based, we may see new light in our scriptures...

old wine? wine itself is a fermented product... the question then, merely, is one of palatability... :)

nawab of pataudi shot,thru the covers for a six :),thnx yaar!


but i don't have any ideas on my own
i just align myself as a follower.


i don't get what you mean. How Smritis and Dharmashastra came to us is well documented in kamakoti.org

b4 northerners settled in TN , TN has history of Brahmins living in the land as natives.

The one who designed Tamizh grammar is a Brahmin called Tholkappiyar a disciple of another Brahmin called Agastiyar. Samskrit and Tamizh are both the eyes of TN people since milliena.

so your cock and bull stories has nothing to do with history of our land.

My mum and dad practised "theetu" against us - does that mean we are low class? - No they are simply following the injunctions , an order that is passed to them from time immemorial. for what? - for our welfare.

It is very hard to practice "theetu" in public now.
who suffers ? it is we all of us suffers - don't we?
because we couldn't follow the injunctions , we couldn't perform rituals as pescribed and eventually we couldn't carry all the TAPAS of our elders to the current generation. so you now see a degenerated society. Nobody is interested in just and fair. Might( goonda might) is right becomes the order of the day. Money making is the only motive that drives a man. you see chaos everywhere.

All is because of what ? aacharam could not be practiced...

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in brown

to palindrome,

smritis are the texts laid down by people who wanted to incorporate the aim of the vedas into the life of the common man...

its known..

and hence they contain the rules and regulations which are to be followed, and it depends on a combination of variables - situation, relativity, societal-setup, etc...

that's known too..

it neither demeans a person nor makes another superior just by practising a way... it is a path - that is all...

also known

there are various dharmashasthras that lay down about "theetu", for those who follow a particular mode of life, it is necessary to adhere to it... there may be people who do not follow it and have probably remained enlightened, but that is not the point here...

dharmashastras laid them down due to intermingling and society organization after the hordes had come in...ppl now want to justify theetu in a society (that wants to be modern and progressive) using texts written ages ago....

consider, for example, if a school lays down rules, about uniforms, do we challenge it? saying that it discriminates or that it is not really necessary in the broader scope of things? or that education is the important thing, not a dress? definitely, a student from another school does not wear the same uniform, but does he not become educated?

so you say you can practice untouchability at school or work by quoting the example of a school uniform...again, as mentioned b4 no one cares what you do inside home..or what you do as a brahmin priest living his life as a priest / preacher anywhere...its what you do as someone in a secular vocation when you go outside home, in the larger society...

so you see what you speak is not logic, rather a distorted vision of trying to huddle together everything under the umberella of so-called equality... by saying that "theetu" or "untouchability" is not warranted for... it simply doesn't make sense...

i think we better stop judging each other's logic just bcoz we have decied to take sides on the opposite ends of the spectrum.....one man's food will always be an other man's poison in such cases...if it does not make sense to you, so be it....i wud rather go with the majority consensus that untouchability has no place in an egalitarian society...
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majority rule is a disaster. as we see now

Truth has nothing to do with numbers.
in brown

i don't get what you mean. How Smritis and Dharmashastra came to us is well documented in kamakoti.org

am not inclined to go entirely by the kanchi mutt's documentation..

b4 northerners settled in TN , TN has history of Brahmins living in the land as natives.

its known...however, those brahmins are not the current brahmins...

The one who designed Tamizh grammar is a Brahmin called Tholkappiyar a disciple of another Brahmin called Agastiyar. Samskrit and Tamizh are both the eyes of TN people since milliena.

ofcourse its known

so your cock and bull stories has nothing to do with history of our land.

thanks...these cock and bull stories are not of my making...

My mum and dad practised "theetu" against us - does that mean we are low class? - No they are simply following the injunctions , an order that is passed to them from time immemorial. for what? - for our welfare.

did i say anything practiced inside the house is wrong...did i say anything practiced by a priest in a temple is wrong...am only talking abt your stand of justifying untouchabiity in workplaces, outside home like schools, colleges, place that people interact with each other...

It is very hard to practice "theetu" in public now.

so if you had a choice you wud pratice it in public??

who suffers ? it is we all of us suffers - don't we?

you think you are suffering?

because we couldn't follow the injunctions , we couldn't perform rituals as pescribed and eventually we couldn't carry all the TAPAS of our elders to the current generation. so you now see a degenerated society. Nobody is interested in just and fair. Might( goonda might) is right becomes the order of the day. Money making is the only motive that drives a man. you see chaos everywhere.

it is you who did not follow the injuctions...do not say 'we cudn't follow'...the vedic brahmin did not covet wealth...

All is because of what ? aacharam could no be practiced...

all because guys like you decided untouchability shd be carried on from the old society into the new changing one..


but i thot you are a follower,..how come you ask others to think but you wanna 'think to follow' only..
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I am a proud Tamil Brahmin.

But those who argue that from the begining of time Brahmins existed in south India, especially in Tamil speaking areas are not speaking from known facts.

The fact we all can agree on is that Agastyar settled in Tamil Nadu, after traveling from the north and he was a Brahmin. He and Tholkappiar, who also was said to be a Brahmin, did much to contribute to Tamil.

Even Agastya's caste is an assumed one. Because of our oral traditions, any established historical evidences are not there. Fact and fiction have been over time mixed in our tradition to produce our legends and myths.

Let us not make unnecessary claims without having any scientific proofs. Till then, we will just have to say that what we know and assume are based on words we hear passed from one generation to the next with masala added at each turn.

how smiriti 's came and how it get translated into dharma shastra is well documented - i meant just that.

politics is there from time immemorial ... that's not the point now.

how smiritis follow shrutis - this is what is the discussion is all about. Just stick to that.

Even Mahakavi Kalidasa's vak is quoted there. apart from this point , divuging in mutt politics is just a drag.

anyway ..... my stance is ... a community should be judged by its contribution and not whether it physically touch others or not. that's pointless.

"Theetu" injunctions are laid in Smriti which follows Shruti. I didn't see any mis-interpretation anywhere.
a fundamentalist imagines he is following dharma because of selective interpretation.

he justifies things like theetu. it does not bother him. but he bothers others.

just to highlight on what context you bought the subject "theetu"

dharmashastras laid them down due to intermingling and society organization after the hordes had come in...our prob is that those that had the higher degree of intermingling now want to justify theetu in a society (that wants to be modern and progressive) using texts that was in most likeness originally written to prevent intermingling against those very ppl....
why shasthras were laid down is very clear... not due to intermingling of societies... but to give a detailed way for the society to achieve their goals... you might want to visit the links given by vv for the vedanta classes... the orator clearly explains what shasthras are and the why of it...

so you say you can practice untouchability at school or work by quoting the example of a school uniform...again, as mentioned b4 no one cares what you do inside home..or what you do as a brahmin priest living his life as a priest / preacher anywhere...its what you do as someone in a secular vocation when you go outside home, in the larger society...
what is the issue about touching? it is a personal space... i wouldnt want anybody touching me unnecessarily, unless i prefer it... so, all this talk about untouchability does not hold water...

i think we better stop judging each other's logic just bcoz we have decied to take sides on the opposite ends of the spectrum.....one man's food will always be an other man's poison in such cases...if it does not make sense to you, so be it....i wud rather go with the majority consensus that untouchability has no place in an egalitarian society...
logic is but perception... you intercepted mm's post and did not think that he is entitled to his logic... and i do the same here...

egalitarian? - as if the olden ages did not practice equality...!!! amusing... we all practice untouchability in one form or the other... even now, i dont think nb's would allow the people in "cheris" inside their home... it is cleanliness that matters and not jathi...

myself, mm or whoever it may be - have we not travelled in a bus? or a train? if we were so touchy as you portray it to be, we would have then recoiled at the very touch of others... these days, people are highly unclean - i hope you realize that... i have seen people around me who just come straight out of the hair saloon to the office; there are so many who poke inside their mouth and do not even bother to wash their hands; not to mention about nose and ears... it is not because of individual perception that they do so, rather out of family practices...

when we talk about physical untouchability, whatever is unclean and unhygenic, IS DEFINITELY UNTOUCHABLE...
how smiriti 's came and how it get translated into dharma shastra is well documented - i meant just that.

politics is there from time immemorial ... that's not the point now.

how smiritis follow shrutis - this is what is the discussion is all about. Just stick to that.

Even Mahakavi Kalidasa's vak is quoted there. apart from this point , divuging in mutt politics is just a drag.

anyway ..... my stance is ... a community should be judged by its contribution and not whether it physically touch others or not. that's pointless.

"Theetu" injunctions are laid in Smriti which follows Shruti. I didn't see any mis-interpretation anywhere.


Whatever you wish to follow please do...but please do not drag the scriptures in b/w...they too were man written...even in manu smrithi there are verses that do not tally and stand out sore as contradictory from the rest, which even elderly monks are not able to explain as a metaphor..if not for interpolations, what else cud they be...

if someone were to post verse by verse from each smrithi to show what those interpolated parts were, then it wud spell doom for fundamentalists like you alright..but in the process, it also affects other ppl....you have no idea how much info can be misused...there are those who wish to put the past behind and move towards a better society...but in cases of justification, those that talk abt it negatively are made to feel guilty as though they did something wrong just coz they feel bad that ppl like you use scriptures to justify things..but guys like you who justify untouchability are not viewed just as badly even by NBs (double standards)....

someone like you that wishes to allow for untouchabilty in a modern society, should not be saying things like "a community should be judged by its contribution and not whether it physically touch others or not"...the community shd not be judged alright, but a man like you can be...
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why shasthras were laid down is very clear... not due to intermingling of societies... but to give a detailed way for the society to achieve their goals... you might want to visit the links given by vv for the vedanta classes... the orator clearly explains what shasthras are and the why of it...

movement or migration patterns did happen, all this while perhaps there has been no smoke without some fire atleast...

i have no doubts that the shastras can be interpretated in more ways than one...therefore there is nothing to blame at all....it all took place a very long time ago, and there is not a single caste that does not have some amount of admixture of those incoming ppl....so far my response has only been for those that talk abt justifying untouchability and that too based on the shastras in the larger world...

what is the issue about touching? it is a personal space... i wouldnt want anybody touching me unnecessarily, unless i prefer it... so, all this talk about untouchability does not hold water...

logic is but perception... you intercepted mm's post and did not think that he is entitled to his logic... and i do the same here...

i have nothing to say about the idea of perception being used to justify everything...to me it is as repetitive as me or anyone else here..i am tired of this sentence "logic is perception"..please try telling that to a logician..- again am sure you will say that it is my perception that i think so...well, if i say something more, it might look like i mean to say something negative abt you..so, i give up..

egalitarian? - as if the olden ages did not practice equality...!!! amusing... we all practice untouchability in one form or the other... even now, i dont think nb's would allow the people in "cheris" inside their home... it is cleanliness that matters and not jathi...

nobody wud allow cheris in the house ocourse..did i say anything that you follow inside home is wrong..i said that it takes education and awarenss to allow ppl to have some basic sense of hygiene and all this time i am only talking of outside home in public places...

myself, mm or whoever it may be - have we not travelled in a bus? or a train? if we were so touchy as you portray it to be, we would have then recoiled at the very touch of others... these days, people are highly unclean - i hope you realize that... i have seen people around me who just come straight out of the hair saloon to the office; there are so many who poke inside their mouth and do not even bother to wash their hands; not to mention about nose and ears... it is not because of individual perception that they do so, rather out of family practices...

when we talk about physical untouchability, whatever is unclean and unhygenic, IS DEFINITELY UNTOUCHABLE...

who said no...

you want to justify untouchability in any way you want to, you are free to do so....but do not say the shastras allowed for ritual untouchability....if they do, please provide verses that explicity permit untouchability..
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i have nothing to say about the idea of perception being used to justify everything...to me it is as repetitive as me or anyone else here..i am tired of this sentence "logic is perception"..please try telling that to a logician..- again am sure you will say that it is my perception that i think so...well, if i say something more, it might look like i mean to say something negative abt you..so, i give up..
i cannot change anything just for the heck of a discussion... i also do not argue for the sake of arguing... everything hinges around on that pivotal statement, and it is of utmost importance that we fully comprehend it... else, we would only be frustrated or irritated or see things as repetitive or redundant...

i am not worried about any thing that may seem negative, for again, negativity is but a relative perception and i cannot force anyone to change it...
you want to justify untouchability in any way you want to, you are free to do so....but do not say the shastras allowed for ritual untouchability....if they do, please provide verses that explicity permit untouchability..
i had given, in an earlier post, some verses from shasthras for "theetu"... i think untouchability is a natural derivative... if i am a vegetarian, naturally my instruction/inclination would be to keep away from non-vegetarians... similarly if am clean, it implies that i keep away from the unclean... it is not rocket science to figure this out!!!
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