It i in order also kindly read page 4 in anthyesty anthim karyams varushaptheegam details which i am reproducing here.According to yajur vedam and aapasthamba soothram herewith I am giving the details obtained from a sastrigal here. for Varushaapthekam.
In thithi, vaaram. and star the thithi is more powerful. In the same thithi in which the person has expired on that same thithi after one year on the same tamil month and on the same paksham and on the same thithi varushabdheekam must be done. IN vradha anushtaanam chaandramaana month is preferrable. For sratham sowramaana month is the best one because in chaandramaana month athimaasam is coming very often.
sowra masam is fixed. In sowramana month if the thithi comes in the begining of the month and again one in the end of the month you have to do only in the second thithi provided there is no lunar or solar eclipse or madha sankramanam on the second thithi. In that case you can do in .the first thithi itself. If you do in chaandra maasa vidhi you have to do in the regular month once and in the athi maasam you have to do once again.
There is no srathanga thila tharpanam for masigam, ekothistam,sapindeekaranam, and in varushabhdeekam.
OOna masyam: First after 27th day and before 30th day in odd thithi; Second, After 40th day before 45 th day in odd thithi; Third:After 170th day but before 180th day in one odd thithi; After 340days but before 355 days in one odd thithi ooona aabhdeekam must be done.
After having finished all the sodakumbam and masyam and oona masyam you can do varushabhdeekam. On the previous day of the thithi sodakumbam with one sastrigals must be performed. For this sastrigal you have to give all dhaanams which you are going to give on varushabdeekam day.
On the first year thithi day you have to do sratham with 2 sastrigals and then give dasa dhaanam and silver and gold leaf dhaanam, visiri, umbrella, chappals,salagramam, sivalingam, walking stick, paanagam, neermore, vegetables, fruits, cotton, bed, wool. ,rudhraksham,etc, according to the individual's financial position,
Dasa dhanam, mattai thengai instead of cow; sandalwood piece instead of agri land; gold; silver; 9x5 cotton dhoty; ghee, ellu; salt;jaggary;raw rice. Pancha dhanam : Brass sombu (one litre capacity) with water; book'; Bell; dhoty; deepam; other dhananms, AAsana palagai or thadukku,thaamboolam; container for veebhudhi, Black gram; chanakam= mooku or kothu or sundal kadalai; only to receive these dhanams along with dhakshinai,some 10 or 12 sastrigals will come.
You know what you are going to give as dhanam on this day. So buy the same and give as dhanam to the sodhakumbha sastrigals as dhanam on the sodhakumbam day, Or money instead of these dhanams.
On the next day you have to do navagraha homam, for this 3 sastrigals is enough. details of navagraha homam is there in the poojas and homams thread in the first page in rituals and ceremonies and pooja.
For Telugu Brahmins andhra padhadhi yajur vedam aapasthamba prayogam Detailed books are avajlable in tamil language for apara and poorva prayogam compiled by Mallagi rathna sarma and published by pioneer publication and available in giri trading agency.