namaste everyone.
I wonder why advice on such sensitive issues that should normally come from family elders, prohits and sages is sought here in this forum!
• We can easily prefer to say that there is no significance for 'tAli', but would a religious Christian say the same thing about their wedding ring, however liberated he/she is? Wedding rings are not mentioned in the Bible, but the custom of wearing them originated in ancient Rome, and this custom is honoured in symbolism and significance till date. In the same way, tAli, which is known as mangala-sUtra in Sanskrit, may have no reference in the Shruti, but the custom of wearing it originated in the Hindu tradition during the 6th century CE, so this time-revered custom should be honoured, in significance and symbolism.
KAnchi ParamAchArya has given some details about tAli:
• the name tAli, which is the sacred pendant--padakam, made of gold and added to the mangala sUtra--holy thread of a Hindu woman when she is married, came from the saMskRta word 'tAli' for the plam tree and leaf.
• In the olden days when our ancestors gave us a life of simplicity, a woman's tATangkaH--ear-ring, and the mangala padakam--sacred pendant on her neck--her important chinna--symbols, of saumangalya--auspiciousness, were both made of tAli, that is, the plam leaf. This is the reason for the custom of calling even a diamond stud 'vaira Olai'--diamond leaf.
• Goddess AmbikA herself is spoken of as "tAlI palAsha tATangkAm (verse 6)"--wearing only a cut palm leaf for her tAli and a rolled one for her tATangka, in the 'shyAmala navaratna mAlA'.
• There are many nyAya vachanas--logical sayings, that have come to us from the ancestors. One such saying is the 'kAkatAlIya-nyAyaH' which says that a palm fruit fell down just as a crow sat on its branch. This has an equivalent proverb in Tamil too: "kAkkai uTkAra panampazham vizhu~ndadu".
There are many links that give some good information about the history and significance of the mangala-sUtra. Some of them are:
A Brief Study on the Significance of Thaali among the Tamils
The Hub :: View topic - A Brief Study on the Significance of Thaali among the Tamils
Articles with reference to thaali in the Forum Hub:
thaali - Google Search
Mangalsutra - The tie that binds
Mangalsutra - Indian Wedding Rituals - ShaadiTimes
Mangalsutra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
what is the history of the mangalsutra? When did it come into practice?
what is the history of the mangalsutra? When did it come into practice? - Ask Agent™ : Ask questions, Seek advice, Ask an expert
In my school days, the Tamizh pundits taught us that in ancient Tamizh culture, married women wore a tAli and men the equivalent of meTTi--toe-ring, to indicate their marital status. As men walked with a straight look and women with a look at the ground, this facilitated easy identification of the marital status of a passerby. I understand that in some Hindu communities (I think the Reddys), the groom wears the toe-ring, while the bride wears the tAli.