This book by James Loewen is a delight to read.
It critically examines twelve American history textbooks and concludes that textbook authors propagate factually false, Eurocentric, and mythologized views of history. In addition to critiquing the dominant historical themes presented in textbooks, Loewen presents a number of his own historical themes that he says are ignored by traditional history textbooks.
The version I have is epub available for Kindle. You may be able to download it by googling.
Of course you would enjoy it more if you are familiar with American history.
I only wish someone would write such a book on Indian History.
It critically examines twelve American history textbooks and concludes that textbook authors propagate factually false, Eurocentric, and mythologized views of history. In addition to critiquing the dominant historical themes presented in textbooks, Loewen presents a number of his own historical themes that he says are ignored by traditional history textbooks.
The version I have is epub available for Kindle. You may be able to download it by googling.
Of course you would enjoy it more if you are familiar with American history.
I only wish someone would write such a book on Indian History.