Kooshmanda homam It may be done before srardha begins This will take one hour. Then in ths same agni one have to perform srardha homam. In marriage also bride s father and bride grooms father must do this koosare explaining about this.. only ghee is required for homam. hmanda homam. It is in the yajur vedha.Thaithareeya aaranyakamprasnam 2; aaranyakam 3. Important homa mantras 51 nosw;This homam must be done in between 8-30 A.M.to 10.30 A.M. Krishna yajur vedam thaithareeya aaranyakam 2nd prasnam 3,4,5,6, anuvaahangal describes about kooshmaandamhomam and upasthaana mantras 76tyh and 8 th anuvaham describes about kooshmaanda homa history and deeksha method are explained. The book shaanthi kusumaakaram maharishis Jamadhagni and Bodhayanar Sengalipuram Anantha rama Deekshithar saya that it is equal to rudra ekadasini and only one sastrigal is enough to do this and the expenses is very low.The book Kooshmaanda homam with all details is available in Giri trading Agency written by Sri Sridharan.