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Know your gm/gw, gurus...

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Humbly, by posting this topic, I would like to make myself clear by stating that

"I do not intend to insult, or hurt anyone's beliefs in anyway. If that is the case, then I apologize in advance. My intent is not to change or request anyone to change their beliefs."

Just as we all come across a wide variety of information, I think this information should also be treated one among many.

IMHO, I think all these guru / gw/ gm has become a profitable self sustaining business causing a slow loss our rich traditions and cultures into something of a new 'cult'.
Starting with....

A recent news...

6 Year old boy - a new 'God' in Nepal.

web link

A kid loosing his innocence, being a kid, etc and being treated as a revenue generating machine.
I do not have faith in GM/GW. I do value knowledge where ever it may be from. So I see a nice words from any writing I accept it for the value. If the so called guru is preaching absurd things I walk away. My opinion sometimes cost me (?) so be it. I call a spade a spade, people who think that there guru is infallible are wrong. In Hinduism there is no supreme leader, fortunately. So we are all leaders in our own right.

Some GM/GW have done excellent social work. Some of the social work done by various religious organisation is commendable.
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Ravi Ravi Shankar's swindling of land worth 50 crores meant for poor.

Web link

I concur with your views. I do not believe in these preachers at all.

Throwing money at charity is one of their tricks to keep away prying eyes from looking at their wealth. Imagine if RRS can buy 50 crores worth of land just like that, how much he will have in stock.

At some point in our life, we all would have done some charity. Example, wouldn't you have given 10 Rs or something to a beggar in railway station, temple etc? Similarly, these guys have amassed wealth in a different way (to me it is unethical), hence with their capacity, they are throwing it at charity.

Humbly, by posting this topic, I would like to make myself clear by stating that

"I do not intend to insult, or hurt anyone's beliefs in anyway. If that is the case, then I apologize in advance. My intent is not to change or request anyone to change their beliefs."

Just as we all come across a wide variety of information, I think this information should also be treated one among many.

IMHO, I think all these guru / gw/ gm has become a profitable self sustaining business causing a slow loss our rich traditions and cultures into something of a new 'cult'.


I feel it may not be possible to write anything even midly disapproving or critical about any gm/gw/guru since this thread is in the sub-forum titled "philosophy and Traditions" and the directive is "This section deals with the philosophical roots of current practices."

So, you may like to request Shri Praveen to move this thread to "General Discussions" if you intend even to request people to change their attitude towards gm/gw/gurus.
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I beg to differ. Please check this sub-forum - it has several similar topics. IMHO, when those find a place here, why not this topic as well?

On top of that, isn't this topic relevant to 'current practices'?

secondly, please re-read my posting. I do not intend/request anyone to change. Everybody has a right to lead a life in whatever way they want as long as it doesn't affect others.

On top of that, isn't this topic relevant to 'current practices'?

Sir, whatever be your intent, keep discussions in GD forum, leave this sub-forum purely for philosophies/traditions. Let us not grab every chance of knowledge sharing and turn into controversies.
Sir, whatever be your intent, keep discussions in GD forum, leave this sub-forum purely for philosophies/traditions. Let us not grab every chance of knowledge sharing and turn into controversies.

Good luck Govinda, you will need a lot of luck.
Yagava munivar

A good one. Its going to be a comical hit for sure!!

It reminds me of Vivek's spoof of Yagava munivar.


He is the one 'validated' by our famous actor Rajinikanth. Article in Vikatan in apr 10th, 1998.


He claimed that Rajinikanth is 'Kalki' avataar and that appearance will be revealed in 2005 by him. He also claimed that he is the guru of Rajini.

Rajini - ungallukku ethu thevaiya?

Munivar is not in the headlines anymore. Looks like he ran out of juice.

In your OP you say as follows:-

Humbly, by posting this topic, I would like to make myself clear by stating that

"I do not intend to insult, or hurt anyone's beliefs in anyway. If that is the case, then I apologize in advance. My intent is not to change or request anyone to change their beliefs."

Just as we all come across a wide variety of information, I think this information should also be treated one among many.

IMHO, I think all these guru / gw/ gm has become a profitable self sustaining business causing a slow loss our rich traditions and cultures into something of a new 'cult'."

The subsequent posts mostly deal with or point out some defect/deficient behaviour or reported scandal on the part of one gm/gw or another. Just bringing out such a list will not, imo, help in bringing out emphatically, for the readers' awareness the fact that "these guru / gw/ gm have become a profitable self sustaining business causing a slow loss our rich traditions and cultures into something of a new 'cult'".

What is needed, in my view, is a sufficiently detailed analysis of the history, including the "poorvaashrama" of these gm/gw/gurus and their activities, more particularly, their genetic sort of zeal in their "go west, young man!" attitude, why it is necessary for them to spread out to the west.

I personally do not personally know any GM/GW. I do not have any problem in someone pursuing that profession. It is a legitimate profession. Even if they do 10% of charity, it is that money that would not have gone to charity. Some of the major mission do a lot more of service to the community. Ramakrisna Mission, and BAAPS comes to mind. They have dedicated volunteers who spend their own money and time to care for the needy. So let us not paint everyone with the same brush. There are good people and charlatans doing work in a society, which has been forgotten. When we become cynical, the unfortunate suffer. When we "know" we are so smart, we look down on others.

As for the people who donate, it satisfies their need to contribute. Some people do overdo it and then regret. If you contribute. with an expected reward other than gratitude, it is wrong. If you expected financial reward for contribution then you are ignorant of the facts.

There are people ready to fleece you in every walk of life, bankers, salesman, Real estate agents, GM/GW, politician,and many more. So it is the donor's responsibility to do due diligence. Yes it is unethical to cheat, but that is the way of the world.
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Gurus and acharyas go wherever their sishyas are; to enlighten present sishyas and get new ones. The number of invitations they get and the pressure put on them to visit the humble abodes of non resident sishyas is very high. One must experience the mental peace and satisfaction he gets by spending a few minutes with the guru (of any denomination).

why it is necessary for them to spread out to the west.
What is needed, in my view, is a sufficiently detailed analysis of the history, including the "poorvaashrama" of these gm/gw/gurus and their activities, ...

Do you really think one would wisely spend lot of time in analyzing a man's poorvarshama, his activties, his history etc when he blabbers that he is living for several thousands years old, coached valluvar, talking to birds and animals, claimed kalki will be out in 2005 etc?

Definitely, I am not up for it.

On a related note -
I have posted this few times - doing charity is not equal to godliness or being a saint. If that is the case, then probably I should hang Bill Gates's picture and worship him as another avatar (leaving out all other Gods) as has donated most of wealth for charity.
Prakashanand Saraswati


He is on the run at the age of 82.

He was another 'swami' in Barsana dham, Texas, USA.

Convicted on all 20 counts of indecency with a child after he didn't show up for the punishment phase of the trial during March 2011. He got 280 years in prison.

It is said that some of his rich devotees has made arrangements to get him safe to India. Seems like a very good 'devotion'.


He is also in America's most wanted fugitive.


I feel sorry and sad for the parents and kids who are in this picture. Atleast for the sake of them, hope some good souls turn him in.
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Art of levitation

If this is 'levitation', then animals and humans already possess levitation without tapping into 'kundalini'.

A simple tapping of the hand sitting in a velvety cushion with 'God' alangaram several feet away from 'pre-trained people' throws them into a frenzy. He is transmitting the energy (kundalini?) like that. Wish we could harness such power for good use!.

At one point you can even see 'Ranjitha' was unable to jump and had a smirk on her face while ending.



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about nithyananda's famous story that came in SunTV and Nakkeeran.

Guess everyone knows the story.

CAUTION: Highly objectionable content. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.


First link in google search. Since it is an objectionable content, tried to indirectly point to the link to maintain cleanliness of the forum.

Praveen'ji, if you object, please feel free to remove the link.
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Mr. DRB,
"I have posted this few times - doing charity is not equal to godliness or being a saint. If that is the case, then probably I should hang Bill Gates's and worship him as another avatar (leaving out all other Gods) as has donated most of wealth for charity."

I do not support GM/GW and have a healthy apprehension about them. I do listen to them to find some source of inspiration and sometimes help the organization on case by case basis.

You are right, but doing charity is better than not doing it at all.

We do accept the godliness in all beings. So your contention of Bill Gates being a god is not a frivolous statement. I hope you meant that as a compliment. The problem of really seeing God in everything is that we have not evolved enough, we see the visible fault in the other person first. If you see God in everything you are an evolved person.

The true meaning of Namaste is:
The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. "Nama" means bow, "as" means I, and "te" means you. Therefore, Namaste literally means "bow me you" or "I bow to you."

So if you have evolved to that level my Namaste to you.
According to the American cancer society placebo do have an effect on the disease.
So before you start criticizing all GM/GW and organizations as fraud, have an alternative plan for those people who feel good with supporting those organizations.
Placebo Effect
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Again - doing charity and claiming oneself being another avataar or God doesn't equate at all. My question is does someone have to claim oneself as God to do charity?
My main point with Bill Gates is that - he does charity but hasn't claimed himself to be a God asking rest of us to fall to his feet.

I have pretty good understanding of paramathma and jeevathma. Guess no need to evolve anymore to get a namaste.

I am not fabricating any stories here about anyone. It is what I see in the media, I am relating here. I am using my judgement and while you use your judgement to decide what to do with it. As an example, if one wants to still get inspired from Nithyananda or anyone else, so be it. I am not here to control or request to change that.
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