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Jyotsna Kamat

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JK,has written well about 'who is a brahmin'.Very nice article indeed,isn't it?



by Jyotsna Kamat
First Online: November 02, 2002
Page Last Updated: February 10,2009

The belief that people born in brahmin caste, automatically become brahmins, is a much later concept in the very ancient land of India. In the pre-Gita period (before the beginning of the Christian era) a Brahmin was a person who had attained highest spiritual knowledge (brahmavidya). This was an extremely difficult path of discipline of body, mind , and intellect, and people irrespective of their birth or class, who dedicated to such an austere life were recognized as brahmins.

A great example of this tradition (that a person becoming a brahmin, rather than born as one) is the case of Vishwamitra, a warrior (kshatriya), who became a brahmin after attaining brahmavidya, and composed the Gayatri mantra, the most sacred hymn of the Hindus.

A smritis, or code of conduct composed by sage Atri defines brahminhood very clearly.go to link as pasted above....

"By birth, every man is a Shudra (an ignorant person). Through various types of disciplines (samskaras), he becomes a dwija (twice born). Through the studies of scriptures, he becomes a vipra (or a scholar). Through realization of supreme spirit (brahmajnana), he becomes a brahmin."

The Bhagavad-Gita divides1 the class of people into four categories of Brahmana, Kshtriya, Vaishya, and Shudra depending on the traits (svabhava) inherent in individuals.
1. Chapter XVIII of Bhagavad-Gita, verses 41 - 45

Tat Sat
sb, I believe that there are too many discussions on who is a brahmin... somebody else had started a thread a few days ago... probably irked by my reply in another post... anyway, that is all his misunderstanding...

coming back to the topic... do you think that the shringeri/kanchi/ahobilam/aandavan acharyas & jeers alongwith their entire lneage are incorrect?

sb, I believe that there are too many discussions on who is a brahmin... somebody else had started a thread a few days ago... probably irked by my reply in another post... anyway, that is all his misunderstanding...

coming back to the topic... do you think that the shringeri/kanchi/ahobilam/aandavan acharyas & jeers alongwith their entire lneage are incorrect?


My 2 cents worth of opinion khe khe :).:loco:

Kanchi/Shringeri/Puri/Dwaraka,J7K/Ahobilam/Aandavan.....etc Acharyaals,Jeers.....etc Shirdi Sai/Puttaparthi Sai/Mandya Sai...etc Ammacchi...etc are all divine teachers helping common humanity to reach out to a higher self or consciousness.Each one is distinct in their own sampradayams.Its Maha-Pappam to say its incorrect about their lineage,origin,previous janma incarnations...etc.Not that you are saying it,so plz don't freak out on me now plz,:).

I can speak for my generation and younger generation to some extent only,based on my comprehension of lifes experiance.

When one is born in India,he / she automatically becomes Indian.Similiarly jathi.jathi is nothing but variety or nomenclature to distinguish.As a student in 11th standard,i confronted my principal,when i had to fill application form for All India Higher Secondary Exams for CBSE school leaving exam,wherein in the application apart form nationality,thay had asked for caste,sub-caste...etc.I told my principal,that i just wanted to write Indian in the application,but principal adviced me to consult my parents and not take a hasty decisions in matters like this.So,i consulted my parents.My parents told me about my lineage starting from my gothram,prvarkas,shakas....etc the whole jing bang of brahminical lineage.I was stunned that such memorical records have been passed on for generation to generations and a surge of love & respect for my parents was doubly increased.

So,technically jathi brahmins is correct,becoz its practical in India.

Now,take our HDG Srila Prabhupada,who came on a free expense paid by the lady who owned Scindia Steamship Company to NY.By the grace of Lord Krishna & Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,not only people of Indian origin believed in his society but also people of caucasian,African,Asian,.....etc races joined the society and are doing yeoman service to Sanathana Dharma.Most of the Acchaaryaals of ISKCON are not jathi brahmins,but by doing good deeds of learning the scriptures and having obtained the grace from certified masters of Gaudiya Sampradaya of the Shri Vaishanava School,are letting the world know,you too can do it.Meaning all are born as shudras at birth,but doing good deeds one can become a brahman ie brahmavidya.

Sorry for this long post,but definitely worth 2 cent only khe khe :loco:


I believe both ways - a brahmin through spiritual knowledge as well as by birth...

So, I dont see wrong in saying one is a shudra etc...

Btw... this forum has become monotonous... with very few members repeatedly discussing between themselves... also, we speak of philosophies, unity, brahman, vedas etc... somebody even claims that he wants to awaken the youth or impart knowledge... but does not seem to know that one has to respect the other...

All this insipid talk and talk and talk only makes me feel that our community is fated only to talk... nothing in action... can we have people volunteering for our cause? whisper is the one member who is steadfast in this... I really laud him...

What happens in a forum very much happens when persons meet... we now know the reason why unity among brahmins never really succeeded...

The recent spate in this forum is a classic example...


I believe both ways - a brahmin through spiritual knowledge as well as by birth...

So, I dont see wrong in saying one is a shudra etc...

Btw... this forum has become monotonous... with very few members repeatedly discussing between themselves... also, we speak of philosophies, unity, brahman, vedas etc... somebody even claims that he wants to awaken the youth or impart knowledge... but does not seem to know that one has to respect the other...

All this insipid talk and talk and talk only makes me feel that our community is fated only to talk... nothing in action... can we have people volunteering for our cause? whisper is the one member who is steadfast in this... I really laud him...

What happens in a forum very much happens when persons meet... we now know the reason why unity among brahmins never really succeeded...

The recent spate in this forum is a classic example...


We are in same wave length therefore the tuning fork is in total harmony and peace.With others our frequency and their frequency are out of step,therefore the sound produced is 'jarring',elementary my dear watson would what sherlock holmes would have said,i guess :tongue1:

Take ******* for instance,i thought they are doing yeoman service to tambrams.I have no clue whats going on in TN,apart from reading and hearsay of friends & relatives living there.

But,i do trust our TN leaders despite the fact one is commy(Russian) and the other is capitalist(American),but bottom line is 'money' accumulation for idealogy.This Kali Yugam,at least from 2000 till 2480 life will be good all over the world for Sanathana Dharma adherents,and you know my definition of Sanathana Dharma khe khe :loco::hat:



>>The recent spate in this forum is a classic example...<<

Over and above to all what you wrote on the post,this one sentence i would like to address,so that if mis-understanding is existing,i would like to take this oppurtunity to clarify matters,for the betterment of members...

If one reads the thread in its entirety in Shri Ramachander's post regarding Shri Subramania Swamy's altercation in High Court in Chennai,i was responding to him.The gentleman that he is,has remained quiet ie mounam like a rishi,when we underlings have created our confusion in our own mind,not knowing our own mind in the first place,but claim to know another ones mind?That is why i think shri ramachander is wise.

KRS has said based on historical facts,Bala is writing rubbish.Maybe or Maybe NOT.What does historical facts mean?Long long time back in ages events that happened.So,i only opined about people of the past.To co-relate to present generation of people living,is nothing but mind reading on a virtual form & non-sense.So,its between his space between his two ears,that is all.

Regarding N....,maybe he is used to having people listened to him all the time and does not like the way i write.Fair enuff.I moved away from his post when i joined the forum,not knowing why people are asking to leave threads and using words like hijacked...its my gnorance or avidya.But ego is there for everyone in this world.There lies the unpleasantness,which can be sorted out...as... if there is a will there is a way.

Now,all three seem to have won some contest in the past.So,naturally a sense of pride is there.Only two have responded to my postings,in a negative way,but i respect their opinions.I do not know these men( or women) personally nor would i have the insolence behaviour(according to them) becoz i will be able to observe body language,voice delivery which would help me to understand,where a conversation is leading.This is where my immaturity lies.Obviously,without body language,voice delivery tone & tenor,to jump into conclusions and judge is beyond me.:hat:

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Now,all three seem to have won some contest in the past.So,naturally a sense of pride is there.Only two have responded to my postings,in a negative way,but i respect their opinions.I do not know these men( or women) personally nor would i have the insolence behaviour(according to them) becoz i will be able to observe body language,voice delivery which would help me to understand,where a conversation is leading.This is where my immaturity lies.Obviously,without body language,voice delivery tone & tenor,to jump into conclusions and judge is beyond me.:hat:
There is always the danger that the literal may not exactly convey what we intended... the reader may not always get the meaning of what the author intended... the onus is on both of them to get it clarified... but more so on the reader because if he feels anything negative, it has to be clarified with the author first before judging on it... I have come across instances of pre-enquiry conclusions many times here in this forum...

You are spot on when you say that there are more variables to the conversation than just the language...

But I would request you as a friend, if I may do so, not to use harsh words... and since people here are paranoic about "hijacking", please do not post out of context articles - Thanks...

To shri KRS, history = his + story...

Everyone can have a version of history - who is to be blamed? There is no end to such argument.

I am continuing a rather interesting discussion with Nacchinarkiniyan... the discussion is getting curiouser and curiouser... there are people who are used to attention, and when the attention diminishes, they cannot stand it... certain... um... mental conditions do make their appearance...

>>I am continuing a rather interesting discussion with Nacchinarkiniyan... the discussion is getting curiouser and curiouser... there are people who are used to attention, and when the attention diminishes, they cannot stand it... certain... um... mental conditions do make their appearance...<<

Chee pavam ..aana nee solardaillum oru point irukku

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