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Just after God Existed!!

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Active member
(i had intended to post this in the just closed thread God Exists...)

I have been in forums before and have left them for good, because I felt I grew out of them. I was prominent in some of them, under a different moniker, and still have (tenuous) contacts with some of my old colleagues there. surprisingly these are folks with whom I fough tooth and nail, and at one point, and probably would have killed me.

But times change, we get to know each other better, and slowly realize that we are not the demons that we caricature each other to be, and slowly the respect and affection sets in, and grows. Atleast that is the way it has been with me.

Long ago, I decided that I will not quit this forum. I was angry once, and left, but then realized what an idiot I was. I have a voice, an opinion and a pov, which is a product of my life, and I have here a vehicle, where I enjoy expressing it.

Some of what I believe, is not exactly what others would like. So, in some threads, some people and I are on opposite sides. But on other threads we are buddies.

I wish people could confine their likes dislikes of views and of each other, to within the threads they are involved. And not carry it outside, especially to the extent, that it is ‘all or nothing’, and hence pack up and leave.

Personally I think, starting another forum, nurturing it and getting an audience, is one helluva task. I have barely time for this one.

A while ago, folks broke up from this forum, and started a competing Brahmin forum. These too were my friends, and more than once, I have been requested to join and participate. I tried but had no time. Praveen started a related website, and I have not been to it more than once, I think.

Which is why, when I see subbudu and the rest, wanting to start a new forum, I think, it is a huge task they are undertaking – time and effort wise, and also to build up an audience.

Like it or not, thanks to its catchy title, tamilbrahmins.com attracts folks, and from various walks of views, and while in most cases, we live unconcernedly side by side, we do clash on occasions. And boy, when we clash, we CLASH. So what? Let us clash, be bloodied, and lick our wounds, and get ready to start another fight. Why quit?

Ok Praveen banned us. So what? It is a short ban. Praveen has repeatedly said that he is not interest in our discussions. Just that he does not want to be nuisanced. There is no moderator per se full time, now that KRS appears to have disappeared. Praveen has a full time job, and this forum is a labour of love. Let us not put him in a position, where he has to intervene at all, in the first place.

I have already said, that those who do not like other views, and try to hide under praveen’s veshti as cowards. I still think these are cowards. Let them come out in the open and slug it out. I think Praveen should only intervene to shut a thread, if it becomes bloody bloodied.

On a personal note, people have written to Praveen against me. and I have heard from Praveen. My response was always this: let them come out in the open or point out which of my post was ‘anti brahmin’?

There are lots of people with very shaky hold on hindu philosophy or the supposed Brahmin way of life, which they think is fast disappearing, due to external forces. None of them could look inwards. To introspect and further analyze why we have changed – convenience, values and above all expunging sheer barbarity of some of our erstwhile customs.

While I will be staying here, loved by some, and a perpetual thorn to others, I request those who wish to start a new forum to think it through.

Tamilbrahmins.com is a good place to be, Praveen is a good guy, and we have invested a lot, in time and effort to nurture it. Let us not throw away our estate here in a huff, and start to wander sindbadian style across the forum seas. That is my only caution to those folks, though I wish them well in their future endeavours.

Thank you.

Ps. I think God Exists.
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I echo your sentiments thoroughly. Also the other Brahmin forum has so little traffic and is quite dull unlike our vibrant forum. This forum is vibrant because it allows everyone.
(i had intended to post this in the just closed thread God Exists...)

I have been in forums before and have left them for good, because I felt I grew out of them. I was prominent in some of them, under a different moniker, and still have (tenuous) contacts with some of my old colleagues there. surprisingly these are folks with whom I fough tooth and nail, and at one point, and probably would have killed me.

But times change, we get to know each other better, and slowly realize that we are not the demons that we caricature each other to be, and slowly the respect and affection sets in, and grows. Atleast that is the way it has been with me.

Long ago, I decided that I will not quit this forum. I was angry once, and left, but then realized what an idiot I was. I have a voice, an opinion and a pov, which is a product of my life, and I have here a vehicle, where I enjoy expressing it.

Some of what I believe, is not exactly what others would like. So, in some threads, some people and I are on opposite sides. But on other threads we are buddies.

I wish people could confine their likes dislikes of views and of each other, to within the threads they are involved. And not carry it outside, especially to the extent, that it is ‘all or nothing’, and hence pack up and leave.

Personally I think, starting another forum, nurturing it and getting an audience, is one helluva task. I have barely time for this one.

A while ago, folks broke up from this forum, and started a competing Brahmin forum. These too were my friends, and more than once, I have been requested to join and participate. I tried but had no time. Praveen started a related website, and I have not been to it more than once, I think.

Which is why, when I see subbudu and the rest, wanting to start a new forum, I think, it is a huge task they are undertaking – time and effort wise, and also to build up an audience.

Like it or not, thanks to its catchy title, tamilbrahmins.com attracts folks, and from various walks of views, and while in most cases, we live unconcernedly side by side, we do clash on occasions. And boy, when we clash, we CLASH. So what? Let us clash, be bloodied, and lick our wounds, and get ready to start another fight. Why quit?

Ok Praveen banned us. So what? It is a short ban. Praveen has repeatedly said that he is not interest in our discussions. Just that he does not want to be nuisanced. There is no moderator per se full time, now that KRS appears to have disappeared. Praveen has a full time job, and this forum is a labour of love. Let us not put him in a position, where he has to intervene at all, in the first place.

I have already said, that those who do not like other views, and try to hide under praveen’s veshti as cowards. I still think these are cowards. Let them come out in the open and slug it out. I think Praveen should only intervene to shut a thread, if it becomes bloody bloodied.

On a personal note, people have written to Praveen against me. and I have heard from Praveen. My response was always this: let them come out in the open or point out which of my post was ‘anti brahmin’?

There are lots of people with very shaky hold on hindu philosophy or the supposed Brahmin way of life, which they think is fast disappearing, due to external forces. None of them could look inwards. To introspect and further analyze why we have changed – convenience, values and above all expunging sheer barbarity of some of our erstwhile customs.

While I will be staying here, loved by some, and a perpetual thorn to others, I request those who wish to start a new forum to think it through.

Tamilbrahmins.com is a good place to be, Praveen is a good guy, and we have invested a lot, in time and effort to nurture it. Let us not throw away our estate here in a huff, and start to wander sindbadian style across the forum seas. That is my only caution to those folks, though I wish them well in their future endeavours.

Thank you.

Ps. I think God Exists.

Excellent post Shri.Kunjuppu expressed in your inimitable style!
This unhappy situation is because of the absence of moderators. One can't
expect Mr.Praveenji to do everything. In some forums, the posts are approved
by the moderators before they appear in the thread.

I do not quite get the meaning of the words - new forum. Is it going to be a
totally new forum ?

One of my friends commented that the Forum must check before admission
whether the individual is B or NB. Although it is TB.com, the contribution by
others is really good. I have found some endowed with good knowledge of
our scriptures and also sanskrit. I wonder how many B friends have this type
of study of scriptures.

I do agree that people tend to stray very very often and bring in aside remarks
which has the effect of disturbing the discussion of the subject of the thread.

One must remember that there can not be any agreement between any two
individuals on all the topics. We must have forbearance and tolerance. If the
other person persists with vithandam and jalpam, it is better to stay away from
the thread.

When someone persisted with his views on the matter of self-enquiry even
though he was wrong, Ramana Maharishi kept quiet and later remarked that
' yes, let him have the satisfaction of winning an argument against Maharishi,
but, ultimately, he will realise the Truth '.

We must learn a lesson or two from our great MASTERS.
....I have already said, that those who do not like other views, and try to hide under praveen’s veshti as cowards. I still think these are cowards. Let them come out in the open and slug it out. I think Praveen should only intervene to shut a thread, if it becomes bloody bloodied.
Second time in two days I want to second K's note.

In the most part Praveen leaves us alone, he intervenes only when somebody runs to him to complain. So, I think we enjoy a very high level of freedom of speech in this forum. Problem arises when some cry-baby cowards send PMs, not revealing their identity even to Praveen. This forces his hand and he is made to act which may not please everybody.

To the group that seems to rejoice on the misfortune of another member, to those who are giving free advice to us the retards to go and start our own forum, I would like to say, if we are gone what will be left is a mutual admiration society, not very different from the break away forum started by some prominent members from here. Sans tough exchange of views the site will descend to boring inanities and silliness -- a very dull place (h/t Amala).

Besides, only Praveen can ask us to leave, not these bullies. Praveen has time and again sided with freedom and asked those who don't like that, to leave. So, the worth of free advice of this Johny come lately is somewhere between zero and zilch.

To those who wish to go out and start a new forum -- I share much of your pain, but, let us pause for a moment and think through it. Setting up a forum is not that difficult, if it is YahooGroup it probably will take 5 minutes. But, what next?

What makes a site interesting and attract visitors is the free exchange of opposing ideas. If the group will have only the five or six of us, it will also be another mutual admiration society, if not, it will be a series of monologues -- not as interesting and exciting as dialogue.

Subbudu sir, I think your concern is, the banning of Happy based on cry baby complaints has a chilling effect and forces us to self-censure. This is true. However, from what I have observed so far, I am confident Praveen will be sympathetic to working out some arrangement for due process. We can take this up with Praveen through PM.

So, my considered opinion is, we need to stay and put up a front against those who sell superstitious ideas derived from unchanging handed down wisdom.

Subbudu sir, can you imagine anything more ridiculous than what they demand -- the validity of their stand and the inerrantness of their text and acharyas must first be unreservedly accepted -- aka shradda, then only one is qualified to verify the validity of their stand, their texts, and their acharyas. This kind of nonsense must be opposed, and I can't do that on my own, I need the active support of reasonable people like yourself, Sangom Sir and Happy.

They have numbers on their side, so if they lose one member or two it is alright. But if any one of us leaves, that will leave a void hard to fill.

Happy, Praveen has openly invited you to enroll with another monicker and participate. I ask you to take it up. Let us stick to debating issues, never giving in to the temptation to descend to their level of name calling, put downs, etc. Let us make a pact not to respond to posts unless it is free of put downs and personal attacks. This will strengthen Praveen's hands to tell the cry-babies to take a hike.

Ps. I think God Exists.
You know K, I think God does not exist, but I also think we both can get along swell as I don't think you are retarded or dumb, and I know you feel the same way about me :). This is what civil and reasonable people do, disagree in a civil manner and not tear the other person down.

I echo your sentiments thoroughly. Also the other Brahmin forum has so little traffic and is quite dull unlike our vibrant forum. This forum is vibrant because it allows everyone.

Yes amala, I agree with you.Other Brahmin forums do not allow NB to enter cos I had tried to join before but membership was not allowed.
See I could have just signed up using my mums Gotra and her Brahmin details but I didnt want to join any forum by lying about my origins.

TB forum is fine that way that everyone is welcome here and we all can learn and share with each other.
Believe me I unsubscribed from a religous google group few days ago cos I found no scope for any debate.It was mainly a click, copy and paste job in that forum and everyone was just "too" religious types and controversial threads are just a strict No No.

In TB forum its more fun cos we get to know each other fairly well and also can have nice debates with our intermittent disagreements and its only through this forum I found a good friend Amala who is a girl I respect so much and hold her close to my heart cos she is perfect blend of a modern progressive woman with full Hindu cultural values.
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Thank you Rekka :). I'm also very lucky to know you and many other wonderful members. I am so glad for that day I stumbled upon this forum and having glanced through the posts was debating whether to join or not. But after reading some posts (in red at that) by a moderator at that time, I though if the moderator himself is not bad this forum must be something. For the most part I am not disappointed.
Yes amala, I agree with you.Other Brahmin forums do not allow NB to enter cos I had tried to join before but membership was not allowed.

NBs should be allowed but not self-loathing brahmin converts into atheism who want to evangelize their new found 'faith system'. If you know any such website, let me know, I want to add to my favorites!
Second time in two days I want to second K's note.

In the most part Praveen leaves us alone, he intervenes only when somebody runs to him to complain. So, I think we enjoy a very high level of freedom of speech in this forum. Problem arises when some cry-baby cowards send PMs, not revealing their identity even to Praveen. This forces his hand and he is made to act which may not please everybody.

To the group that seems to rejoice on the misfortune of another member, to those who are giving free advice to us the retards to go and start our own forum, I would like to say, if we are gone what will be left is a mutual admiration society, not very different from the break away forum started by some prominent members from here. Sans tough exchange of views the site will descend to boring inanities and silliness -- a very dull place (h/t Amala).

Besides, only Praveen can ask us to leave, not these bullies. Praveen has time and again sided with freedom and asked those who don't like that, to leave. So, the worth of free advice of this Johny come lately is somewhere between zero and zilch.

To those who wish to go out and start a new forum -- I share much of your pain, but, let us pause for a moment and think through it. Setting up a forum is not that difficult, if it is YahooGroup it probably will take 5 minutes. But, what next?

What makes a site interesting and attract visitors is the free exchange of opposing ideas. If the group will have only the five or six of us, it will also be another mutual admiration society, if not, it will be a series of monologues -- not as interesting and exciting as dialogue.

Subbudu sir, I think your concern is, the banning of Happy based on cry baby complaints has a chilling effect and forces us to self-censure. This is true. However, from what I have observed so far, I am confident Praveen will be sympathetic to working out some arrangement for due process. We can take this up with Praveen through PM.

So, my considered opinion is, we need to stay and put up a front against those who sell superstitious ideas derived from unchanging handed down wisdom.

Subbudu sir, can you imagine anything more ridiculous than what they demand -- the validity of their stand and the inerrantness of their text and acharyas must first be unreservedly accepted -- aka shradda, then only one is qualified to verify the validity of their stand, their texts, and their acharyas. This kind of nonsense must be opposed, and I can't do that on my own, I need the active support of reasonable people like yourself, Sangom Sir and Happy.

They have numbers on their side, so if they lose one member or two it is alright. But if any one of us leaves, that will leave a void hard to fill.

Happy, Praveen has openly invited you to enroll with another monicker and participate. I ask you to take it up. Let us stick to debating issues, never giving in to the temptation to descend to their level of name calling, put downs, etc. Let us make a pact not to respond to posts unless it is free of put downs and personal attacks. This will strengthen Praveen's hands to tell the cry-babies to take a hike.

You know K, I think God does not exist, but I also think we both can get along swell as I don't think you are retarded or dumb, and I know you feel the same way about me :). This is what civil and reasonable people do, disagree in a civil manner and not tear the other person down.


I dont want to leave you fighting a lone man's battle. But the way some people signed up to say ( after HH ban ) that this is a warning to others, is malicious. It is not easy to live and throw your energy in a site where there is no understanding of skeptics. Why are people skeptical? Not because we had some arguments with our fathers. But it is the way some people think. They look to analyze the reason rationally and cannot believe a humbug unless it is proven. It is not that human experience has been thrown out, but the said supernatural experiences are not consistent and that is why scientists reject them. Not that they have some bias against experiences and special experiences.

I will come up in your defense in future threads or wherever the so called theists I think need to be responded to. For the quantum thread and other articles of Science I am moving over to a personal blog which I created just now. Just started so there are no posts in them. But will work on them. I dont do the marketing strategies but it will help if someone can assist me how to make your blog popular if they think it is worth it. For now it is an empty blog. The updates on quantum theory will come soon. The blog site is skepticindian
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Subbudu sir, I think your concern is, the banning of Happy based on cry baby complaints has a chilling effect and forces us to self-censure. This is true. However, from what I have observed so far, I am confident Praveen will be sympathetic to working out some arrangement for due process. We can take this up with Praveen through PM.So, my considered opinion is, we need to stay and put up a front against those who sell superstitious ideas derived from unchanging handed down wisdom.
Dear Shri Nara,I have seen that Shri Praveen has disqualified HH more than once (this is not the first time) and he has also banned her second moniker. Hence his suggestion to her to assume a new handle and all is just untrustworthy, IMO.As you know, the best course of action for us non-theists is to let Shri Praveen realize that he cannot continue to play this game of ambiguities — a website by the name tamilbrahmins.com, a logo underneath that saying "Brahmin community spread across the entire globe", (both of which probably give an impression to the theist caucus that this is "puramboke" land reserved entirely for them and none else), then giving rulings once in a while that all sorts of opinions will be there and members have to learn to accept those, be broad-minded, etc., but time and again showing intolerance to a NB member because these "aasthaana brahmanas" go crying to him. I feel it is your freedom to continue here but I would prefer that we leave this as a group and then consider our future course of action.In short I suspect that Shri Praveen is also another confirmed aasthaana brahmana with the clothing of a libertarian. Unless and until he comes out and spells out his ideas honestly, there is no point in sticking around here.
Dear Shri Nara,I have seen that Shri Praveen has disqualified HH more than once (this is not the first time) and he has also banned her second moniker. Hence his suggestion to her to assume a new handle and all is just untrustworthy, IMO.As you know, the best course of action for us non-theists is to let Shri Praveen realize that he cannot continue to play this game of ambiguities — a website by the name tamilbrahmins.com, a logo underneath that saying "Brahmin community spread across the entire globe", (both of which probably give an impression to the theist caucus that this is "puramboke" land reserved entirely for them and none else), then giving rulings once in a while that all sorts of opinions will be there and members have to learn to accept those, be broad-minded, etc., but time and again showing intolerance to a NB member because these "aasthaana brahmanas" go crying to him. I feel it is your freedom to continue here but I would prefer that we leave this as a group and then consider our future course of action.In short I suspect that Shri Praveen is also another confirmed aasthaana brahmana with the clothing of a libertarian. Unless and until he comes out and spells out his ideas honestly, there is no point in sticking around here.

Dear Shri Sangom,

No two persons in this world are likely to have the same views on everything. So dealing with disagreements is a part of our life.

Being an elder and intelligent person I am sure you will take the right decision in this matter .

.... But the way some people signed up to say ( after HH ban ) that this is a warning to others, is malicious.
Dear Subbudu sir, I know, there are cowardly vultures waiting for a chance to feed on other people's misery with what passes for poetry in their books. They don't count. Only Praveen counts.

Please consider this sir, I am probably the most virulent among those opposed to Brahminism. I serialized Babasaheb Ambedkar's Annihilation of Caste to the consternation of many in this forum. Yet, I am still kicking around. That shows if we don't take the bait of miscreants, of whom we have many here, if we carefully avoid their well laid traps, we will be fine.

I will look for it with eagerness -- childlike eagerness :)!!!

....,I have seen that Shri Praveen has disqualified HH more than once (this is not the first time) and he has also banned her second moniker.
As I said before, I feel the pain myself, no doubt. Now ShivKC has admitted he is one of those cowardly crybabies, perhaps he was the only one sending all the 5 e-mail objections under "Guest". As you know, this completely discredited dishonest person has been nursing a vendetta against Happy for a while. He has been playing dirty tricks. The newcomers are unaware of this history and going along with him.

Now that Happy's ID has been unbanned, I think we need to move on. We can work with Praveen through PM to come to an understanding as to how to deal with such malicious e-mail campaign by a single person whose dishonesty stands outed. Let us not overreact and give the peddlers of superstition an undeserved victory -- we leaving will be just that.

I did not want to reply to this, but sangomji's post made me to reply.


would you be kind enough to take a look at this topic

Maybe it might clarify why the logo says tamilbrahmins and the words below says somethign else.

As to your other points (shall i say accusations), i do not have to answer any of them. You can think of me whatever you want. Only when two hands come together there is a noise. What you think of me, my plans, my ideas is purely speculative and i, for one, do not have to answer anything and everything thrown at me. I am quite aware of what i set out to do and even though it might take a good amount of time (due to my work/personal life etc) i am quite clear.

Thank you and have a lovely day ahead.
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Just to add,

Tamil Brahmins (is a) Brahmin Community spread across the entire globe is what the logo says. i wonder what is so amgious in this. sometimes people's imagination can conjure a lot of things - small and big - that has the power to confuse everything that is in black and white.

praveen has reopened the 'God Exists' thread. he has restored happy hindu's identity.

do we have so much rancour, that we would continue to discuss like 15 year olds in 40+ years body?

it is something that all of us can work at i think.

personally, i think God Exists, but i cringe at some of the arguements and epithets. nothing like having the wrong attitudes for a right cause. or something like that.

the said thread in dispute, itself does not excite me. in fact it was pointed out to me, re the ruckus.

peace. please. peace please.
...No two persons in this world are likely to have the same views on everything. So dealing with disagreements is a part of our life.
sravna, the problem is not having disagreements, it is how the theist caucus (not you!) plays dirty tricks and gets away with them. Anyway, I am ready to move on.

best ....
sravna, the problem is not having disagreements, it is how the theist caucus (not you!) plays dirty tricks and gets away with them. Anyway, I am ready to move on.

best ....

The point I want to make is that the most vicious and fanatic theist is the most insecure theist.
dear subbudu,


i think, it is not realistic to expect a different type of response from the theists. they are responding in the way they know best.

a tiger cannot remove its spots and become a lamb. n'est pas.

on the other hand, those who have the curiosity to go beyond God, do play an important part in the forum, for it is also another manisfestation for finding the purpose of our living here.

i myself, like sangom's theory of randomness, instead of everything being pre ordained. but that does not stop me from uttering my little hanuman prayers, as these are for comfort and an expression of awe of the unknown, magnificient and secretive, as it is. it is a dichotomy, that i am comfortable with.

i wish to emphasise on the 'secret' part. otherwise, we would all be identical knowledge centres, instead of the small subject matter experts that we each claim to be, for our own area of interest.

i think, the question for you and similar thinkers is, can you survive here, with the type of onslaught received.

i have already spoken in detail before. i have been attacked, and the intensity in the 'inter caste' thread, was much like the 'God Exists' thread. but i put on my thickest skin, and bashed on regardless.


in retrospect, it was fun, though at that time, i would have had a tough time believing it such.

best wishes to you dear subbudu.

? Bless :)
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NBs should be allowed but not self-loathing brahmin converts into atheism who want to evangelize their new found 'faith system'. If you know any such website, let me know, I want to add to my favorites!

What questions would you ask to identify a self-loathing brahmin converted to 'Holy atheism' ?
Yes amala, I agree with you.Other Brahmin forums do not allow NB to enter cos I had tried to join before but membership was not allowed.
See I could have just signed up using my mums Gotra and her Brahmin details but I didnt want to join any forum by lying about my origins.

TB forum is fine that way that everyone is welcome here and we all can learn and share with each other.
Believe me I unsubscribed from a religous google group few days ago cos I found no scope for any debate.It was mainly a click, copy and paste job in that forum and everyone was just "too" religious types and controversial threads are just a strict No No.

In TB forum its more fun cos we get to know each other fairly well and also can have nice debates with our intermittent disagreements and its only through this forum I found a good friend Amala who is a girl I respect so much and hold her close to my heart cos she is perfect blend of a modern progressive woman with full Hindu cultural values.

Renu - Forget those other forums who put restrictions.
It is their loss!

I am happy I got a chance to meet people like you here and as well as our self proclaimed atheists.
Moderation vs Fairness

There is an inherent schism between a moderated forum and a fair forum.

Any moderated forum is necessarily unfair. The moderator, after all, is a man of flesh and blood and cannot be free from bias.

The fairest forum is the one in which there is no moderation at all. Absolute freedom of speech. Everything is allowed (except, of course, content that are illegal.) Unfortunately, such a forum is completely unworkable. I am personally aware of few such forums that broke down completely in absence of any moderation.

The "reformist" caucus are shouting at the top of their lungs for freedom of speech only because, at this instance, a member of their caucus is affected. But they should keep in mind that this situation could easily boomerang on them.
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கால பைரவன்;90045 said:
....The "reformist" caucus are shouting at the top of their lungs for freedom of speech only because, at this instance, a member of their caucus is affected..
This is a bogus charge. In the past I have stood by theists, more so than any of the presently vocal ones, when they were at the receiving end. The problem here is, the new comers have no inkling of the forum history.

Let it be. But the litmus test that separates the decent from the rest is the test of civility, the civility that demands one to refrain from gratuitous put downs and personal attacks.
In the past I have stood by theists, more so than any of the presently vocal ones, when they were at the receiving end.


But the litmus test that separates the decent from the rest is the test of civility, the civility that demands one to refrain from gratuitous put downs and personal attacks.

I said "reformist" caucus. How is that a personal attack?

For the benefit of Nara, I can provide some examples of personal attack:

Nara said:
Now ShivKC has admitted he is one of those cowardly crybabies, perhaps he was the only one sending all the 5 e-mail objections under "Guest". As you know, this completely discredited dishonest person has been nursing a vendetta against Happy for a while. He has been playing dirty tricks.

Sangom said:
In short I suspect that Shri Praveen is also another confirmed aasthaana brahmana with the clothing of a libertarian.
கால பைரவன்;90048 said:
I said "reformist" caucus. How is that a personal attack?

For the benefit of Nara, I can provide some examples of personal attack:
I did not say the comment "reformist caucus" was a personal attack. On the contrary, I welcome the terminology "reformist caucus". The personal attacks I am talking about are well documented for all to see, you included.

The instances I cited about ShivKC are on the record, just go back into the archives and see for yourself.
Dear Praveenji,
Now that God is resurrected and is safe in His original thread, I would suggest
that this thread be closed.

Eschewing ego opens the gates of the kingdom of God and you have done it in style.
Thanks a lot and regards,
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