yes biswa,
as the 19th century progressed, the british society was having a huge upheaval from within.
the prime cause of that ofcourse, was the the onset of the industrial revolution which started in the 3rd quarter of the 18th century when the british discovered to harness the power of steam.
along at the same time, britain passed agricultural laws and laws of primogeniture, which made a huge seciton of the agricultural population surplus, and these provided the cannon fodder to feed the insatiable appetite which the factories demanded. much like our BPOs and call centres of today in india. except more cruel. definitely more cruel.
child labour was the norm. the coal mines consumed the miners faster than they could be replaced. widowhood among the twenty year olds was common. child mortality was so bad, that an average woman, who gave birth to 10 babies, was lucky to see, if 3 of them survived her. her own chance of survival at childbirth was no better than that in india.
all this along with new revolution within the protestant christian church, and without, along with karl marx, gave rise to movements which appealed, for the first time in history, to the conscience, fairness, liberty, equality and fraternity, in much achievable terms than the french revolution of 1789.
great writers like walpole and dickens took the cause of child labour and managed to get them abolished. anti slavery movement in britain flourished and the british abolished slavery in the 1820s, well in advance of the american civil war.
britannia ruled the waves then. meaning that portugal, spain, france, netherlands, america no longer could deal with transportation of african slaves, with impunity the way they did before. the british navy, with its resident quaker, sometimes a terrifying female, was dominant in the atlantic, prowling all over, smelling and searching human african cargo, and shipping them back to that dark continent.
so, what happens. indentured labour happens. that jewel of the british crown, aka india, had a huge surplus population, never ending famines, and now replaced the africans, as labour resource in the west indies, mauritius and elsewhere where prevously african slaves serviced. but that is another story.
back to britain. thoughtful englishers understood, that the empire building cannot go on forever. the white colonies like australia, canada, new zealand were given self rule early. usa we know what happened.
what to do with india? macaulay figured (AND TAMBRAMS SHOULD THANK MACALULAY NEVER ENDING) that english language and european civilization was t
...................... more if you want biswa. dont want to bore you...
thank you