It beats me
When a soft heart becomes hard
When ego overtakes love
When things take their own turn.
It beats me
For they ought not to be so.
It beats me
When clouds cover sunshine
When green plants go dry
When moon disappears.
It beats me
For they ought not to be so.
It beats me
When sweetheart departs
When prayer fails
When acquaintance disappoints.
It beats me
For they ought not to be so.
It beats me
When colors do not go with the painting
When the child does not walk with the mother
When smell does not go with the air.
It beats me
For they ought not to be so.
Loka samasta sukhino bavantu.
When a soft heart becomes hard
When ego overtakes love
When things take their own turn.
It beats me
For they ought not to be so.
It beats me
When clouds cover sunshine
When green plants go dry
When moon disappears.
It beats me
For they ought not to be so.
It beats me
When sweetheart departs
When prayer fails
When acquaintance disappoints.
It beats me
For they ought not to be so.
It beats me
When colors do not go with the painting
When the child does not walk with the mother
When smell does not go with the air.
It beats me
For they ought not to be so.
Loka samasta sukhino bavantu.