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Is Tamilnadu honored to the Women’s day celebration?
On the 8th of March, when the womenfolk all over the world were enjoying their day in different forms, in Tamilnadu, there was something charismatic in the air...
We could not trace out the more difference for the social factors between men and women in the pre historical periods.
But, the women’s status where forced to put ironically as in the secondary form whenever the human being changed their life pattern from nomadic life to permanent.
Even though, she is considerable, very important to the family set-up, she has isolation, in her bodily and reproduction capacities. This would always put them in depending on the men supporting. Interestingly admitted that the men only could swim in the counter-current of the world affairs and also have his earning volume. We have enormous evidences that the male birth only welcome to the people even beginning of the Sangam period.
In the above said Sangam couplet shows the mentality of the people, whereas they have entrusted five works to the male instead of female. Without any least doubt, those people of Sangam have chronologically admitted the female to be only for the generative. At the same time, five duties where allotted to the males, such as positioned his son in the courtesy, designing war weapons to the black smith, molding as a good citizen to the King and here after the youths’ duty is succeed in the battle field with his swaying sword.
Where the Sangam copulates not only admitted the duties of the both sex, the saint poet Thiruvalluvar reads in the universal anagoge that, what avails the guard of a prison? The chief guard of a woman is her chastity.
Of what avail is watch and ward?
Honour’s woman’s safest guard.
The women have feared that they are not used in the war time they are always feared that they have jailed by the opponent Kings. This situation kept the women as in the secondary to the men. Because of the unfitness in the war to the women has to think to the men to put them in the safest place in the war periods. The following one Sangam couplet clearly shows who the people to protect in the war time.
அறத்தாறுநுவலும்பூட்கைமறத்திற்” -(புறம்: 9 - வரி 1-6)
The above said poem describes that who would keep in the safest place while at war times. The gist of the essence where said that cows, those Brahamins having gentle habits like cows, women, sick persons and those persons who were not having the male heritress to do their funeral services.
As, earlier findings of the Sangam periods are a war gestures one and it must know, how the female births are welcome? By birth, is she gives joys to the parents such as the male births? While, we trying to find answers to these questions we could not find any negative things where substantiate the verdicts, however, the male birth is certainly more joys to them.
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