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Insight into SRIBHASYA

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I am happy to hear that. I would recommend reading this book authored by Swami Adidevananda (Sri Ramakrishna mutt), Foreword by S.S. Raghavachar. This book has the Brahma Sutras and Sri Ramanuja's commentary (Sri Bhasya) and the objections from other sects and answers to them. So, it would be easier to map and compare the different indian philosophical views and the merits/flaws associated with them.

Brahma/Vedanta Sutras - Sri Bhasya of Sri Ramanuja

The two series video on Vishishtadvaita would also be helpful:
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The first 4 sutras of the Brahma Sutras are the famous CATUSUTRI.

1. Inquiry into Brahman

AthAtO brahmajignyAsA

- Then, therefore , the inquiry into Brahman.

Then (After the knowledge of the work-portion of the Vedas (karma-kAnda) and the ephemeral nature (short-lived) nature fo the results of mere work (karma) has been gained by the study of the PUrva- MImamsa), Therefore (As the results obtained by mere work, i.e sacrifices etc., are ephemeral and limited, whereas the results of the knowledge of Brahman is eternal and infinite), the inquiry into Brahman (the inquiry into the real nature of Brahman).

2. Definition of Brahman

janmAdhyasya yataha

From whom proceed the origin etc. of this.

(Brahman is that Omniscient, Omnipotent, all-merciful Being) from whom proceed the origin etc. (origin, sustenance and dissolution) of this (varied and wonderfully fashioned world). **********

3. Brahman cognizable only through the Scriptures

shAstra yOnitvAt

The scriptures (alone) being the source of right knowledge (with respect to Brahman)

4. Brahman the main purport of all VedAnta texts

tattu samanvayAth

But that (the scriptures alone are authority with respect to Brahman is established), because it is the main purport (of all texts as constituting the highest aim of man).

Thus, the 4 sutras establish the necessity and possibility of the inquiry into Brahman, the definition of It, the sources of knowledge concerning It, and the supreme value of the pursuit of the knowledge in question.

************ Sri Ramanuja's definition of Brahman: From the second sutra

"That supreme Person who is the ruler of all; whose nature is antagonistic to all evil; whose purposes come true; who possesses infinite auspicious qualities such as knowledge, bliss and so on; who is omniscient, omnipotent, supremely merciful; from whom the creation, subsistence, and re-absorption of this world — with its manifold wonderful arrangements, not to be comprehended by thought, and comprising within itself the aggregate of souls from Brahma down to blades of grass, all of which experience the fruits (of their previous deeds) in definite points of space and time — proceed is Brahman"

The overview from the book:
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The structure/Outline/Map:

The Brahma Sūtras consist of 555 aphorisms or sūtras, in four chapters (adhyāya), each chapter being divided into four quarters (pāda). Each quarter consists of several groups of sūtras called Adhikaraņas or topical sections. An Adhikaraņa usually consists of several sūtras, but some have only one sūtra.

[h=3]4 Chapters[/h]
  • First chapter (Samanvaya: harmony): explains that all the Vedānta texts talk of Brahman, the ultimate reality, which is the goal of life.

The very first sutra itself was discussed elaborately. Here the Purva-paksha (Advaita's position) reviewed, The Maha/Great Siddhanta (Advaita's position refuted),
Then comes the next 3 sutras of the CATUSSUTRI.

  • Second chapter (Avirodha: non-conflict): discusses and refutes the possible objections to Vedānta philosophy.

  • Third chapter (Sādhana: the means): describes the process by which ultimate emancipation can be achieved.

  • Fourth chapter (Phala: the fruit): talks of the state that is achieved in final emancipation.
Thank you for all your guidance
I have been able to procure The Vedantasutras with Sribhasya of Ramanujacarya. It is in 3 Vol published by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.

I might probably seek a GURU. I will try and talk to [FONT=&quot] McComas Taylor[/FONT][FONT=&quot] Head, South Asia Program ANU College of Asia and the Pacific [/FONT] .

I shall begin my journey on the 14th June 2012.
Dear Thillaisthanam,

I would suggest the following to you:

1. Direct entry into brahmasutras may not be advisable. Instead, study Vedartha sangraham by Ramanuja first and then take up brahma sutras.

2. Next, study Sankara's brahmasutra bhashyam to get the advaitin's interpretations as purvapaksha argument completely.

3. Next take up Sribhashya of Ramanuja. Without much difficulty you would understand the line of arguments of Sri Ramanuja and may be able to better appreciate the sutras.

4. I would recommend a through study and understanding of Immanuel Kant (though not all the 12 volumes of his work at least read 1. critique of Pure Reason 2. Critique of Practical Reason and 3.Critique of Judgment) in order to get a broader view of Epistemology and Metaphysics and to learn how to look at the problem of understanding the very process of thinking.

I did this and so I speak from experience. I did this by trial and error and hence went through long painful periods of search and disappointment. If you allocate 5 hrs per week for this purpose you will complete the task in 1 year. Then another 6 months for contemplating on what you have read. Another 6 months for a second quick reading. So it is a 2 years project. Then of course sitting with a learned teacher for a kalakshepam and listening to him. It was that way for me.

Best wishes.

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There are some discourses on BS by swami Parmarthananda and Guruparananda.
Please visit Geetham.net and poornalayam.org.

There are some good books also on BS and these are available in Digital library
of India.
Thank everyone for their contribution. With all your blessings, I have started on a long journey and I am dedicated and determined to achieve it. I am keen on propagating the useful parts to our next generation and beyond. I am advised based on a short discussion with a senior most, that the true meaning will not be taught to people living abroad or people who don't strictly follow the tradition to the line. I am supposed to open a section with a slokam and also recite a closing mantharam.

To do this I have bought a fine brass vigrham of Ramanujar, did the basics pooja and have accepeted HIM as my guru.With HIM beside me I am confident in the success of my journey

Thillasthanam Iyengar
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