India: King Cobra saves puppies from death
PUNJAB – Some time ago, near Punjab, India, two puppies fell into a well by accident. Their owner looked for them, and he heard that mother dog is barking near the nearby well. He came and saw the pups. Luckily for them, well almost had no water, except for one part, which was also full of mud.
The man wanted to get them, when he saw big snake. It was King Cobra, one of the deadliest snakes in India. He thought that the snake will eat the pups, but he was wrong. It seemed that Cobra didn’t let puppies to go to this sludge, where they would surely drown in mud. The owner of the puppies called for help, but snake experts were far away, so he waited. It took two days for help to come, and during that time, Cobra didn’t let puppies to die, nor have attacked them in any way. Men pulled out the snake and puppies without any problem. Pups went to their mother, and the snake was released into the forest. When you hear of a story like this, you got to ask yourself: ”How come that one snake, considered to be an ultimate hunter and killer, can have mercy?” Wise men say that we can learn more from animals, than from ourselves, and this is just one example of it.
India: King Cobra saves puppies from death | InSerbia News
PUNJAB – Some time ago, near Punjab, India, two puppies fell into a well by accident. Their owner looked for them, and he heard that mother dog is barking near the nearby well. He came and saw the pups. Luckily for them, well almost had no water, except for one part, which was also full of mud.
The man wanted to get them, when he saw big snake. It was King Cobra, one of the deadliest snakes in India. He thought that the snake will eat the pups, but he was wrong. It seemed that Cobra didn’t let puppies to go to this sludge, where they would surely drown in mud. The owner of the puppies called for help, but snake experts were far away, so he waited. It took two days for help to come, and during that time, Cobra didn’t let puppies to die, nor have attacked them in any way. Men pulled out the snake and puppies without any problem. Pups went to their mother, and the snake was released into the forest. When you hear of a story like this, you got to ask yourself: ”How come that one snake, considered to be an ultimate hunter and killer, can have mercy?” Wise men say that we can learn more from animals, than from ourselves, and this is just one example of it.
India: King Cobra saves puppies from death | InSerbia News