Dear friends,
I was drawn towards the teachings of our great guruji, the realised saint, the living god of the modern times, none other than the MahaPeriyava, because of his practical down to earth approach, accesibilty, his wisdom,and his divine grace.
His various discourses and writings are published as "Theivathin Kural" in a various volumes.
In the books one can cleary find guidelines on how to lead a Brahminical way of life even in this modern machine age. One will find lots of practical advice, analysis of various problems, solutions.. etc etc.. Some of them are in the Kanchi Kamakoti website, but I strongly request our community to buy the books and read them or gift them.
I was drawn towards the teachings of our great guruji, the realised saint, the living god of the modern times, none other than the MahaPeriyava, because of his practical down to earth approach, accesibilty, his wisdom,and his divine grace.
His various discourses and writings are published as "Theivathin Kural" in a various volumes.
In the books one can cleary find guidelines on how to lead a Brahminical way of life even in this modern machine age. One will find lots of practical advice, analysis of various problems, solutions.. etc etc.. Some of them are in the Kanchi Kamakoti website, but I strongly request our community to buy the books and read them or gift them.