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I want all of them back

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nara
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They left on their own.
They preached to the rest to leave behind the ego, supremacy and baggages, only for the so called Rationalists and Progressive thinkers to take them all away with them.

They are free to join, Any time, but look forward to shun their 'Self over the Forum' attitude.

You have left HH. Is that deliberate?
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It is free forum, the host as well as the moderator have invited them back. We too are guest at this site. Let us not forget that.
I would like to see everyone back.
I want Sangom sir to come back and participate just as actively as before...

I love K's wit and language, I want him back with the same gusto

Even though I disagree with Y more than I agree with him, I want Y back, with all his banter

I want Saidevo back, with his long and well referenced posts, never letting go and frustrate the opponent

I want Suraju back and be a pain in my craw

I want all of them back, welcomed with the same enthusiasm and be treated with respect, not derision.

Will you join me, if you do, don't just click "Like" make a post, say why you want them back, take a minute and write a line or two giving them the poornakumbham if you like...

come back my friends ...

Dear Nara,

Though the two of us and a few more are bracketed and called by different, inglorious names like "shining cobras" (something which betrays the quality of upbringing the person had and the utter cultural poverty of the parents of the concerned poster, imo), it is the truth that there was no "ganging up" among us and it all just so happened.

I continue to subscribe to the principle that an unknown devil (moderator) is thousand times better and effective than a known one - even if angel or, still better, KRS :). I also firmly hold that the moderator cannot and should not participate in the forum discussions. But KRS has been gracious enough to "totally reject this premise - because a known devil is easier to deal with than an unknown devil, so to say."

In view of the above and the late realization that underneath the veneer of the so-called glorious brahministic "saatvikataa", there lurks, in many of the "honourable" members here, a very undesirable and even abominable "reality", I consider it better not to degrade myself by associating further with this forum and such uncultured people; and as rightly guessed by KRS, I am now off from this forum— for ever, you may take it.


I feel you are making a mistake by coming back even after all the degrading remarks and are even calling us all back; I fear that you will rue this action sooner than later. May that no happen - that's my wish.
In view of the above and the late realization that underneath the veneer of the so-called glorious brahministic "saatvikataa", there lurks, in many of the "honourable" members here, a very undesirable and even abominable "reality", I consider it better not to degrade myself by associating further with this forum and such uncultured people;
What an expectation with a view to only exploit. History and Experience has taught the so-called brahmins to practice "saatvikataa" on people and animals who believe in it, not every and sundry. To practice it on "Asurics" would only cause the world to be filled with them A thorn has to be removed by a thorn,, even if this has to be termed non-satvic.
I consider it better not to degrade myself by associating further with this forum and such uncultured people;
Isnt that self fulfilling? Whither culture in this adieu message?
No body has left. Sangom sir was already in, and Sh.Kunjuppu never left at all, rather he stood last and fought, so please dont drag K to your club. Even Yamaka was here few days ago. all before this mod resignation event.

for last two weeks, i was wondering what new tactic the originator of this thread would come with, this time, the second time.

aren't you warming up, to take it on the chin? '?

but why again all this gang gathering invitation? sir, you have to invite only, only, only your self, other than you, no body has left. except that, i cautiously stay away from referring happyhindu, same like you, and same like Ozone in post #2

it reminds me of recent Maruthi Suzuki strike. the union leader call it off, and the management thinks so. few people apply for medical leave, but the union leader takes their absence to his credit. but one fine day, the union leader understand, he cant flex too much muscle with the management, cos he come to know that the factory attendance has not dropped. now,the fear of getting axed from job, starts haunting him

so he uses the same old technique, used in 18th century Briton. he shed a bit of crocodile tears, with a bit of praise for management, except citing few complaints like factory toilet is not clean. and he sets the protest podiums amplifier volume high, and screams, 'comrades, make a come back, for the good of our factory', and make sure the voice reaches the factory chariman's cabin. matter of fact, he doesnt need a microphone or amplifier, cos no one was there in benches of protest stage.

he was alone. he only started it.. and he only wants to end it,

welcome back sh.nara.. all are in, already!.. Thank you
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Hi All,

I second Sri Nara's opinion and would like Sri Sangom, Sri Yamaka, Sri Kunjuppu, HH, Sri Saidevo, Sri Suraju et al to be back. As I understand the moderation is being given a new shape and this would iron out most of the turbulances.

Sri Sangom, I read your post in this thread. Please re-think and give a second thought to your decision. As many of the liberal members advise in the forum, we should be concerned with the theme or idea and not the person. So improved moderation is to be watched out, not who is the moderator.

I would like this opportunity to extend invitation to members like Sri Tks, Dr. Barani, Mrs. Anandi, Sri Nachinarkkiniyan etc. and many other old stalwarts who are seen scarcely here to be active in the forum and contribute.

One request to all my friends here - please do not post any adverse or intractable message and make it difficult for the owner/moderator to extend the welcome in spirit, what they have declared in words.
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Hi All,

I second Sri Nara's opinion and would like Sri Sangom, Sri Yamaka, Sri Kunjuppu, HH, Sri Saidevo, Sri Suraju et al to be back. As I understand the moderation is being given a new shape and this would iron out most of the turbulances.

Sri Sangom, I read your post in this thread. Please re-think and give a second thought to your decision. As many of the liberal members advise in the forum, we should be concerned with the theme or idea and not the person. So improved moderation is to be watched out, not who is the moderator.

I would like this opportunity to extend invitation to members like Sri Tks, Dr. Barani, Mrs. Anandi, Sri Nachinarkkiniyan and many other old stalwarts who are seen scarcely here to be active in the forum and contribute.

One request to all my friends here - please do not post any adverse or intractable message and make it difficult for the owner/moderator to extend the welcome in spirit, what they have declared in words.
I dont agree here. Why should be there a public demonstration of luring and almost a begging if not falling at their feet. If every one is a Guest, then every one I hope is an equal Guest.
If some one wants to extend extra invites and consolation there is always a PM.
Why should 'please do not post any adverse or intractable message' apply to only a select set of people.
Even when one quits a job and finds another better one, one is advised to leave the place so you can come back if not as an employee again, at least with respect as an ex-employee. If there are adverse message, it only reflects on how they left.
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If anyone wants to welcome others, let us join in.

I think Sri Sangom Ji is frustrated, obviously. But again, the Forum is what it is in it's structure and the only thing I can say is that his views will be allowed in, within the Forum rules.

Regarding the Cobra story, I am commenting on it in the thread where it is posted. But what I would urge the members to do is to not respond to any indirect/oblique references to anyone. This is how it starts. And here is a classic example. Now Sri Sangom Ji has escalated it many times, bringing in certain upbringing etc. Unlike the oblique reference, this is a direct reference. With all due apologies to Srimathi VR Ji, I am going to let this stand as an example. I request Srimathi VR Ji not to respond.

It is a pity that a gentleman like Sri Sangom Ji would use such a language.

I think Sri Sangom Ji is frustrated, obviously. But again, the Forum is what it is in it's structure and the only thing I can say is that his views will be allowed in, within the Forum rules.

Now Sri Sangom Ji has escalated it many times, bringing in certain upbringing etc. Unlike the oblique reference, this is a direct reference.

It is a pity that a gentleman like Sri Sangom Ji would use such a language.


sh.krs, since this is not posted as a mod, i would like to share my view, while blending with what sh.kunjuppu said, and further responded by you and sh.ragy in a controversial way

the objective of mod is to moderate, not to rule judgements, or be targeting one, even if the participant targets you. its a tactic to handle all kind of people. he kunjuppu defined rightly the role, aka, rule/wit/inspiration for all to seek justice/role model.

i know sh.sangom with quite few interactions through PM..Sankar sir is indeed a wonderful person with a great lot of knowledge. why would i loose him, even if he has gone overboard? thats the basic thought which comes in to the mind of any ordinary person.. btw, me and sh.sangom are poles apart.

the problem here is, getting personal, esp, when it comes to the mod, its viewed with extra sensitivity, and sparks the fire, leads to forest fire.

there i go with sh.kunjuppu.. need some wits here.. if a person questions about upbrining, i may retalite. but if i were a mod, and if a member calls me a bastards, i would only throw my wits ' boy, could you please pay for my DNA test'..

anyways, pls dont take it as a questioning thing here. its just a tip..

sh.krs, you are indeed wonderful person with good objectives.
Thank you, Sri ShivKC Ji for your comments.

Moderators are human beings. As I have said, I can never be an 'ideal' moderator.

By the way, you keep on referring to some words that I said in harsh tone. I have already explained my position on this. If it did not satisfy you, I am sorry.

I want to second what ShivKCJi has said about Shri SangomJi. I hope he will reconsider his decision and keep posting, otherwise it will be a loss to all of us IMHO and god knows! we have lost out on a lot of good people.
Dear brother Professor Nara Ji,

I have already invited those you mention to join back. I am sorry you take it as tepid. Okay, let me say again, I really, really want them back.

Regarding the Cobra story, I have already posted my view in another as I have said.

I agree with you that all of us should welcome everyone. But if someone holds a view contrary to that let them. It does not affect anything.

Dear Members,

I think there is a way to prevent unpleasant situations that frequently occur in this forum that cause some members to refrain from participating. Let the members decide whether discussions in a thread continue to be useful by voting and thus the majority decide the fate of the thread. Whenever any discussion swerves off the path this is a good way to put it to a fitting end and not let things go out of control.
For instance, what is the point of ShivKC's post except to mock me? What value is added by that post?

all right! as you said so, and believe so, very many times, any point expressed here, needs to be debated and countered, not taken personal !!!

sir,i havent mocked you here. i only expressed my plain facts about you, and how you hijacked the forum, and inspired others to hijack the mod with their silence.

as you often say, let one not go emotional, and present their views and counter views, why you are getting obscured in one single word 'mock'.

i would appreciate if you could come out where i mocked you. and what point i stated out there was wrong.

sir, lets not go emotional and lets not play double games. im straight, i supported the points of the other side, whenever i felt its wrong. thats why i picked up for sh.kunjuppu and sh.sangom, though i dont share the view and commented on sh.krs where its right and where its wrong, and even said, i'm confused to press and YES or NO button, in that erstwhile deleted thread.. thats me, thats im.

anyways, let me know how i mocked you !

or to have the taste of your own medicine, shall we call here sh.krs or praveen to give their rulings?

தனக்கு வந்தால் தான் அறியும் , தலைவலியோட கஷ்டம் ~~!!!

what a mess the mob made in the last few weeks,out here?
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Dear Sri ShivKC Ji,
What do you want to accomplish with this? If you wanted to hurt Professor Nara's feelings, you have done it. Why such a venom? Again, why are you bringing up the past?

You seem to take offense at some postings to Sri Kunjuppu Ji, yet you have no compunction to make a posting like this!

I can easily moderate your post, but I want to give you an opportunity to self edit please. I do not think the idiom and the example you gave are neither appropriate nor applicable.


No body has left. Sangom sir was already in, and Sh.Kunjuppu never left at all, rather he stood last and fought, so please dont drag K to your club. Even Yamaka was here few days ago. all before this mod resignation event.

for last two weeks, i was wondering what new tactic the originator of this thread would come with, this time, the second time.

aren't you warming up, to take it on the chin? குப்புற விழுந்தாலும், மீசைல மண் ஓட்டலையா ? or trying an act of 'good samaritan'?

but why again all this gang gathering invitation? sir, you have to invite only, only, only your self, other than you, no body has left. except that, i cautiously stay away from referring happyhindu, same like you, and same like Ozone in post #2

it reminds me of recent Maruthi Suzuki strike. the union leader call it off, and the management thinks so. few people apply for medical leave, but the union leader takes their absence to his credit. but one fine day, the union leader understand, he cant flex too much muscle with the management, cos he come to know that the factory attendance has not dropped. now,the fear of getting axed from job, starts haunting him

so he uses the same old technique, used in 18th century Briton. he shed a bit of crocodile tears, with a bit of praise for management, except citing few complaints like factory toilet is not clean. and he sets the protest podiums amplifier volume high, and screams, 'comrades, make a come back, for the good of our factory', and make sure the voice reaches the factory chariman's cabin. matter of fact, he doesnt need a microphone or amplifier, cos no one was there in benches of protest stage.

he was alone. he only started it.. and he only wants to end it, but with a condition, that மீசைல மண் ஓட்டலை!!

welcome back sh.nara.. all are in, already!.. Thank you
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Dear Sri ShivKC Ji,
I do not think the idiom and the example you gave are neither appropriate nor applicable.

Sir, I this case I second Sri Shiv,
this is what Nara has to say in his 'Why' thread
and fortunately for me, and I say this with more than mere due respect to Praveen who has always been fair to me personally, the forum is not indispensable to me.
and now he claims he is doing good for the forum, only after his futile attempt to doze the flame that erupted in the
restore KRSji thread. You just want us to believe all this and take it at a face value?
Let him provide the cogent reply to Sri Shiv in the same style as he expects and not rebut it with a 'mock' tag. Let him demonstrate what he expects of others.
I can easily moderate your post, but I want to give you an opportunity to self edit please.

sh.krs, i felt what i said with my own conviction. frankly i don't know which part of my posts is wrong. may be im wrong in my script, but i feel my views and emotions are right out there,unless i was forced to see as being used as scape goat!!

with all these confusions, i would love , if you could help me with editing those points, which the forum may feel offensive. i abide here and you are feel free to edit..

sir, i tell you what, i would take that editing as a favor. :) You know, i never would question moderation,and would always take it as a learning, if my posts were edited or red marked.

cos i know, when you are a guest in a house, we need to obey the rule of the house, not to hijack the house. im there with you sir.
You just want us to believe all this and take it at a face value?
Let him provide the cogent reply to Sri Shiv in the same style as he expects and not rebut it with a 'mock' tag. Let him demonstrate what he expects of others.

having said in an obedient style in my previous post, i also got a courage here.thanks sh.ozone.

'why not one have the taste of his own medicine, i mean about hijacking the forum for last 3 weeks, asking the head of 'moderator', but of late changing to 'moderation' and now with all the cacophony "I want them all back'.

it seems, sh.nara's/dawkins' survival of the fittest ideology working here very well :)
Dear Sri ShivKC Ji & Sri Ozone Ji,

If I remember correctly, Professor Nara Ji has already apologized for what precipitated the recent happenings. Yes, we need to take him at his word and move on.

Sri ShivKC Ji, I have already indicated that the idiom and the example are not appropriate. If one has to edit, I would leave paras 1, 4 and 8, taking out the rest which go in to motives, which none of us can fathom.

Dear Sri ShivKC Ji & Sri Ozone Ji,

If I remember correctly, Professor Nara Ji has already apologized for what precipitated the recent happenings. Yes, we need to take him at his word and move on.

In the same spirit, can we also look forward to the withdrawal of the following statement by Sri Nara?
I am really disappointed with this tepid response, well, it is what it is.
Dear Sri Ozone Ji,

He was questioning my support level not my motive. Anyways, since it was addressed towards me, I have already responded. :)

Dear Sri ShivKC Ji & Sri Ozone Ji,

If I remember correctly, Professor Nara Ji has already apologized for what precipitated the recent happenings.


i rest my case.

and i'm editing that post too.

but let sh.nara be reminded, people on the otherside too can take the same logic and pound on (as sh.ozone promptly reminded it).

i was surprised why he called for moderation against my simple analogy of reflecting the reality, as mocking, while blaming it totally on moderation just few weeks ago.

my anguish!

sorry i stretched a bit, but for sure, i rest my case, once again.

lets forget the past, and move on.
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