:wave:Funny are the reason given for not proceeding further to clinch the alliance after every thing is accepted upon Here in my experiance. My sons star is Moolam and I believe in Jathaga Porutham We had a proposal from CEO of a public Sector Bank for his daughter He told me he has lost all faith in Josiers and called them even Scoundrels and is not looking to the Jathagam aspect at all in wedding for his daughter He was so frusted about all these procedures Our josier found the jathagams matching and hence I started the ball rolling He visited us enjoyed our hospitality during one of his official trip to Madurai. He was impressed and said this could be clinched if the boy and girl agree after meeting and interacting in some place suitable to both and left for Madras saying he will follow it up I got a mail asking to excuse him since he may not procced further in this regard since his grand old Chitti is agaist a Moolam Varan and he doenot want my son to be blamed if some thing should happen to him after proceecing further saying that you should respect the sentiments of old people also!