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How safe are women

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two days ago one young woman wasreturning from cochin to shoranur by train after completing her duty in a private firm. She was travelling by passenger train in ladies compartment. After trichur station there were nobody except her in the compartment. The train had stopped at some outer station. One begger type fellow entered the train pushed her out of train . Her head got injured. She was raped by him and he left by bus. The beauty is no body, even after hearing her shouting, tried to stop the train or enquire. Now she is in hospital batting for life . where is our humanity?

IN the loal malayalkam dailies on an averagte one page is full of such happenings. How safe are women, especially, in kerala???????
Sri kr subramanian,

This incident is very pathetic. Crude beggar men don't mind injuring and raping women and Crude common men don't mind injuring and raping beggar woman. In all, crude and cruel men are keep doing these nonsense.

In countries like India,with highly densed population, with ever lasting poverty, with corrupted politicians and officials, such felonious crimes continuous to exists.

When we could not find the sense of humanity, discency, respect, dignity, ethics among many educated and elite groups, we surely cant expect all these fine qualities in common to exist among the lower stratum of our society.

Cases of rape are common in well developed western and other Asian countries too. The irony in India is, the public in common are least bothered to care for others. Unless such incidents happens in front of their eyes, mostly people are not bothered to do something, someway in order to foil such attacks.
It now turns out that at the time of the incident no one else was present in that ladies' compartment. Normally any Indian, male or female, will try to move to another compartment with some people in such circumstances. The affected person is a regular passenger and the said lady should therefore have known the conditions. To call for the conditions prevailing in advanced countries is only asking for the moon (crying for the moon, I will say).
Totally unimaginable.

Unless the following happens such crimes will continue.
1) Public must intervene and prevent such things. Public must catch the criminal and hand him to police.
2) If criminal has escaped, police must catch the criminal within 3 days
3) Fast court must complete the hearing in 1 day.
4) Criminal must be hanged.

Only when public starts helping one another, such situations can become preventable.

The situation in the country is that criminals are not hanged.

Only when criminals start being hanged, we can expect number of crimes to reduce.
Punishments such as hanging can at the very best suppress these social evils but cannot really totally eliminate them. The approach should always be holistic. The evils are better addressed if the causes are traced and addressed than addressed by punishment for such acts. Not only rape but a surprisingly large gamut of such problems can be handled.
I dont agree with the punishment of just 'hanging'. What I am saying might probably make the others either laugh or be surprised at my thinking. But nevertheless, I wish to state here what punishment must be given to this *****d...

I heartily appreciate the law and order in middle east countries. I haven't gone there but I have heard about it. In middle east countries, I understand all the shops are kept open and they display their expensive products to the general public without any fear of theft. You know 'why'. Because, if the thief is caught the punishment to him would be loss of both the hands in front of general public. This punishment in front of the public creates such a panic in the minds of other aspiring thieves. The shop keepers are so confident that there are no thieves in their location and no one has the guts to rob anything.

I hope you understand what punishment I am wanting this beggar to have..................

When will this country start protecting the innocents.

dear sridhar,
i understand your feeling. but just see the other side. In this case since the beggar was seen by some others and identifried it was easy for thepolice to arrest. Or else it will be on the woman to identify the culprit run from piller to post and to police station as and when called, answer alltype of questions, media publicity- think- her life will be spoiled. For the media it will be another incident to sell their paper for one or two days. After the initial hue and cry nobody will be there to help (nobody want to go to police station or court for that matter). I cannot understand how in major cities (chennai, bangalore, mumbai coimbatore etc ) women go even in night without fear whereas here in kerala it is unimaginable to go alone by a woman even at 6pm
Dear kr.Subramanian,
I have noticed that in Calcutta city,Women are respected.Misbehaviour of women is never tolerated and the entire mob will attack such badintentioned people.
Dear Mr Subramanian :

You are absolutely right. I stayed in Kolkata for an year and half between 83 & 85 and I was a witness to an incident in the bus that I was travelling. Men and women sit next to each other in Kolkata and women are not afraid of men as they know any misbehaviour will not be tolerated by the mob. No Calcuttan will misbehave with women in their City. But the floating population who keep coming to Kolkata from other cities and those who do not know that women are safe in Kolkata are the ones who try to misbehave and utilize opportunities that they get when women sit next to them in the buses.

The person who tried to misbehave with one women in the bus was bashed / thrashed and taken to the police station and was handed over. The Bus driver and the conductor cooperated with the public and diverted the bus to the station. But every individual in the bus was given a chance to slap the man who tried to misbehave and the guidance given to the public was one slap from man and two slaps from women in the bus and the slapping session happened for about half an hour and every one in the bus and even some pedestrians outside were very cooperative. The bus must have had almost 150-200 people and it was so over crowded and all of them went late to their offices that day. I also happened to go late to the office and when I was questioned why I was late, I narrated the incident. My seniors accepted the reason and no one in the office showed any anger for my late coming.

The person who was slapped happened to be from Mumbai and all that he did was warming his hand on the thighs of the women and the women stood up and slapped him for this reason. She went on to say if he had just kept his hand on her thighs she would have ignored but he started caressing it and she knew what his intentions were.

From then on the crowd took over.

25 Years later I happened to go to Kolkata recently and I was witnessing yet another incident of same nature but this time I was travelling by Taxi and I saw the queing up of people to slap one man in a busy area where the bus was waiting and I need not had to stop the Taxi to find out what was this all about. I knew from a distance what was happening. I was feeling very proud about Kolkattans.
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The person who was slapped happened to be from Mumbai and all that he did was warming his hand on the thighs of the women and the women stood up and slapped him for this reason. She went on to say if he had just kept his hand on her thighs she would have ignored but he started caressing it and she knew what his intentions were.



it appears to me that the kolkattan women are pretty accommodating to let strange women warm their hands on the women's thighs. in my canadian world this would be termed as sexual harassment. !!
''Punishments such as hanging can at the very best suppress these social evils but cannot really totally eliminate them.''

''....இந்த நிலையில் தேசிய மனித உரிமைக் கழகத் தலைவரும்,ஓய்வு பெற்ற சுப்ரீம் கோர்ட் முன்னாள் தலைமை நீதிபதியுமான கே.ஜி.பாலகிருஷ்ணன், தூக்கு தண்டனை சட்டம் தொடர வேண்டும் என்று கருத்து தெரிவித்துள்ளார்....''

If Gandhi's agenda has fallen apart, it is due to Indian politics.
The continued exploitation of women can be attributed to the degradation
in moral values of the society ..
The attitude towards women is not uniform in all states/regions of India. In Gujarat I have found young college-going (I mean the age and dress, they might be working girls also) travelling all alone in scooter at the dead of night in very lonely roads. No incident of molestation is ever happening. But come communal disturbance (Hindu-Muslim) the entire atmosphere changes till peace returns. Men and women stay indoors during the disturbances. It is a custom in Gujarat to buy and stock an entire year's requirements of almost all grains, masalas, oil etc., as soon as the fresh harvest is over. Only perishables are purchased regularly. So, any family can subsist without going out of the house for up to a month or so!

Kerala had and perhaps still has, a very poor record in regard to treating women. I think it is partly due to a wrong sense of "manliness" created in the minds of the men here.
''Punishments such as hanging can at the very best suppress these social evils but cannot really totally eliminate them.''

''....இந்த நிலையில் தேசிய மனித உரிமைக் கழகத் தலைவரும்,ஓய்வு பெற்ற சுப்ரீம் கோர்ட் முன்னாள் தலைமை நீதிபதியுமான கே.ஜி.பாலகிருஷ்ணன், தூக்கு தண்டனை சட்டம் தொடர வேண்டும் என்று கருத்து தெரிவித்துள்ளார்....''


I am used to the shrill "anti-death sentence" lobby for more than a decade. It must be borne in mind it is invoked in "rarest of rare cases", which of course the judges decide.

I am glad that a judge belonging to "depressed class" is sensible in his conviction in this matter while the redoubtable V.R. Krishna Iyer remains as one of the leading lights of the anti-death sentence lobby. In fact Krishna Iyer's open stance on the issue violated his oath of office, in my view.

Did any one in the media point out?

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My friend has sent this photo, saying that women in Kerala should travel like this!!

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dear friends,
the unlucky lady who was striving for life passed away leaving behind her dependent family members in darkness. OUr media has extracted maximum from the incident.who will be next victim????????
Dear Mr Subramanian :

Very sad . Please convey my heartfelt condolences to the family. Pls find out who are the dependents and whether the family requires any kind of support in education / health or job or all .... my organization can take the responsibility of supporting this family if they are in need ... what I mean by support is financial ..... the financial support can be extended subject to the family's current economic status ..... If their annual income is less than the desired level, we can extend financial support to this family. We would require answers to the following :

a) How many dependents are left behind ?
b) Who is the head of the family ?
c) What is their source of income for managing their family ?
d) What would be their financial need for the purpose of Education / Health / Daily Bread ?

On getting to know this, we can move on to the next step.

This is not an isolated incident. Day in and out Chain snatching,rape,murder, etc are happenning .The newspapers are flooded only much of these news. The lae enforcing agencies must be given a free hand,not under the wins & fancies of politicians.
I was only conveying a message from our daily news paper. The details of the family etc arenot known to me personally. From news paper I could understand that Kerala Govt has sanctioned Rs.3 lacs and so and assured a job to some eligible in that family.
Any way I am pleased to note the helping nature of sridhar.
i think girl should bring
safety weapon to protect
them to avoid to be victim of guy
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