In this forum I have come across some people calling randomness to their support in arguing about the superiority of science over God/Karma/belief. How random should the randomness be to qualify as a random event? Chaos theorists have already seen 'strange attractors' in randomness of the chaos. It would appear that random events do acquire a pattern if looked at from sufficiently 'free' view points and if the event occurring 'arena' is sufficiently large to accommodate a very large sample size.(excuse me for using common man's language here instead of the intimidating technical lingo. It is deleberate). Please read this story. It is interesting.
Monkeys type out entire work of Shakespeare by hitting random keys:
Given enough time, a monkey with a type writer would reproduce the complete works of Shakespeare says a famous hypothesis. Now it is proved.
American researchers have created an army of millions of virtual monkeys, who have almost typed out the entire works of Shakespeare by bashing random keys on simulated typewriters. The virtual monkeys , developed by programmer Jesse Anderson have already typed up the whole of the poem "A Lover's Complaint" and are 99.99% of the way through the Bard's complete works, the Daily Telegraph reported.
Anderson said he was inspired by an episode on "The Simpsons" which spoofs the famous hypothesis that an infinite number of monkeys sitting at an infinite number of typewriters would eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare by chance. Using Amazon's SC2 cloud computing system, Anderson set up millions of small computer programmes, or virtual monkeys, and programmed them to churn out random sequences of nine characters. If the nine letter sequence appears anywhere in one of Shakespeare's writings, it is matched against the relevant passage in a copy of the Bard's complete works and is checked off the list.
The monkeys which started typing on August 21 have already completed more than five trillion of the 5.5 trillion possible nine-letter combinations but have so far only finished one whole work.
Writing on his blog, Anderson said,"This is the largest work ever randomly reproduced. It is one small step for a monkey, one giant leap for virtual primates everywhere. I understand the definition of infinity and infinite monkey theorem and I realize that this project does not have infinite resources."
In 2003, the Arts Council for England paid GBP 2000 for a real life test of the theorem involving six Sulawesi crested Macaques, but the trial was abandoned after a month. The monkeys produced five pages of text mainly composed of the letter S, but failed to type anything close to a word of English, broke the computer and used the keyboard as a lavatory.
Randomness is quite attractive indeed.
(source: The Times of India)
Monkeys type out entire work of Shakespeare by hitting random keys:
Given enough time, a monkey with a type writer would reproduce the complete works of Shakespeare says a famous hypothesis. Now it is proved.
American researchers have created an army of millions of virtual monkeys, who have almost typed out the entire works of Shakespeare by bashing random keys on simulated typewriters. The virtual monkeys , developed by programmer Jesse Anderson have already typed up the whole of the poem "A Lover's Complaint" and are 99.99% of the way through the Bard's complete works, the Daily Telegraph reported.
Anderson said he was inspired by an episode on "The Simpsons" which spoofs the famous hypothesis that an infinite number of monkeys sitting at an infinite number of typewriters would eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare by chance. Using Amazon's SC2 cloud computing system, Anderson set up millions of small computer programmes, or virtual monkeys, and programmed them to churn out random sequences of nine characters. If the nine letter sequence appears anywhere in one of Shakespeare's writings, it is matched against the relevant passage in a copy of the Bard's complete works and is checked off the list.
The monkeys which started typing on August 21 have already completed more than five trillion of the 5.5 trillion possible nine-letter combinations but have so far only finished one whole work.
Writing on his blog, Anderson said,"This is the largest work ever randomly reproduced. It is one small step for a monkey, one giant leap for virtual primates everywhere. I understand the definition of infinity and infinite monkey theorem and I realize that this project does not have infinite resources."
In 2003, the Arts Council for England paid GBP 2000 for a real life test of the theorem involving six Sulawesi crested Macaques, but the trial was abandoned after a month. The monkeys produced five pages of text mainly composed of the letter S, but failed to type anything close to a word of English, broke the computer and used the keyboard as a lavatory.
Randomness is quite attractive indeed.
(source: The Times of India)