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How can we encourage our kids to grab Rhodes

  • Thread starter Thread starter ShivKC
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Dear Sri. Shiv, Greetings.

If the kids could get the prestegious Rhodes, it's very good. But, in my personal opinion, if our kids achieve any good qualification so that they can comfortably settle in life, then the kids and the parents have done well. அடியேன் ஒரு அற்ப சந்தோஷி!

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Dear Members

I second what Shri. Raghy said! My husband has said that a few of the top acheiving students from his UNI are not successful in life!

If a person is very high achieving and also successful in life, then good on them! But that does not make it the norm and it does not have to be the norm!

Ok, now talking about western countries, what will they do if there is no one to ride the rubbish collecting van, to clean the public toilets, to come and do your plumbing works at home? How many will agree to clean the public toilets before they use it? Then once again those countries will turn like India! No one will use public toilets because they will all be stinky!

And do you all know that there is no discrimination among people doing certain jobs in the western countries?

Having said all this, I am not advocating that we should raise children to clean public toilets. All I am saying is that whatever a person's qualification is, whatever job he or she does, at the end of the day, it all matters if he or she is a PERSON - in that it means a good HUMAN!

Happiness and being a good Human, does not mean that one has to have a high qualification or money!

Peace for all!

Dear valli,

I ran by Yamaka’s achievement with my family.

Aprt from the humourous interlude, among my children, I felt that this comment by one of my kids stand out: Was thinking about it for a while, even went to the information session here at xxxl....seriously don't know what this guy has.....you basically have to be perfect.

Basically that’s what it is. Perfection, demanding perfection, performing perfection. So, Rhodes is not for the common run of the mill guys. but Rhodes scholars, usually end up being leaders. These are not bookworms. These are tested on a whole range of factors, and

let us all give a big hand to anand here. :)

The following note is for the rest of us non Rhodes parents …

Valli, what you said is absolutely right. In the usa among tambrams, and I think, among Indians, there is a level of competition, which I find stifling. Everyone’s child has to be a doctor or lawyer. You should hear the way the parents brag. Disgusting.

Fortunately, my kids and most of the kids here in Canada, rise up to their own level of incompetency. All 3 of mine, have pursued what interests them most and the west still being kind, they will earn a living without any trouble. The only concern, is that with the increasing competition from china, from globalization – there may be drop in living standards. Many of us, who provided a good life to our children, are not sure, whether, even with hard work, they will be able to sustain the lifestyle and standard, that they have become used to taking for granted.

Was it not always the norm that children should do better than their parents? Not sure if it is applicable any more in Canada. I do not know about usa or the rest of the world. It is a vast country, small population, basically few specialized industries, and now with usa raising tariffs, at china’s mercy to buy our lumber and minerals.

Also, china is flooding here with surplus cash, buying up real estate at enormous prices. The locals cannot compete against that. such complaint was in india, for the past years, when NRIs, raised the prices of local real estate in Chennai, making it unaffordable for locals.

Valli, to add to what Mr Valli said: a close relative, came literally last in his chem. Engg class in annamalai university. But he is a savvy guy who knows how to impress people, and also he proved very smart at this job and playing office politics. 10 years after graduation,he was the chief technician of a major refinery in india. :)

The gold medallist of his batch? Was working under him, in a very subordinate post. Just book worms with degrees, and without personality or people savvy, I have found, gets one no where. :(
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nothing much fruitful came here, while talking about encouraging kids towards temple. how about rhodes?

Hello Shiv and others:

More than getting Rhodes, if we can get our youngsters involved in studies with dedication and hard work from young age onward we will get sumptuous rewards later in life. Parents are the key to the puzzle. They must work with them from DAY ONE. Parents must somehow bring the enthusiasm in learning in their kids. If you start very early, it will be easier.

My daughter who is a very good student herself did not want to apply for Rhodes because she did not have the better than PERFECT score that her bro had! She knew how exactly he prepared for school work and how serious and diligent he was from DAY ONE.

She used to say, "He is a tireless hard worker; he never takes anything for granted; he will cross all ts and dot all i's all the time. How much love and dedication he has for learning and home work! He also sacrificed a lot in his young age - he never was playful, wasting anytime! And, all that paid off when they chose him unanimously for the Rhodes.. I am very proud of my bro".

Anand always would ask his teachers what would be taught in the next class and he would read and understand the material BEFORE he goes to the class. When the teacher teaches him next time, it is just a reinforcement of what he has already learnt at home with the help of his parents. That is how we spent nearly 2 hours per day per kid for 13 years!

He will be very mad, if the teacher comes to the class unprepared or goofs around. He will immediately complain to the Parent Teacher Association for remedy; many teachers used to hate him for his PERFECTION.

He always will say "Bad teachers and parents are responsible for bad outcome in the students..K-12 is the total responsibility of BOTH parents AND teachers, period".

Best wishes to all parents who have young children.

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Dear Yamaka,

He will be very mad, if the teacher comes to the class unprepared or goofs around. He will immediately complain to the Parent Teacher Association for remedy; many teachers used to hate him for his PERFECTION.

Type A personality.Tell him life comes with lots of up and downs.Go slow for his own well being.
Wish him the best.
Dear Members

Ok, now talking about western countries, what will they do if there is no one to ride the rubbish collecting van, to clean the public toilets, to come and do your plumbing works at home? How many will agree to clean the public toilets before they use it? Then once again those countries will turn like India! No one will use public toilets because they will all be stinky!

And do you all know that there is no discrimination among people doing certain jobs in the western countries?

Smt. Valli,

I am not very familiar with the west. But going by whatever I have gathered from different sources, it looks to me that the menial and humble jobs of "cleaning public toilets", cutting grass in the lawns, loading the garbage truck and driving it, etc., are either deliberately monopolized (?) by one or two particular sections of the US population - I don't want to name them - or, it falls to their lot only and no US citizen will take up that job even if he is a tramp in search of food. Is this correct?

And there is distinct, unsaid discrimination of sorts against these populations.
Valli, to add to what Mr Valli said: a close relative, came literally last in his chem. Engg class in annamalai university. But he is a savvy guy who knows how to impress people, and also he proved very smart at this job and playing office politics. 10 years after graduation,he was the chief technician of a major refinery in india. :)

The gold medallist of his batch? Was working under him, in a very subordinate post. Just book worms with degrees, and without personality or people savvy, I have found, gets one no where. :(


One more similar real life incident; one average student who came last in class became a national/internationally known figure in his field, while the gold medalist died as retired cashier in a bank.!
Dear Yamaka,
Type A personality.Tell him life comes with lots of up and downs.Go slow for his own well being.
Wish him the best.

Dear Brahin:

Now he is an adult. I stopped giving him any advice.

His current pre-occupation is writing a book about his experience in Haiti first.. then forming two Soccer Teams out of the 32 new Rhodes from US and beat the Brits in the Intramural Soccer at Oxford next year!

His foremost concern is how to beat the Lions in their Den! ROFL.. then Lol.

Thanks for the kind words.

Smt. Valli,
I am not very familiar with the west. But going by whatever I have gathered from different sources, it looks to me that the menial and humble jobs of "cleaning public toilets", cutting grass in the lawns, loading the garbage truck and driving it, etc., are either deliberately monopolized (?) by one or two particular sections of the US population - I don't want to name them - or, it falls to their lot only and no US citizen will take up that job even if he is a tramp in search of food. Is this correct?
And there is distinct, unsaid discrimination of sorts against these populations.

Dear Sangom:

In the US, the low end jobs are picked up by our Mexican immigrants with or w/o proper documents. They are the backbones of our Agriculture, Entertainment and Construction industries. They work long and hard to make a decent living, which they can't get in their land south of the border.

I am for a comprehensive Immigration Reform, as did Reagan, Bush, and now Obama wants to do. But our politics is now gridlocked.. and is poisoned by a few people like the Tea Partiers.

Many in the Republican Party - like Newt Gingrich - realize that Mexicans/Latinos are the future of America and they must be absorbed into the American fabric seamlessly.

Somehow, as it is everywhere else, economic segregation happens within any city. Low income people live in one side of the city and the middle/upper income people live on the other side: one serving all menial jobs enjoyed by the other side.

Will I call this discrimination? No, because there is always easy mobility... lower end people can climb up the ladder of opportunity with their hard work and move easily into the other side; at least there is ample opportunity for their children.

Example, Bill Clinton, Herman Cain, Barack Obama and dozens of millions to cite.


Smt. Valli,

I am not very familiar with the west. But going by whatever I have gathered from different sources, it looks to me that the menial and humble jobs of "cleaning public toilets", cutting grass in the lawns, loading the garbage truck and driving it, etc., are either deliberately monopolized (?) by one or two particular sections of the US population - I don't want to name them - or, it falls to their lot only and no US citizen will take up that job even if he is a tramp in search of food. Is this correct?

And there is distinct, unsaid discrimination of sorts against these populations.

Dear Shri Sangom

I don't know about what happens in US. I said the above from what I have seen in Australia (mm... actually Eastern Country! :))

The toilet cleaning jobs are done by whites (basically Europeans), Chinese, Philiipinos and.... lots of Indians!! Lawn moving and cutting are done by Srilankans, Indians, Brits, Italians, Greeks, lebanese etc. Garbage trucks are mainly driven by Brits and other Europeans (muscle men).

As far as I have noticed, there is no discrimination. It is their job, that's all, no more, no less! It is a country where they truly practise 'Fair Go' for everyone. People just don't care about what job you do - they don't look upon you even if you are a famous heart or brain surgeon nor look down on you if you clean the toilet!!

I have heard from my husband that there is this layer of very, very rich people - belonging to European countries and a few Indians, who show the class attitude. Those are the people who are solicitors, lawyers etc (Europeans mainly) and doctors (Indians). But as I said before that it is their problem (attitude) and other aussies don't give them a damn!

Kind regards
Dear Shri Sangom

I don't know about what happens in US. I said the above from what I have seen in Australia (mm... actually Eastern Country! :))

The toilet cleaning jobs are done by whites (basically Europeans), Chinese, Philiipinos and.... lots of Indians!! Lawn moving and cutting are done by Srilankans, Indians, Brits, Italians, Greeks, lebanese etc. Garbage trucks are mainly driven by Brits and other Europeans (muscle men).

As far as I have noticed, there is no discrimination. It is their job, that's all, no more, no less! It is a country where they truly practise 'Fair Go' for everyone. People just don't care about what job you do - they don't look upon you even if you are a famous heart or brain surgeon nor look down on you if you clean the toilet!!

I have heard from my husband that there is this layer of very, very rich people - belonging to European countries and a few Indians, who show the class attitude. Those are the people who are solicitors, lawyers etc (Europeans mainly) and doctors (Indians). But as I said before that it is their problem (attitude) and other aussies don't give them a damn!

Kind regards

Smt. Valli,

The fact that the original phase of white Australia, especially the British part of it, was as a penal colony to which British and Irish convicts were deported for nearly a century during the 18th. and 19th. centuries, must have had an important role in the state of affairs which you describe above, I think.

The criminal transportation to America was for longer period but other settlers possibly outnumbered the criminals and Canada was a full British colony of gentlemen and ladies.
Sowbagyavathy Valli, Greetings.

I have heard from my [COLOR=#da7911 !important][FONT=inherit !important][COLOR=#da7911 !important][FONT=inherit !important]husband[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] that there is this layer of very, very rich people - belonging to European countries and a few Indians, who show the class attitude. Those are the people who are solicitors, lawyers etc (Europeans mainly) and [COLOR=#da7911 !important][FONT=inherit !important][COLOR=#DA7911 ! important][FONT=inherit ! important]doctors[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] (Indians). But as I said before that it is their problem (attitude) and other aussies don't give them a damn![/QUOTE}

Class attitude is still followed by some of the British descentdent monarchists. i had the pleasure of meeting a couple of them in the Nursing homes; Also in the outback country towns. Indian doctors are nice; infact, I know of few doctors who remembered me from other facilities and initiated conversation addressing me by my name, where as I did not remember their names! The most recent addition was the psychiatrist consultant.

I don't understand when you say,"Aussies don't give a damn!". Amoung the Aussies, we have a class called 'Bogans'. A portion of the Islanders can be included with the 'bogans'. Some of the 'half-castes' between Aboriginal and White mix are 'bogans' too. They do give a damn about Indians. I have faced the brunt few times. But at every instant, I always turned the table to annoy thee 'bogans'; they have to learn not to take the Indians for granted. I live in a 'Bogan' suburb.

Dear Raghy Anna

I don't understand when you say,"Aussies don't give a damn!". Amoung the Aussies, we have a class called 'Bogans'. A portion of the Islanders can be included with the 'bogans'. Some of the 'half-castes' between Aboriginal and White mix are 'bogans' too. They do give a damn about Indians. I have faced the brunt few times. But at every instant, I always turned the [COLOR=#DA7911 !important][COLOR=#DA7911 !important]table[/COLOR][/COLOR] to annoy thee 'bogans'; they have to learn not to take the Indians for granted. I live in a 'Bogan' suburb.

The context in which I told is that they (the white Australians aka britans and Europeans) are least bothered about the people who show 'class attitude'.

I did not have aboriginals in my mind when I wrote that. I understand what you say about some aboriginals.

There are two places which I know, where lot of aboriginals (also mixed) live. In one place, the kids (age ranging from 5 to 15) sit in a group on the steps of the train station stairs and laugh out loud and speak rude words at all the white people (and at some Chinese) who pass them. I would literally try to freeze myself when I pass them but I truly tell you they have never mocked or laughed at me!! Not once or twice, on more than 20 occassions. I still wonder how come!

The second place is near a major train station. To come out to the main road one has to pass through a small park like spot which has a bench over there. Always it is occupied by aborigines and they ask all the passers-by for money. Usually only one out of twenty or so will give money to them. All the rest will be mocked and insulted. When I happen to cross that spot, I stay focused on the path ahead, pull a very innocent face and keep walking straight. Usually they leave me alone. There were a few occassions when they came near me and asked out loud for money. I sincerely tell them that I don't have change. They just let me go!

Once I discussed this with my husband to cross check the experiences, he also related to what I said, that he is spared!

Having said all these, I know of quite a few islanders (worked with, friends with) who are truly Lovely people! This is the only experience I have with Islanders.

Kind regards
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