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Holy Ritual of Enligtenment

What a farce!


Why is religious angle brought to everything that happens in India?

Crime is not in the preview of religion, it is in law and order, and Judiciary.
By and large, Judiciary is conducted by the word of the Indian constitution.

I have faith in the Indian Judiciary, it may be slow, and there is some corruption, but in the end, it works.

In the case of God-man Asaram Bapu, please try him and punish him if found guilty, but for God sake don't incarnate him for life without due-process.
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Dear Prasad Sir,

India IS India!!

As Chandru Sir says, Hindus are easily punished because

we follow 'sickularism'! :thumb:

You must be aware of 'Swathi murder case', in which a poor

Hindu boy was a scapegoat. :sad:
As long as power is centering around vote bank politics and minoritism, proper justice is either be delayed or totally ignored.
Dear Prasad Sir,

India IS India!!

As Chandru Sir says, Hindus are easily punished because

we follow 'sickularism'! :thumb:

You must be aware of 'Swathi murder case', in which a poor

Hindu boy was a scapegoat. :sad:

we follow 'sickularism'!

Who is this WE.
Is it Indians or only Hindus?

Majority of enlightened Indians support secularism, we may not like it, but it is the right thing for the sake of India.
Even in Christian countries, people of other religion are free to practice their religion. Religion is not in play in the daily life of human beings.
Why dont we call a crime a crime, and the person performing is criminal.
It does not have to "religion" criminal.
Criminals of all shades will use any subterfuge, to escape the consequences.

When a Hindu, does criminal acts do you call that person as Hindu Criminal? Did any one here in this site call Asaram Bapu, as Hindu criminal, or when Nirav Modi escaped with Millions, did you call him, the Hindu Criminal.

Assigning religion to crime and criminal is wrong. A crime is a crime in the eye of the Law.
As for as the country, religion should not play a part in it.

That is why "triple" Talaq should be banned because it is religion specific law, and wrong.
Who is this WE.
Is it Indians or only Hindus?

Majority of enlightened Indians support secularism, we may not like it, but it is the right thing for the sake of India.
Even in Christian countries, people of other religion are free to practice their religion. Religion is not in play in the daily life of human beings.
Why dont we call a crime a crime, and the person performing is criminal.
It does not have to "religion" criminal.
Criminals of all shades will use any subterfuge, to escape the consequences.

When a Hindu, does criminal acts do you call that person as Hindu Criminal? Did any one here in this site call Asaram Bapu, as Hindu criminal, or when Nirav Modi escaped with Millions, did you call him, the Hindu Criminal.

Assigning religion to crime and criminal is wrong. A crime is a crime in the eye of the Law.
As for as the country, religion should not play a part in it.

That is why "triple" Talaq should be banned because it is religion specific law, and wrong.

Once again you express your pseudo sickular attitude by mixing religion and business.

People give importance to Religion and whenever a sanyasi is involved in scandalous activity, it gets exposed in a large scale, that too if he or she is a Hindu. One Popular Tamil channel's video about a Hindu sanyasi proved it.

Despite complaints about religious people from Abrahamic Religions earlier, nothing had happened, let alone wide coverage by press and TV.

Different yardsticks are adopted in the case of scandals related to religion.
Different yardsticks are adopted in the case of scandals related to religion.

Who is responsible for that?
You are living in a democracy:

a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Which part you do not accept?

Hindu majority party rules in the center and most of the states. What else is your excuse?

Quit making excuses, and stop looking at everything with your religious glass.
No one is responsible. It is called vote bank politics.

If Central or State Govts. ruled by majority community take action against a sanyasi of minority community, will the so called Liberals, pseudo seculars like you, leftists etc. keep quiet and will not shout or bark from the roof top, if the allegation has substance.
No one is responsible. It is called vote bank politics.

If Central or State Govts. ruled by majority community take action against a sanyasi of minority community, will the so called Liberals, pseudo seculars like you, leftists etc. keep quiet and will not shout or bark from the roof top, if the allegation has substance.

You were quick to wash your hands of that responsibility, you do not parrot what you heard.
If Gandhi, king, and Mandella can change their world, it is definitely possible to replicate it.
I do not like what Trump is doing, and I am active in electing representatives who will change it or at least try it.

Instead of bellyaching, I am doing something. You too could join some movement, spend some money and put some effort to change the politics.

I follow your posts, and sometimes we share common views, other we disagree.

There is no need to call names, that too when you do not even understand them.
Instead of writing some jibberish in anger take some time to understand the topic. Your hatred of Minorities is well known, but I did not think you were a hate monger. A smartha should have more Satwa, this Rajasic and Tamasic tirade will not help you.
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You were quick to wash your hands of that responsibility, you do not parrot what you heard.
If Gandhi, king, and Mandella can change their world, it is definitely possible to replicate it.
I do not like what Trump is doing, and I am active in electing representatives who will change it or at least try it.

Instead of bellyaching, I am doing something. You too could join some movement, spend some money and put some effort to change the politics.

I follow your posts, and sometimes we share common views, other we disagree.

There is no need to call names, that too when you do not even understand them.
Instead of writing some jibberish in anger take some time to understand the topic. Your hatred of Minorities is well known, but I did not think you were a hate monger. A smartha should have more Satwa, this Rajasic and Tamasic tirade will not help you.

The convenient way to escape or hide under the carpet is to stamp others in the negative way. I am not going to achieve anything by becoming anti minority. Reality will bite.

Can u please explain how Gandhi change his world, let alone others.
Actually it is Chandruji who is asking all the right questions in this thread. It is he, who, is exhibiting a greater understanding of the issues.

It is amazing to see how much time it took for the police to take action against the Kerala Bishop despite their initial investigations showing many claims of the Bishop's statements are false. Such is the power of the institution of the Church. To call Chandru's questions an expression of minority hatred is downright sinister. After all, the nun who was allegedly the victim here is a christian herself. The self-styled seculars who portray this as oppression of minorities are truly sick, because they stand for the power of the church, the money that flows from the church, the institutions controlled by the church but they would not stand for the victim even when the victim is a minority herself. What does this tell you? That they are interested more in protecting the image of the church than providing justice to the victim. Of course, everything needs to be proved in court etc but does not look like due process was followed at all in this case. Terrible situation developing in India.
கால பைரவன்;412150 said:
Actually it is Chandruji who is asking all the right questions in this thread. It is he, who, is exhibiting a greater understanding of the issues.

It is amazing to see how much time it took for the police to take action against the Kerala Bishop despite their initial investigations showing many claims of the Bishop's statements are false. Such is the power of the institution of the Church. To call Chandru's questions an expression of minority hatred is downright sinister. After all, the nun who was allegedly the victim here is a christian herself. The self-styled seculars who portray this as oppression of minorities are truly sick, because they stand for the power of the church, the money that flows from the church, the institutions controlled by the church but they would not stand for the victim even when the victim is a minority herself. What does this tell you? That they are interested more in protecting the image of the church than providing justice to the victim. Of course, everything needs to be proved in court etc but does not look like due process was followed at all in this case. Terrible situation developing in India.


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