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Highness of sanskrit & hinduism

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vaithiyanathan A
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Vaithiyanathan A

My dear Friends,

In one of the article "Rewriting Indian History - Hindu Timeline “provided in the link “ tamilnation.org ", I’d gone through the following lines"

[ "Max Muller is the primary evangelist of another, more invidious, dogma imposed on Hindu history: the "Aryan invasion" theory".
Although lacking supporting scientific evidence, this theory, and the alleged Aryan-Dravidian racial split, was accepted and promulgated as fact for three main reasons. It provided a convenient precedent for Christian British subjugation of India. It reconciled ancient Indian civilization and religious scripture with the 4000 bce Biblical date of Creation. It created division and conflict between the peoples of India, making them vulnerable to conversion by Christian missionaries. Scholars today of both East and West believe the Rig Veda people who called themselves Aryan were indigenous to India, and there never was an Aryan invasion. The languages of India have been shown to share common ancestry in ancient Sanskrit and Tamil. Even these two apparently unrelated languages, according to current "super-family" research, have a common origin: an ancient language dubbed Nostratic. ]

You may have certain questions listed below, for which you are searching answers for a long time. You can get clues for your answers by citing to the link " encyclopediaofauthentichinduism.org /21_intriguing_questions ", Now, the questions are listed below:
1) When did the first human civilization start?
2) What was the first language of the world?
3) How did the concept of the word ‘god’ originate in the West?
4) What is the true definition of God?
5) What is a myth, and why so many myths of different cultures have similar stories?
6) What is the mystery behind the supernatural happenings described in the Puranas and the Upnishads?
7) How was the universe created?
8) What are the mistakes in the evolution theory?
9) How does the Hindu religion and Hindu scriptures remain unchanged throughout the ages?
10) What is the age of the Vedas and the Puranas?
11) What is the historical value of the Harrapan civilization?
12) Who originally mistranslated the Vedas and why?
13) Who mutilated the history and derogated the religion of India and why?
14) How did the Asiatic Society mislead the whole world?
15) How do the books and encyclopedias on Hindu religion portray a wrong image of Hinduism?
16) How to determine the eternal Divine authenticity of Bhartiya scriptures?
17) What is the prime theme of the Upnishads?
18) What is the true path to God?
19) What is the theme of the most talked about scripture “Brahm Sutra” in a nutshell?
20) What is the essence of the Gita and the Bhagwatam?
21) What are the indications of a true devotee of God?

At last it is clear now, that the Englishmen is one who has created all those stupid stories like Aryan-invasion theory just to suppress the growth of Hindustan (India). In other hand, we are habituated in accepting whatever the teachings and lectures spelled out by other nations especially European/ American, instead of finding truth by real analysis and Practical thinking by using our own mind. At least from now on, we shall take an oath that we never give up our dignity and will never refuse to accept the knowledge present in our Sanskrit Vedic hymns.

I can personally give you one example for the Greatness of Sanskrit Vedic scripts:

* It is scientifically proven and accepted that each and every entity present in this world is having its own natural frequency, which tend to react and vibrate if matches with the sound of same frequency, irrespective of distance. One popular example for this is: “If the sound was produced in a particular frequency which is matching with the natural frequency of Glass, then the Glass will burst provided the vibration persists for some time period ". Now let us come to our subject about vedic hymns. Now, let us apply the same formula for a person whom we are now assuming to be having some disease (for e.g.:- stomach pain). The person started chanting the respective mantra given in veda, upanishad or any puranas written in holy sanskrit for that specific disease. Now, he is said to be in a vibration state, which in turn creates a spiritual force inside his body getting communicated with the celestial abode of the deity. Such spiritual force of vibration will act as a anti-biotic force against the disease causing substance and will ultimately heal the same (provided the mantra is chanted without err in its pronunciation and with the sincerity to god). This formula is not only associated with healing the disease but for everything. When i said everything means, it is infinite and for each and everything until immortality like sitthars still residing in and around Arunachaleswara temple in tiruvannamalai. Refer "THE POWER OF MANTRAS" in youtube for further knowledge on mantras and its vibrations.

Time came for us to awaken ourself to enjoy the new dimension of thinking. Enough of having fear and perspiration to the new perception. Let us expose ourself to enjoy the adventure of life and experiencing Divinest vision. There is one saying " Ships are safe in harbour, But that is not what ships are for ".

Please feel free to contact me at any time for any doubts substantive to the subject.

With regards,
Vaithiyanathan. A
"Now, let us apply the same formula for a person whom we are now assuming to be having some disease (for e.g.:- stomach pain). The person started chanting the respective mantra given in veda, upanishad or any puranas written in holy sanskrit for that specific disease. Now, he is said to be in a vibration state, which in turn creates a spiritual force inside his body getting communicated with the celestial abode of the deity. Such spiritual force of vibration will act as a anti-biotic force against the disease causing substance and will ultimately heal the same (provided the mantra is chanted without err in its pronunciation and with the sincerity to god). This formula is not only associated with healing the disease but for everything. When i said everything means, it is infinite and for each and everything until immortality like sitthars still residing in and around Arunachaleswara temple in tiruvannamalai. Refer "THE POWER OF MANTRAS" in youtube for further knowledge on mantras and its vibrations."

For your kindest information, It is not mantra, it is the method of treatment and types of herbals to be used. In Yagas, done by a head of the family, the prohits will submit herbal sticks and create smoke, that smoke will cure the diseases. Like wise, the DEEPAM, lighted with oils and copper images.

By this method, I helped TB and cancer patients, which I mentioned in this site.

Mantras are the guides.
"Now, let us apply the same formula for a person whom we are now assuming to be having some disease (for e.g.:- stomach pain). The person started chanting the respective mantra given in veda, upanishad or any puranas written in holy sanskrit for that specific disease. Now, he is said to be in a vibration state, which in turn creates a spiritual force inside his body getting communicated with the celestial abode of the deity. Such spiritual force of vibration will act as a anti-biotic force against the disease causing substance and will ultimately heal the same (provided the mantra is chanted without err in its pronunciation and with the sincerity to god). This formula is not only associated with healing the disease but for everything. When i said everything means, it is infinite and for each and everything until immortality like sitthars still residing in and around Arunachaleswara temple in tiruvannamalai. Refer "THE POWER OF MANTRAS" in youtube for further knowledge on mantras and its vibrations."

For your kindest information, It is not mantra, it is the method of treatment and types of herbals to be used. In Yagas, done by a head of the family, the prohits will submit herbal sticks and create smoke, that smoke will cure the diseases. Like wise, the DEEPAM, lighted with oils and copper images.

By this method, I helped TB and cancer patients, which I mentioned in this site.

Mantras are the guides. ]

Dear Shri Ramachandra,

I request you to visit the page "scribd.com/doc/25846755/The-Glory-of-Vishnu-Sahasranamam-11th-January-2010#fullscreen" and find the sentence:
"Take the simple case of Achamaneeyam. The three words, Achyuta, Ananta and Govinda are credited to cure
a person from any incurable disease". Also I would request you to check the story of Narayana Battathiripad, whose disease got cured after he composed & chanted Narayaneeyam. Also you can check the link "indiadivine.org/audarya/hare-krishna-forum/479262-benefits-reciting-vishnu-sahasranamam.html", and find the following lines:
"When we fall sick we go to a doctor and he prescribes certain medicines and when we take the same we get cured of our illness. We don't question the contents of the medicine or doubt whether we will be cured or not. Why?. Only on the faith of the prescription given by the doctor. The doctor himself has not produced the medicines but some pharmaceutical companies have done research and given the medicines.
The doctor based on the faith in the companies prescribe the medicines. So everywhere faith is the important criterion. So too the same yardstick can be applied here and Vishnu Sahasranamam , if recited with faith will confer the benefits and the test is only recital over a period and faith. The taste of pudding is in eating and not by simply saying. Just like that. So let us believe in the wisdom of millions of devotees who still make it a habit of reciting the Vishnu Sahasranamam and the benefits will come automatically."

It Doesn't matter whether we accept the fact or not, but it was remained true, it is remaining true & will remain true, because true is fact. And mantras are not just Guides & it is the medicine itself. Excuse me if i'm wrong.

' Krishnam Vande Jagad Guru '. As a affectionate Guru he offered us the medicine in the form of Herbs(Material), Mantras(Verbal), Meditation(Spiritual). Let us enjoy the nectar of all the three & get his blessings.

Om Nama Shivaya
Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya
Om Namo Bhagavathe Narayanaya
Om Sri Guruvayoorappa saranam
Sorry to use this thread for this, but I have a doubt in Sanskrit. Hope some one will help.

What is the correct usage of the वचनम् for a subject when it is referred with others?
e.g., kindly translate the following for me.
I saw Rama along with Sita?
I saw Rama and Sita?
Let Sri Rama along with Sita, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrugna and Hanuman be pleased?
Let Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrugna and Hanuman be all pleased?
Sorry to use this thread for this, but I have a doubt in Sanskrit. Hope some one will help.

What is the correct usage of the वचनम् for a subject when it is referred with others?
e.g., kindly translate the following for me.
I saw Rama along with Sita?
I saw Rama and Sita?
Let Sri Rama along with Sita, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrugna and Hanuman be pleased?
Let Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrugna and Hanuman be all pleased?

I am no expert but I feel in translation it's better if we follow भावानुवादः(translation of the purport) rather than शब्दानुवादः(word to word translation)

Each language has it's own structure and pattern for grammar.
If we think in English and try to translate in Sanskrit then we are going to face problems I feel.

I saw Rama along with Sita?
I saw Rama and Sita?

To me I feel the meaning of the above is almost the same that is you are trying to convey you saw Rama and Sita both.
So in that case I guess the same measure of translation can be employed.

अहं रामं सीतां च दृष्टवान्/दृष्टवती

Let Sri Rama along with Sita, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrugna and [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]Hanuman[/FONT][/FONT] be pleased?
Let Sri Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrugna and Hanuman be all pleased?​
Here again the meaning is almost the same..that is you want all of them to be pleased.
This two sentences are in imperative mood and the word "pleased" is an Atmanepadi verb.

So I guess translation could be like this:

श्री रामः सीता लक्ष्मणः भरतः शत्रुघ्नः हनुमनः च मोदन्ताम्

Just to add ..I am no expert..corrections by learned members are welcomed.
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To me I feel the meaning of the above is almost the same that is you are trying to convey you saw Rama and Sita both.
So in that case I guess the same measure of translation can be employed.

thanks for the note. I am looking for specific usage from a learning perspective; hence the approach
अहं रामं सीतां च दृष्टवान्/दृष्टवती
How about if you use the combination सीतारामौ ?
would it be अहं सीतारामौ दृष्टवान्/दृष्टवती ?
How about a usage of समेत instead of च ? how would the sentence look?
is अहं सीता समेत श्री रामं अपश्यं correct?

Rama (together) with Sita were seen by me.
मया सीता समेत श्री रामं दृष्टं ?

my doubt is: when समेत is used, is the subject still एक वचनम् ?

Just to add ..I am no expert..corrections by learned members are welcomed.
suits me.

...more later
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thanks for the note. I am looking for specific usage from a learning perspective; hence the approach

How about if you use the combination सीतारामौ ?
would it be अहं सीतारामौ दृष्टवान्/दृष्टवती ?
How about a usage of समेत instead of च ? how would the sentence look?
is अहं सीता समेत श्री रामं अपश्यन्, correct?

Rama (together) with Sita were seen by me.
मया सीता समेत श्री रामं दृष्टं ?

my doubt is: when समेत is used, is the subject still एक वचनम् ?

suits me.

...more later

Normally the usage of dual is used for the same gender or the same category.
For example we can use रामकृष्णौ to denote Rama and Krishna becos they are both masculine forms.

You can also use पुत्रौ if you want to denote पुत्रः and पुत्री.
You see in this case the uniting factor is पुत्रः पुत्री denote progeny and hence the dual can be used and the male gender dual rules are used.

So in your case of Rama and Sita..there is no uniting factor..cos Rama and Sita are of different gender and also Rama and Sita do not belong to any specific category.

Next you wrote this:

Rama (together) with Sita were seen by me.
मया सीता समेत श्री रामं दृष्टं ?

If you are using passive voice(कर्मणिप्रयोगः) your verb can't be दृष्टं.
It has to be
दृष्टः/दृष्टा depending on the gender of the person seeing Rama and Sita.
Further more in passive voice the object(कर्मपदं) if present should be in प्रथ्माविभक्तिः so you can't write श्री रामं...it has to be श्री रामः.

anyway the sentence will be मय सिता श्री रामः च दृष्टः/दृष्टा
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thanks for the note. I am looking for specific usage from a learning perspective; hence the approach

How about a usage of समेत instead of च ? how would the sentence look?
is अहं सीता समेत श्री रामं अपश्यन्, correct?


I think "Aham (- actually Aham not needed, since the verb makes it uttama puruSa singular clear) Shree RAmam SeetAyA saha apaSyan" would be more appropriate. Experts may correct
Dear ozone,

You wrote:

How about a usage of समेत instead of च ? how would the sentence look?
is अहं सीता समेत श्री रामं अपश्यन्, correct?

Rama (together) with Sita were seen by me.
मया सीता समेत श्री रामं दृष्टं ?

I understand what you are trying to denote but you see that is how we think and write in English.

Ok I will give you an example:

सीता रामेण सह वनम् गच्छति meaning Sita goes with Rama to the forest.

Ok now in your example you are saying that you saw Rama and Sita together ( in English we say I saw Rama along with Sita)

Usage of समेत is usually to denote "coming together or a meeting.

Anway even if you use the word सह to denote the meaning of along still the meaning of the sentence is not correct anymore.

Let me explain..just say I replace समेत with सह and rewrite what you wrote the meaning gets altered.

अहं सीतां रामेन सह दृटवन्/दृटवती..it gives a meaning as if "Rama and I saw Sita"

It is becos in Sanskrit the usage of सह or any other word denoting along(instrumental case) conveys a meaning of preforming something togather with or through another person or an object.

So I feel by translating it the way you want it to sound like alters the meaning.

So stick to च and you won't go wrong.

BTW the imperfect past tense for the word "I saw" is अपश्यम्
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Normally the usage of dual is used for the same gender or the same category.
For example we can use रामकृष्णौ to denote Rama and Krishna becos they are both masculine forms.

You can also use पुत्रौ if you want to denote पुत्रः and पुत्री.
You see in this case the uniting factor is पुत्रः पुत्री denote progeny and hence the dual can be used and the male gender dual rules are used.

So in your case of Rama and Sita..there is no uniting factor..cos Rama and Sita are of different gender and also Rama and Sita do not belong to any specific category.
Next you wrote this:

If you are using passive voice(कर्मणिप्रयोगः) your verb can't be दृष्टं.
It has to be
दृष्टः/दृष्टा depending on the gender of the person seeing Rama and Sita.
Further more in passive voice the subject(कर्मपदं) if present should be in प्रथ्माविभक्तिः so you can't write श्री रामं...it has to be श्री रामः.

see for e.g., in BG IV-13

चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागशः ।तस्य कर्तारमपि मां विद्ध्यकर्तारमव्ययम् ॥४-१३॥

see for e.g., in BG IV-13

चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागशः ।तस्य कर्तारमपि मां विद्ध्यकर्तारमव्ययम् ॥४-१३॥

That is becos चातुर्वर्ण्यं is the object which is in neuter 1st vibhakti hence its सृष्टं.

In the example given by me रामः सीता are in the 1st vibhakti so the verb will be according to the object hence दृष्टः/दृष्टा

There is an error in what I wrote in my earlier post
I wrote this:

Further more in passive voice the subject(कर्मपदं) if present should be in प्रथ्माविभक्तिः so you can't write श्री रामं...it has to be श्री रामः.

(कर्मपदं) is object and NOT subject.
I have edited my post.
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Rules of passive voice:

1)In passive voice the object (कर्मपदं) is predominant.

कर्तृपदं(subject) is in तृतीया विभक्ति

If the कर्मपदं is mentioned in the sentence it should be in प्रथ्माविभक्तिः

4)The verb will change according to the

So in your case of Rama and Sita..there is no uniting factor..cos Rama and Sita are of different gender and also Rama and Sita do not belong to any specific category.

Sorry to budge in.... but you may be missing some rule or exception, in the above explanation. There is indeed a uniting factor between Rama and Sita.

Pl remember the famous Kalidasa sloka .... "vagarthaiva...." It ends pArvati-parameshvarou". If Parvati and Parameshwara can be a united unit, so can be Rama and Seetha or Seetha and Rama.
Sorry to budge in.... but you may be missing some rule or exception, in the above explanation. There is indeed a uniting factor between Rama and Sita.

Pl remember the famous Kalidasa sloka .... "vagarthaiva...." It ends pArvati-parameshvarou". If Parvati and Parameshwara can be a united unit, so can be Rama and Seetha or Seetha and Rama.

Dear sir,
Agreed provided if they are the Lord Rama and Seeta cos thats a couple.
But if its just Mr Rama and Ms Sita can this rule apply?
Since this thread has already been hijacked from its OP,
since there is a gathering of Sanskrit scholars here and
since today is Kalidasa Jayanti day
I take this opportunity to make an appeal.

Thevaaram.org is a website engaged in the propagation of Tamil Thirumurais. It has launched on an ambitious scheme of translating and transliterating the Thiurumurais in 18 languages of the world.( Most of the songs are available in audio format also). Scholars all over the world are engaged in it.

Sanskrit is one of the 18 languages. Many scholars are translating different parts of the scriptures into Sanskrit.

One Ms Savitri Ramakrishnan who undertook to translate Thiruvacakam, died prematurely sometime back.

The organizers of the site have requested me to find a scholar to continue the work left by her. If any of our members comes forward to undertake this responsibility, he/she is welcome.

I have done some work but I am not confident of my ability to do justice to the work. I will be publishing my translation in a separate thread, serially over a period of time. I request our scholars to go through it and point out the mistakes.

Meanwhile those willing to take up the work of translation (the work can be split and shared by many) kindly contact me through private message. Newbies who have no PM facility can contact through this thread.
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