/// Sri KRS said:
We should take every opportunity and take advantage of every reason to celebrate anything and everything in life, however small, irrespective of the origins for the festivities. After all, celebration of any occassion is a part celebration of life itself and it will only bring us closer to Him. ////
If we accept KRS idea,
- why do not I see Islamic new year wishes here?
- why do not I see May day wishes here?
- why do not I see good wishes for the birth day of E V Ramasamy Naicker here?
- why do not I see good wishes for the day when the Communal GO was passed in Madras presidency?
- why do not I see good wishes for the days when Justice party or DK party were started?
- why do not I see Kamsa jayanthi or Ravana jayanthi good wishes here?
The reason is (for those who can reason) very simple. We celebrate festivals that give strength to our own culture and ourselves. Celebrate only those days that have something good, something significance to individual humen beings.
Only those days that worth celebration bring you closer to Brahmam.
Is there any significance in the New year or valentaine's day except you can booze and do things that you would never do in other days?
We must not celebrate festivals that strengthen people who want to eradicate our culture, and want to keep us as slaves.
If you want to be a slave, go ahead, and celebrate your days of doom.
Apart from political reasons, there are questions that one should ask before celebrating the so called new year:
1. How the day change occurs at 12'O clock midnight without change in the external atmosphere?
Is there any significance?
Why do we have to foolishly follow Britishers?
Day change occurs with sunrise - the change from darkness to light.
2. We can't differentiate between Dec' 31 and Jan 1 in terms of nature, atmosphere, the movement of earth, or the position of planets, but, many followers of white believe that year changes at midnight of Dec 31.
On Ugadi, or any Indian New Year period we observe the "Natural Change" in the atmosphere with sprouting new leaves sprouting, refreshing energy with the change in planetary positions. Indians believe this as new year, because of clear definition of its significance.
3. In whiteman's calendar we see just month, date and weeks. There is no defined plan for each day with details of sunrise or sunset or moon position. The calendar is just a printed paper on the wall. This is because, the whitemen have no need for these additional details as his purpose of life is to lead a life
against nature.
The Indian calendar that is popularly known as "panchanga" refers to timings of sun rise, sunset, movements of the moon, and also gives the indicative planning for each day according to variation of the nature. This is a time tested and established guidance sheet to lead a purposeful life
closer to nature.