I am new to this forum and I really liked the fact, many ardent spiritual followers have similar queries I have had since childhood and am eager to know more about these people to correct my ignorance and gain some insight into different paths to realize the supreme...
I have read few authoritative works of Adi Sankara, Ramanuja and Ramakrishna Bodhamruta, I am born in a brahmin family and have been following traditions of Tamil Iyengar.
Some of the questions I have after 40 years of life on this earth:
1. Can a human being see the god?
2. If everything is governed and ruled and IS god, why there is suffering, why there is bad in this world?
3. If everything is god, Is bad in the world also god?
4. As I understand Advaitha proposition of Adi Sankara Charya, The three states of existence (Avastha) prathibhasika, vyavaharika, paramarthika..Being in one state how can one realize the other?
5. What is Bhakti?
6. I understand this body of mine is not going to be there forever and this will also cease to exist as it happened to my forefather and father, before this goes to non existent state how do I know which path to realize self is right...(life is short, and if I dont know what is right, how can I follow it sincerely?)
I am new to this forum and I really liked the fact, many ardent spiritual followers have similar queries I have had since childhood and am eager to know more about these people to correct my ignorance and gain some insight into different paths to realize the supreme...
I have read few authoritative works of Adi Sankara, Ramanuja and Ramakrishna Bodhamruta, I am born in a brahmin family and have been following traditions of Tamil Iyengar.
Some of the questions I have after 40 years of life on this earth:
1. Can a human being see the god?
2. If everything is governed and ruled and IS god, why there is suffering, why there is bad in this world?
3. If everything is god, Is bad in the world also god?
4. As I understand Advaitha proposition of Adi Sankara Charya, The three states of existence (Avastha) prathibhasika, vyavaharika, paramarthika..Being in one state how can one realize the other?
5. What is Bhakti?
6. I understand this body of mine is not going to be there forever and this will also cease to exist as it happened to my forefather and father, before this goes to non existent state how do I know which path to realize self is right...(life is short, and if I dont know what is right, how can I follow it sincerely?)