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Fox News falls out of love with hydroxychloroquine


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Fox News has fallen out of love with hydroxychloroquine. After weeks of unrelenting coverage hyping the antimalarial drug as a potentially game-changing treatment for the coronavirus, the network has all but stopped mentioning it on its airwaves. So has President Donald Trump.

The quiet abandonment of hydroxychloroquine comes as studies indicate it is not an effective treatment against the coronavirus. A French study found last week that the drug does not help patients with the virus. And on Tuesday, a study of hundreds of patents at US Veterans Health Administration medical centers found that patients who took hydroxychloroquine were no less likely to need ventilation and had higher death rates than those who didn't take the drug.

"Will anyone who breathlessly pitched hydroxychloroquine as a miracle drug show a modicum of regret or even self-awareness over this? Doubtful," The Daily Beast's Sam Stein predicted. "More likely is they'll ignore the study entirely." Stein appears to have been right on the money.

When some HONORABLE members were pushing this drug, I posted multiple times for caution. My caution was justified.
Fake news CNN quoting some other news letter as an authentic study! Nobody believes them anymore. Except anti Modi leftist of India and anti Trump democrats in US.
With endorsements from a controversial French physician, Fox News and Donald Trump, hydroxychloroquine – an old anti-malarial drug that is today more commonly used to treat lupus – has received a disproportionate amount of attention as a potential treatment for Covid-19.

It has also become another partisan political wedge issue in the US: conservative politicians and media figures have hyped studies that support the theory that the drug is a potential treatment. And on Wednesday, Rick Bright, the head of a US government agency charged with investing in treatments and responses for pandemics, said he was forced out of his job over his resistance to the administration’s “misguided directives” promoting “broad use” of the drug, which he said “clearly lack scientific merit”.

Trump stops hyping hydroxychloroquine after study shows no benefit

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The hype around hydroxychloroquine is irresponsible, but the hope is understandable. There is as yet no drug that has been shown to be effective against the coronavirus, which has killed more than 180,000 people worldwide.

The limited evidence around hydroxychloroquine so far has come in a steady stream of scientific studies, often as soon as they are posted online as “preprints” – ie before they have gone through the rigorous vetting process known as peer review. None of the studies that have been released meet the gold standard for demonstrating a drug’s effectiveness – a large-scale, double-blinded randomized controlled trial (RCT), though multiple trials of that kind are under way.

While the world awaits those results, here’s a guide to some of the studies released thus far:

In vitro v in vivo
In early February, the journal Cell Research published a letter to the editor by Chinese scientists reporting the results of their experiments looking at whether existing drugs might be effective against the coronavirus. The scientists tested five drugs in vitro – meaning on cells infected with the virus in a laboratory rather than in humans – and found promising results for two: remdesivir and chloroquine. (Chloroquine is a close relative to hydroxychloroquine, which is considered safer.)

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Caveats: There is a big difference between a drug showing promise in a laboratory and working in patients. Scientists have gotten similarly promising results with hydroxychloroquine against various viruses in past in vitro studies, including against the first Sars, but have yet to show its effectiveness against any virus in RCTs.

The controversial French study
Much of the media hype around hydroxychloroquine stems from a French study of the drug which purported to show significant reduction in viral load for patients treated with a combination of HCQ and azithromycin, a common antibiotic. The study was a clinical trial, meaning it involved actual patients, and underwent peer review before publication in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (IJAA).

Caveats: There are numerous problems with this study’s design and the way its results were reported. The researchers downplayed the clinical outcomes – ie whether or not the patient improved, got worse or died – and instead based their analysis on measuring how long a patient was shedding the virus – ie whether the researchers were able to detect its presence from a nasal swab. All of the four patients with clear bad outcomes (three went to the ICU and one died) received the HCQ but were excluded from the viral shedding analysis. The researchers said that the remaining patients who received the drug shed virus for a shorter duration. This opened the door for people promoting the drug to mischaracterize their results and say they showed a “100% cure rate”.

The professional association affiliated with the IJAA has said the article “does not meet the society’s expected standard”, and the publisher has initiated additional independent peer review.

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Fake news CNN quoting some other news letter as an authentic study! Nobody believes them anymore. Except anti Modi leftist of India and anti Trump democrats in US.

Other than your personal bias do you have any reputable agency reports?
Yes, I do have biases, but I am a seeker of truth, I am not a Bhakt.
Before calling others name you should have your facts straight.
Are CNN and The Guardian reputable agencies? What a joke ! They are just quoting some supposed studies from obscure sources.you are latching on to it because it is in line with your bias. Further who cares what Fox News or Trump feel about that medicine. Only question of Interest is whether it offers a solution for India. As a Bhakt that's my only interest.
Science’s COVID-19 reporting is supported by the Pulitzer Center.

On 19 March, as much of the United States shut down to contain the new coronavirus, genetic cardiologist Michael Ackerman and his wife drove 7.5 hours to retrieve their son from college. On the radio, they heard medical experts discussing chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, two antimalarial drugs that President Donald Trump had just touted at a press briefing, despite no conclusive evidence that they can treat COVID-19. A doctor on the show asserted that the drugs have proved to be completely safe because they’ve been used against malaria for decades and are also used to tame overactive immune cells in lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Evidence of potential harm from these drugs is beginning to trickle out. A clinical trial in Brazil that gave chloroquine and azithromycin to 81 people hospitalized for COVID-19 was halted after investigators found more deaths in the group getting the higher of two doses, according to a preprint the team published on 16 April on medRxiv. Electrocardiography (EKG) readouts indicating increased arrhythmia risk were also more common in the high-dose group. Researchers conducting the trial received death threats on social media, and conservative media outlets accused them of giving patients excessively high doses to purposely smear the drug.

But to some blind devotee Who is pro-Trump, science never bothered because they live in an alternate reality.
An endorsement from survivor of China Virus survivor.


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President Donald Trump’s suggestion that Americans should inject themselves with household disinfectants as a coronavirus remedy provoked an apparently universal rebuke Friday — including from congressional lawmakers, the medical community and the makers of the cleaning products themselves.
Reckitt Benckiser, the British company responsible for distributing Lysol, warned against the “internal administration” of bacteria-killing chemicals in a news release that made mention of “recent speculation and social media activity.”

“As a global leader in health and hygiene products, we must be clear that under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route),” the company said. “As with all products, our disinfectant and hygiene products should only be used as intended and in line with usage guidelines.”

The statement from the multinational consumer goods firm came after the president floated dangerous treatment theories at a White House news conference Thursday evening, and urged administration officials to explore the potential application of disinfectants to Covid-19 patients.
But quizzed on his proposal Friday, Trump falsely claimed he was in fact “asking a question sarcastically to reporters” about the efficacy of disinfectants, “just to see what would happen.”

That explanation contradicted a statement released hours earlier by White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who argued the widespread criticism Trump received for his comments was unwarranted and accused the news media of distorting the president’s message.

The president’s controversial comments at Thursday’s briefing were not the first time he has doled out dubious prescriptions for fighting the coronavirus.

Trump fiercely championed hydroxychloroquine, a decades-old malaria medication, since the early days of the disease’s outbreak in the United States, but conspicuously refrained from invoking the drug during public appearances in recent weeks.

A nationwide study of hydroxychloroquine’s use in U.S. veterans hospitals released Tuesday revealed there were more deaths among Covid-19 patients given the drug versus standard care, and the Food and Drug Administration warned Friday that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine should be used only in hospitals or clinical trials because of dangerous side effects.

Another drug often advocated by the president, the antiviral medication remdesivir, also showed no benefit in results from a clinical trial that were mistakenly posted to the World Health Organization’s website Thursday.

Meanwhile, the federal government has been working to stop Americans from peddling bleach as a coronavirus treatment.

The Food and Drug Administration on Friday issued a safety warning to healthcare providers, instructing them to stop prescribing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to people with COVID-19 being treated on an outpatient basis. The health regulator cited reports of serious heart rhythm problems among coronavirus patients who had been treated with the drugs, which were originally used to fight malaria, a parasitic disease. Evidence on the way The two drugs in question are synthetic analogs of quinine, a compound that was extracted from tree bark and used as an antimalarial for centuries.

Sorry, Mr. Trump-apologist you can not get your fix now.
OMG! another Gem From the Fake News Factory. So we are now reduced to quoting tweets of unknown guys? what a fall.
Funny that you are not only ardent trump bhakth but a blind one. The Trump's HQC and bleach claim as part of his daily briefing was broadcast by all channels incl Yahoo News, BBC, DW asia, CGTN, Fox, CNN , RT, ABCetc.

The issue on HQC is the dosage used for COVID 19 is way higher than what is used for Malaria and Rheumatoid arthritis. In these cases there is a high proability of heart failure and that is what happened in many cases. There are also success stories of HQC -one doctor in Chennai has said he was tretaed with HQC. Other is reports from China where they treated some non-co morbid patients with HQC. So both sides are correct and both sides are wrong. Expert advice is that for someone who has heart issues treating HQC in high dosages could lead to Heart failure. Operation success, patient dead.

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