The lure of the comfort zone is very powerful
Having a separate state is one way to escape the oncoming reservation wave. As you may have read recently, the dravidian parties want each state to be able to fix its own education and employment and taxation policies. They are demanding the constitution be entirely re-written for that purpose. This is final proof that democracy can easily turn into mobocracy, particularly in a country like India. One way to escape a mobocracy is to form a mobocracy of one's own.
Imagine for a moment that the entire world was ruled by the UN. Would there be a concept of a West? There would be equality of poverty everywhere, with a standard of living somewhere between sub-Saharan Africa and Europe. In fact it would most likely be a standard of living close to that of India. Remember that just 100 years ago, the population of the planet was just over a billion.
You can also look at the stark difference between Israel and its neighbors, Singapore and its neighbors, North Korea and South Korea, Spain and Morocco and so on. All of them had shared cultures with their neighbors. Once the repressed elite decided to break free, their true potential was unleashed and they took off. Also, if a population is oppressed by the elites, then the repressed people, like European peasants who fled to America, can also achieve their true potential. Freedom and equality of opportunity is key.
Brahmans have to think globally, just like the Jews. There are more Jews outside Israel than inside. However, you will find many Jews who live outside still support Israel, and they care very deeply about it. For Israelis, the world is their market, cheap labor can be obtained by opening factories in other states or countries. I am definitely against the concept of domestic help; having someone else clean my vessels, underwear, and toilets is repugnant to me.
A Union territoy can enshrine in the state constitution that there will be equality of opportunity to everyone. By making everyone as OBC, it can escape central legislation also. It is also still a part of India. When one can form states like Chattisgarh, Jharkand etc based on tribal representation, what is wrong in having a separate UT for Tambrams? Andhra Pradesh is shortly going to be broken up into Telangana, Rayalaseema and Central Andhra, primarily based on tribal and historical reasons. And this is happening peacefully, many Andhra politicians have come around to accepting this.
Tambram UT can support its temple priests and the panchangakaras can make Panchangams for people in other states also. With modern construction techniques and the support of overseas Tambrams, many temples can be constructed in a short few years.
Tambram UT can adopt a state constitution which guarantees each subsect of Tambram, Iyer, Iyengar etc, full freedom of worship and control over religious institutions like Matths. However, when it comes to public facilities, public education, employment equality of opportunity will be maintained, and everyone will be treated equally.
I had just proposed the idea of a separate UT to gauge people's reactions to the proposal. In engineering terms, I have found that Indian people in general have a high coefficient of friction. It takes a lot of effort to get people moving, everyone falls into a certain comfort zone, and as always there are hopes that things will get better on their own. The decline of Indian civilization in part can be attributed to the above high mu, since warm weather and fertile land made Indian people soft. In Africa, because of the abundance of pasture and game, hot climate, and dense forests, people did not progress beyond the bronze age once they had spears.
In a perverse sense, I see reservations as having helped people like me, because otherwise I would have been happy graduating from some college and landing up into a govt job. Being forced into another direction, has led to an enormous appreciation of the necessity to excel and to push oneself to achieve the very best.
The future of Tambrams will depend on how soft they become as a group, their resistance to anticipating any incipient threats and formulating a plan for change, and their resultant coefficient of friction in terms of action. It should be interesting to see in another 50-60 years, if the community has yielded and sunk into the morass of the communist milieu, or gets up enough collective will to make a break for it and take their shot at the top.